Now I have to think for you too..........
My children I dearly have compassion on you, but like I was at the public library trying to file an unemployment thing and of course the government said in auto reply after I tried to sign up like four fricking times that there was an info problem and I'm ordered to dial in to speak with the gulag commandante........
It sucks being in destitution and poor people donate and make me feel like chit as I worry about poor people with no money and there sits that plagiarist Limbaugh with his other millionaire Mockingbird buddies all leading you down the Laura Ingraham path of I'm doing four unpaid for jobs and God loves me a great deal, but this sucks and I'm pisssed off dealing with I really want the Judgment Day when I get to massage Jesus feet with alabaster box contents as He grills Limbaugh on things like me.
No solace really now, but it is something to clang onto while clumbing Pike's Peak.
You get the clumbing thang and you can be pleased you entered Final Jeopardy Agent 99.
Where was I?
Oh yeah, the spiders post things in this blog when they are supposed to be archived and various reports in the spiders indicate I'm posting things in this blog when I'm not possibly capable of posting anything...........
Where was I?
Yeah thinking......think I will get some hot chica picture to match hot chica me.......
Where was I?
Yeah I have the exclusive on the Obama executive orders on gun control, but no one gives me credit like is they are all pissing the pot full of urinated thought and not telling you the booger in the Andeman.
You get double points on booger if you know that one my children.
So they grab yesterday the Baby Binge thing...too much information in driving the spiders goofy in how I know all these things.........
Where was I?
Yes thinking for you, so this executive order stuff they are not getting right.
So here comes a parable as Jesus used them and people still needed things explained........go figure.
No just listen......
So say you got this Chinese guy with Spaniardio roots in his veins and he like is banging on your euphemism.
So like he says, "Open your door (use Obama accent from Indonesia) so I can make you wrap your fine white lips around my barrel!" (no euphemism)
You say, "Go suck your own rod you chopstick, forged birther abstract feudal lord as I only kneel in prayer".
Of course the chopstick boy sends some Caribbean Queen or Delaware Deviate to start a fire on your back door which of course makes you concerned not about your locked Constitutional front door, but makes you open the back door to not burn down your house.
See that is Obama. He wants an internal fight over Executive Orders to keep your hands busy on gun control while he is off firing shots at other things which are worse in distracting you.
Got to get this my children in Obama is going to win this at the Supreme Court as he is blackmailing John Roberts over his baby purchasing of Nazi kids from Latin why they sold him the kids for adoption.
I suppose SHHHH is louder and more forceful than shhhhh......wonder what Shhhhh means then.
So Obama got the 2nd Amendment dead already and all this is about is the NRA having elected all these fraud Harry Reid types to allow Obama to destroy the Constitution to distract you on XO things and he has other more sinister thangs he is up to.
All a distracting side show as this blog outed first. Is part of the fag file and people would get it if they would just read the fag file....of course is under Jarrett's granny pantie thong set and one might vomit, but a good puke is necessary sometimes.
Vicks under your nose takes away the vomit smell so you do not vomit on other people's vomit smell.
That should be worth 7 figures from Katherine Limbaugh as she has to put up with geezer odors from Rush Elton hard to be a minder and smell of cigars, lounge lizard cologne and Allan Harper shirts of nylon.
Where was I?
Oh yes, Obama is distracting and Ingraham, Limbaugh, Levin and Hannity are distracting you with the distractions to keep you from looking at the Obama crimes............election theft, arse rape and the big one of destroying small businesses in America for the conglomerate feudal lords to enlsave you in cement shoes in the gulag.
That is enough as I'm fatigued and my cushion of posts is about run out.
Limbaugh is so whipped..........meow kaching.
Did you get what Obama is really up to?
Is interesting in why it matters Obama is "American like them". Should be happy any communist agent is destroying America in any bad fiction.
No President has ever been recorded frolicking with the babies between his legs and of course hands close to naughty zones with beaming Obama face.
(Still no President as Obama is a foreign agent............nice the Obama supporters are perverts for pedophiles now.)
agtG 220Y
Is it normal for guys to sit with legs open like that when around children?
Not unless one wants to get their nuts slammed and be curled up on the floor.
By instinct males keep legs closed around dogs, children and women from past experience. Obama has legs open for reason.