I don't know what it is, but women really dig my underwear.
Like I'm poor you know, and you help out my poverty loads, so I hand out where people do and I have found that women really dig my underwear.
Now if it was just once, I would not be able to make that claim, but it is not a claim when it is proves a fact that women really dig my underwear.
So like I put in my laundery, and go on errands, and come back, and there my clothes are in a cart, because this woman just had to take my clothes out of the machine and put her clothes in.
Now I know people will say, "LC, the machines were all full so women really do not dig your underwear".
I know babies, that is what I thought too in this gal was just being helpful, but then it happened again in another woman took out my clothes, so I know women really dig my underwear.
I know you are thinking now that the machines were full, but all the machines were empty. No shit Charlie Chan man, the machines were all empty, so I put my clothes in, and go on errands, and when I return, this new woman has my clothes out in the hamper and her clothes in my machine, and all the other machines are empty.
I tell you women really dig my underwear.
I know I look good in my underwear. Some people just wear their underwear. Some underwear wears the person, but with me, I make the underwear and it wears me and I wear it.
I should really be a Victoria's Secret model, as you know the stock in VS would go through the roof, be a new Bill Gates thing or make Calvin Klein rock.
Hell if I did Fruit of the Loom or whatever else it would be, I would be the whole jungle and you could change it to the Orchard of Eden, as I just clothed, unclothed, in underwear or in fashion, in out of fashion........I just make the clothes.
I have noticed this before in I change styles. Couples see me, and the next thing I know the spouse has the sig dressing and looking like me........as they want the same good thing this great thing the LC is.
Women really dig my underwear.
Imagine it, you got underwear with me in them, and underwear with me out of them, and women just want their hands in them when I have them unattended.
These are respectable women mind you. One I know from being married once to a distant cousin, so it is just a thing they can not help as women really dig my underwear.
I don't know anyone else with this kind of appeal. Elvis had it once, but no one ever was rolling around in his laundery and Elvis could not leave his clothes unattended.
No actress is like that either........never hear of things like this. I mean sure you got pervs sending underwear to the stars, but you never hear of the attraction that women just got to have their hands on their underwear and trea them like some icon like the Shroud of Turin.
Women really dig my underwear.
I know I got this lesbian problem in lezbos always dig me. Always coming onto me and acting intellectual friendly, but I know what they got going on, but LC don't do the abomination thing, but it always comes back to they want the package and they want the wrapping, as women really dig my underwear.
Sure I could sell a line of underwear, Cherrywear, but babies I would have to wear it all first and launder them as it has to be my underwear as women really dig my underwear.
I know what your're thinking in it has to be some explanation other than that, but I tell you women really dig my underwear.
Like once, I was in the mall, and had this cart as that is what you do in the mall. This was at the start of my popularity and like I was buying things............buying underwear.
I like underwear as underwear likes me. I like it smoothe fitting and I like it all, as I look good in it all and underwear likes to look good and I make it look good.
So like I was shopping, you know, in a mall, and I got this cart, and like I pick up underwear and put it in my cart with other items what naturally desired to be worn by me, as clothing just loves me as I make it all look good.
So as I said, I was shopping, and you know that, and I pick up these underwear and put them in the cart, and I go to look at something else. I don't know what it was, and you don't have to be that informed on what I was looking at, as this is about underwear, my underwear.
So like I said, I pick up the underwear, and I go shopping and leave the cart, and when I come back, I say to Mom, "Mom, like where the hell are my underwear?", and like I look around, not that I got allot of things in the cart, but the underwear are gone and are not like leaping out and laying there on the floor.
So like someone saw my underwear in a shopping cart and stole them.
Have you ever heard of such a thing? Have you ever had such a thing happen? I tell you that women really dig my underwear.
I know you're thinking about things like, "Well it was the only set there so someone just wanted that last set".
Think again Maxwell, as the store was full of this tight white smoothe style, and had them on the shelves and they could have picked them up, but the allure was not the underwear, but the allure was it was my underwear.
I tell you that women really dig my underwear.
This honestly is a phenominon, bigger than Elvis and would be bigger than ....well no one now is big enough in media, entertainment or politics to have this happen, so it would have to be bigger than Lame Cherry, but no one is bigger than me in allure attraction.
It is that women really dig my underwear, because they seem to really dig me. They don't have the ........well they are just shy it seems, even if the two women who were digging my underwear did talk to me with a certain glow.........the last was very friendly in never having spoken to me before..........I know what you are thinking, in they are closet lezbo, but I tell you the gaydar says no lezbo in them.........these women just really dig my underwear, because they really dig me.
I first thought this was creepy, you know I don't want women's hands all over my underwear, but then I was not so creeped out as I knew they could not help it as they really dig my underwear, and really dig me, and are just to shy to say so, and the underwear gives them courage to talk and not be so shy.
Of course, I'm faithful to TL, and not going to be catting around as I got the best going, but just the same, I got to deal with women digging my underwear, because they really dig me. Is sort of like they just can not help it, like eating one more potato chip, like pulling a slot machine one more time, like looking at the hottest thing going and not being able to help it.
Women just really dig my underwear. It is just one of those things that can not be helped. I was born hot and it can not be helped that women dig my underwear, as I make the underwear hot just by having it in the cart.
Women really dig my underwear.