Congratulations Mr. President George W. Bush on your new Presidential Library. I voted for you twice, but in my greener days I believed in fair elections, but after Karl Rove and what he aborted into America that created the illegitimate Obama Chin to 1600 Penn Avenue, I think my vote for you was like all elections in smoke and mirrors and slight of hand.
This though is your day Mr. President Bush, as the American Republic had it's last chance under you. You did the best you could sir, but unfortunately your faith was lost and more unfortunately all the prayers and the Reagan knights who held you up, was squandered as your cowardice blazed yellow after burning so red badge of courage right after 9 11.
I realize Mr. President Bush, that one must save their life, as one can not just expose the cartel which your family through Grandfather Prescott cemented into America, remove Presidents, as they attempted to assassinate you in the Slavic disunion by a grenade thrown at you.
Your conclusion that saving European socialist crooks who provided Saddam Hussein his Weapon's of Mass Desturction, which Russia sank 2 shiploads of chemical weapons in the Indian Ocean before Gulf War II, and the biological weapons were flown out to Lebanon and Syria, as a last Russian plane took back the one large nuclear weapon sold to Mr. Hussein as the Americans started the liberation of Iraq, were your choice in not exposing all of this, and instead dealing with becoming branded a liar.
You stood by as Karl Rove on plan, destroyed the Conservative base in the GOP from Larry Craig to George Allen, all for your brother, Jeb's 2016 political machinations on the White House.
You stood by as Rove allowed Al Franken to steal the Minnesota seat of GOP Norm Coleman. You stood by in silence on the overthrow of America, as Rove in his elections was just as guilty in stealing elections for you.
You stood by in the coups against you in Colin Powell and Richard Armitage over WMD's and their cartel coup against Vice President Dick Cheney, as you allowed an innocent in Scooter Libby to take a fall, instead of exposing all of this in what Patrick Fitzgerald really is at Justice, a henchman of the cartel serving Eric Holder, who destroyed Ron Blagojevich, another innocent, in more criminal cover ups for the Obama regime.
You stood by in the political gang rape of Consevative women, Sarah Palin being the focus. You stood by when Gabrielle Giffords was shot with rubber bullets, as Karl Rove was behind the Palin assaults with destroying John McCain in his operatives like Steve Schmidt and Nicole Wallace. Such attacks the Obama regime used to try and frame you for that assault, so all the Bush people had to run silently for cover.
You even stood silent when Obama Chin tried to have you arrested in Europe on War Crimes, and were held a prisoner in Texas for if you set foot out, you would have been served papers.
All of that and more, you stood silent, and took it, so the American Virgin would be gang raped, and then brutally murdered and she is now rotting in the grave, so your necrophilic brother Jeb, with the mummified corpse of Terry Schiavo as his trophy, can obtain 1600 Penn Avenue as another Bush triumph.
This is your legacy Mr. President Bush, not what you did accomplish in trying to save the world, but in not standing up for the Faith you claimed, and instead wandered about the White House questioning God in the end and allowing all of this American genocide to take place, all so brother Jeb, can sit upon a cadaver liberty.
Your Mum was unladylike and unkind in her words to Sarah Palin in she belonged up north and not with proper folks. Then too, your coin of the cartel has made her a whorish coward who keeps the secrets like yourself to keep the breath flowing for the air in ivory towers is good to breathe.
I will not forget these things, nor will the astute, for we will not be led down another bush strewn path in the machinations of Prescott Bush.
I hope you do not forget these things Mr. President Bush, as while Prescott and George H. W. never have had a tinge of conscience in the assassination process of John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan, your Texan, Lyndon Johnson in his retirement and fall, grew his hair long, and became one with the war protesters as he in Urich's ghost knew so well that what he did in his part in November 1963, haunted him from the America he desired love him, from the pans of Texas as a child, who had a mother that would only love him, if he succeeded.
I would hope Mr. President Bush, that you would remember that you were an American once. That perhaps the fires of Sam Houston and Andrew Jackson might stir in you, to even your growing your mane long as LBJ in acknowledging your part in letting America down, not so much while you were in office, but after you left.
Millions of dollars for a library and Americans are having the pot they piss in and the window to throw it out, inflated and taxed away by the regime and the cartel.
Is the illusion of life so precious Mr. President Bush in the rotting corpse filled graveyard of America, that cowardice in not speaking out, is deemed a fiction to the fable that all of this is a cake filled world where Birther Obama is the son of the USA, so you have him there to piss in and on your library, as the appearance is more important than the reality.
As I sit here on your Presidential Library day, I listen to the sounds of Mexicans chattering while roofing, in taking American jobs of skilled labor, working for a rich property owner who hires slave labor. I note that I'm under surveillance by the United States government for using the First Amendment in the right of Speech, Press and Religion, for being an American promoting the Founders America, which should be peacefully given to all nations in this Christian America and world to be converted and saved for Christ's Peace, but it is just now for ficitional peace in Obama war reality.
I like 150 million Americans can not afford anything and exist as beggars. Shunned by my own government as not part of the system and awaiting rationed death.
This is your legacy Mr. President Bush. You stood silent like all the elite as the security state silenced all the Patriots who lived from China, Vietnam, Germany, Russia and now America. You have your walls of security Mr. Bush, but George most do not.
You have your tradition and your excuse Mr. President in former Presidents are to fade away quietly, but that was when America was not dead, and we are in a Continental struggle now over the possession of the American corpse.
Christ will return one day, and lay claim to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, as all thrones are His, especially the God created American throne for His children.
What accounting will you give Mr. President Bush to Christ? Will it be, I tried, failed, was blackmailed and remained silent as a usurper took power, so my brother would have a chance to usurp it back like some medieval family tug of war on the imperial throne, or could it be you went to the trenches where the people or Reagan silently await, and you apologized to them, told them the confession burdening you in what really took place and only appeared in places as this, and came cleansed in the Constitution in standing for Liberty more than life, as America which birthed you was more than a place to be a President of some country in.
George, you took our gun dealers, you inflated our guns and ammunition out of reach. You took our homes, our cars, our energy and our future, and when Birther Obama scraped it to the bone in his global assassinations, you sat in your mansion as your family plotted a return to power to do all the same under your brother Jeb.
Slave labor, sodomy, aborticide, persecution of Americans like George Washington, that is your legacy Mr. President Bush from your silent years in luxury as the masses are criminalized for being Americans and now hunted like animals by drones.
I would that you would pretend you were an American for a few more years Mr. President Bush. You did it for 8 years previously.