Someone commented that they were glad this blog liked John Wayne. I actually modeled myself after John Wayne, as he was the fictional American persona in all that real Americans hoped to be.
He did not break into song like Gene Autry and he was not a fancy pants like Roy Rogers in having the wife along. What you got with John Wayne was what the few Americans like John Paul Jones, Kit Carson, George Custer, George Patton and........well the list sort of ends there as Americans sort of ended with the death of Mr. Wayne, and Ronald Reagan actually came off the silver screen illusion, and became the John Wayne reality, that few can live up to.
Where this all starts is a reality, a reality, of something I quote here from time to time. It is one of the John Wayne protocols of life, and it is in Big Jake where he is dealing with an equally strong wife in Maureen O'Hara, who when their grandson is kidnapped summons Big Jake for the dirty job of killing the kidnappers, but then decides she wants to send in the Rangers.........and as an after thought, asks John Wayne to sign on, to take the blame for it when it will go wrong.
To that John Wayne states, "No Martha, you made the decision alone, You live with the consequences alone".
She in fire breathing scorn spits out, "You haven't changed one bit Jacob McCandles".......and John Wayne replies, "NOT ONE BIT".......which shuts her up.
That is the problem in life, in men are always appeasing situations to keep the peace, and women do not like it one bit. They smile at it all and think they do, but then this blog starts pointing things out that women look like hell being pregnant in those tight tops showing off saucer navels, and it is linked to Obama with women in combat in the genocide of the nation, and the numbers plunge in this blog for readers, because women just do not like having their tidy world told that it is a freak of nature, and all they come up with is not written on Sinai.
Men owe it to women in honest answers in what looks like hell on them, whether they like it or not. If a woman can't handle the Truth, it is better to get it done early than to be laying on your back in the hospital after a tractor falls on you and the gal sells out the farm and runs off with the Jehovah Witnesses.
Sounds like the mouse chattering, but that indeed was my Grandfather, a man I never met and who went through hell all his life, only to have his wife and sons brainwashed by those damned Jehovah's Witnesses, in Gram, selling out the farm when he was in the hospital and giving all that money to the Kingdom Hall.
Jehovah's Witnesses like looking pure as snow in their scripted bibles, but they are pariahs at the top and mind manipulated dolts at the bottom feeders. Now that will not be offensive to the majority as most are not of that cult, but the reality is people need to be told they are dumbasses and graduates of DUMB ASS U, with the U being YOU, as most of the time common sense is not talking, but instead is satan in whisping how self important people are.
I have told the bulk who visit this blog, to buzz off last year, and they got their feelings hurt after being asses in posting shitty things about this blog, and they skulked away. Then of cousre came the breaking stories and back they slithered in again.......not donating a thing, as they think I do not know who they are and where their genius is coming from in comments on other sites, emails or in things they are looking bright in talking to others at work.
Jesus summed it up perfectly in He knew that one day the crowds lay palms for you to walk on, and the next day the bastards are calling for your head...........and all of your friends have run for the hills, except for hand full of women and one John.
Good women are hard to find and Jesus had a few. All good women though are not deluded into the illusions that most people are in thinking how moral they are, when in reality they are whores.
I quote that line from Cahill US Marshall often too in George Kennedy tells John Wayne's boys how he was going to raise them as his own, take them under his which they reply, "No you weren't. You were going to kill us the first chance you get!"
Kennedy's character growls, "That's the problem with you boy, you got to allow a man his illusions".
Illusions are what America is. There was a time when everyone wanted to John Wayne in the majority, even if they failed, they hoped they could be that person whether male or female to do what was right and get done what needed to be done.
The problem with America, is America has become a nation of fiends, the exact loathsome ilk that appeared in all of John Wayn'e movies played by George Kennedy to Victor French types.
You will notice in all of this..........that Barack Hussein Obama has never once in all his becoming everyone, from Martin King, Ronald Reagan, Jesus the Chirst, in Obama has never once tried to be John Wayne or auditioned for that Great American part.
Odd isn't it?
Not really, because Barack Hussein Obama already has a fictional character he has been playing all along, and that is Barack Hussein Obama. You have to comprehend this in Barry Chin, the kid in Indonesia play a real life dictator in practicing this despot's speeches.
Obama has been the actor his entire existence melding in and out of these off broadway fag roles, in that Woody Allen undergound genre no one watched except the artsy fartsy crowd who just happened to control the New York press, so it was elevated status it never deserved.
You can see what Obama is in playing "an American". Obama thinks Americans are people of different types. The slave class runs around in wrinkled shirts with the sleeves rolled up and sweat. Then there is the business type which runs around in suits. Then there is the CEO type who puts on little golfer clothes and showers with the boys. Then there is that political type that poses with babies and dead soldiers...........and you know Karl Rove, being one of the f*cker crowd did have it right or was it this blog had it right in Obama is that prick who goes to the golf club, leaning against the wall, smirking as the couples go by pulling a drag off his cig, in noting how he f*cked each of the married women.
You know that weird second rung actor Dennis Hopper always portrayed and how all blacks moulded themselves into that stiff Sidney Poitier who just sort of there and being Martin King black was enough, that is Barack Obama with the Beverly Hills Cop dick swinging at the boys.
Obama is the guy who married the ugly big assed connected Chicago girl, because Jesse Jackson knew what this fraud was and would not let him near his daughter.
Muchelle Obama is the ugly big assed connected Chicago girl who saw Obama the Chinoid and thought that exotic was going to make the ugly big assed girl into Diana Ross.
In marriage Muchelle was miserable, as she thought she was going to get this exotic as black men were boring, and all she got was this character actor who lied to her as he was out screwing the boys.
Obama thought the lie was enough for Muchelle and it was a good trade. She got lied to as that is what she wanted, and Obama got a black token for his political career.
John Wayne had good advice in you either learn to respect your elders, or you will learn to respect your betters.
If your husband will not tell you, that you look lke hell in a nice way, do not get mad at this blog for informing something you already know.
If you want delusions in all is going to be shining cities on the hill, then enjoy that GOP line as Obama sticks a missile up your arse and blows you to hell in your cell, that you rent from the government as your home for thousands of dollars a year in taxes.
(The Ohioan Jim Traficante said that, and how true it is and he deserves credit as probably the only politician telling things the way they are.)
Things aren't going to get better as Barack Obama never saw himself riding off into the sunset. His apparitions were the glow of nuclear bombs on the horizon illuminating how messiah like he pretends to be.
He doesn't tell his ugly big assed wife she has a big fat ass, because he doesn't care. She doesn't care as she wants to look as ugly as she feels.
Katherine Hepburn just loved John Wayne in all his unhandsome nature in Rooster Cogburn, because John Wayne was a man, and she loved men who would not be pushed around.....she also was bright enough to not push men around who were not pushover as those men do not put up with games.
What this ostentatious display was all about is the forensic psychology of all of this. What is coming is going to demand mental toughness and Spiritual resolution. It will not demand examinations of how big your fat ass is as a woman or how tight a top you can show your saucer prego navel is.
For those who can not handle those realities in print, they are not ready to handle realities like burying your dead children in mass, because getting a politician to pass a law to make you feel better is not going to work, as plague, pestilence and war just do not pay attention to things written on paper.
Baby sister, you either got to kill a rat or leave a rat alone, as rats do not pay attention to the law. That is from True Grit.
You are so not ready America, nor is the world. That is why when the sifting comes with a fan of fire, that billions are going to perish, as you are going to have to get your ass up when you are down, and when you are knocked down, you are going to have to get your ass up again no matter the size.......and by God, the only thing that is going to be keeping you going is that small voice inside ordering you, "Get up and keep moving".
You don't like the message, then go talk to the mirror mirror you have been conjuring from, as this has not even started yet, and too many of you want the lies deluding you that all this is going to work out.
A fight is coming, and it is with satan. The world is going to be leveled and made a grave before Jesus sorts this out.
Katharine Hepburn never had allot going on in the beauty department, but what she had was being a woman who did not delude herself that she was God and could make men into Gods.
You are either going to get on your hind legs and die like a man or you are going to crawl on all four and die like an animal. You don't get to make the decision. You just live it.
You want to be coddled. You got liars starting with yourselves for that.
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