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Yūsha ben Sirach


The Muslim is a person chained inside the riddle of a cell which trusts to Muhammed in being the only prophet with factions of Shia and Sunni warring first with themselves and then others, over an inherent defect which is Islam.

The riddle is, "If I could only get out of the cell, I would then be imprisoned in freedom".

Islam is afforded no favors, when one beholds since it's inception, what it has done to it's people. It has not afforded anything as the Babylonian and Persian empires were already produced in the region before Muhammed rendered his  version of the Hebrew Old Testament and the Christian New Testament. In that, Muhammed, was even fearful of God enough to not degrade God's Prophets in Moses and Christ.
Muhammed though being illiterate, was imprisoned in the failings of the Law, in it being only punishment and doom, for Muhammed fixating on that revealed what his psychological nature truly was, and it reared it's head afterwards in the wars he made upon Ishmaelities in converting them to his teaching by the blade of death.

Muhammed reveals that he was seeking punishment for himself, and not willing to receive it, projected it outwards as human nature will, upon others as scapegoats.
His choice of the name allah, for the local moon diety as God, reveals his ignorance of the realities. He was no Chaldean nor Persian. He was a camel trader, who by brute force forced his perceptions of the Jehovah story of Abraham, upon the unwilling and the witless who being subjugated by Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians and Greeks, were looking for any myth to validate them, and the myth was Ishmael was the chosen and it was not God's chosen in Isaac.

When Rome fell in debauchery, it was not that the Ottoman Muslims were superior. It was the Turks were simply more ruthless in their form of rapine. The drunken indulgence of Rome was no match for the rape of the Muslim Ottomans hungry for the place which Rome was abdecating.

There was an Egyptian writer,  Yūsha ben Sirach, who composed an interesting parallel to Muhammed before Muhammed was born. Sirach was well read in the Scriptures of the Hebrews and the writings which he was inspired to after reading those texts and not listening to them as Muhammed only ignorantly could do, created a 51 chapter text, that while rejected by Protestants and Jews, the Catholic does venerate it in coming from the community in Egypt, for the wisdom recorded there.

Sirach 11:16, Error and darkness were formed with sinners from their birth, and evil grows old with evil doers.

Is this not truth from antiquity, and from Egypt the place where Barack Hussein Obama went first, and the place that the Muslim Brotherhood fanned to flames a revolution?

The reality is in Muhammed and Sirach, the world had two distinct persons. Muhammed heard dogma from the Word of God, as the Holy Ghost Inspired Holy Men to record those words, and Sirach read Scriptures which moved him to form an outlook on life based on God's Word.

Muhammed arose and slaughtered legions by his dogma. Sirach and his student went unnoticed as they lived in peace.

Is not that the real point in this, in Muhammed has produced not just a book in the koran, which has been used as a whip to rule Muslims, but this same book has expounded upon blaming others, and that only punishment in death and hell are the only remedies for all Muslims.

Consider Sirach in chapter 8, if not this is what every outraged Muslim is in need of as a soothing remedy for their injured soul:

Contend not with an influential man, lest you fall into his power.

Quarrel not with a rich man, let he pay out the price of your downfall.
 For gold has dazzled many, and perverts the character of princesses.

Dispute not with a man of railing speech, heap no wood upon his fire.

Be not too familiar with an unruly man, lest he speak ill of your forebears.

Shame not a repentant sinner, remember, we are all guilty.

 Is there not more guidance and healing for all Muslims in five verses of Sirach of Egypt than in all of the koran?

Have not Muslims been led to contend with the powerful and rich, which has led to their slaughter and enslavement in the modern era?
Have not their most noted voices in the sheiks and al Jazeera, been nothing but wood heaped upon their hateful fires.
Have not all the unruly, besmirched the memories of all the Middle Eastern parents who survived empires to make this generation the one which should have peace, and all there is, is war.

Are not all Muslims guilty, and need not shame others, as there is enough guilt to go around, and should not Muslims search for that Grace of caring for others in showing God, that as a Muslim is merciful, God will then be merciful to them and overlook their sins.

There is a reality for Islam in the 21st century in it requires reformation in someone who has actually read the Scriptures of Hebrew and Christianity, and not just heard pieces of them as Muhammed did, and then struck upon those things to punish himself and to punish others when he could not inflict enough torment on his soul.

The reality is of Islam is that a naked woman could entice a thousand devout men and her virtue would not be touched, but that a clothed Lara Logan was gang raped in Egypt, because the Muslims there are not devout and have rejected righteousness, as Muhammed has doomed them to hell in the koran.

A billion people read and hear Islam, and it spawns millions of terrorists and terrorized Muslims.

There has never been one terrorist ever produced reading the Book of Sirach.

Should not that be the defining revelation, and the imploring adjective on the name of Islam which has devolved to the veribage of violence, that a Lame Cherry matter anti matter solution is to print thousands of korans, but instead be filled with Muhammed's counter balance in the 51 chapters of the Book of Sirach.

The end of Sirach is chapter 51 verse 30 and it is fitting for all Muslims.

Work at your tasks in due seasons, and in His own time God will give you your reward.

A Muslim must stop blaming Jews and Christians, Sunni and Shia, Americans and Israelites, and instead contend with themselves first in sowing a peaceful life in them, in their families and in their communities which brings peace to a nation, to harvest all their work and natural resources for their own prosperity.

Accomplishing that, a Muslim will reap God' rewards in this life, and if a Muslim explores more than what Muhammed heard, and into what God spoke to the Hebrew Prophets and Christian Apostles, they will find that Grace of being accepted by God where doom disappears in His Love.

The end of Sirach is the promise of reward from God. The end of the koran is the damnation of doom from God.

That is the reality of Islam and why Muslims are in turmoil as Muhammed created the religion to control a mob violently searching for Grace and now that Islamist is violently still striking out in a nuclear age, where the response will be one of the doom of hell on earth, where no grace will abide.

I will repeat, the greatest mission that the Muslim who cares for peace, the Christian, the Jew, the western financier to the eastern merchant, is to print up books named koran with the Book of  Yūsha ben Sirach. The Muslim will be startled at this Egyptian writing and begin a recovery from the battering their souls take from Muhammed, the mullahs and Islam.

Print the book.

agtG 247

المسلم شخص مكبل من الداخل لغز زنزانة محمد ثقة فى ان يصبح فقط النبى مع الفصائل الشيعية المتناحرة السنية الاولى مع انفسهم ثم والأخرى على عيب اصيل وهو الاسلام. لغز هو "لو فقط الخروج من الخلية, فانى يسجن فى الحرية'.  الاسلام تتاح مجاملات, فى حين ان احد إضطهد منذ إنشائها، فعله من الناس.

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