My baby gumps.
What am I to do with You, I tell you that TL and I have suffered a biological attack and you just sit there eating your box of chocolates.
I tell you about influenza and you just sit on the park bench talking to the black designer negroes.
My baby gumps. I will explain.
The Spanish Flu which I did indeed have after they liberated it from the grave, was one of severe sore throat, one of severe sinusitis, one of severe headache, one of severe upper respiratory congestion, one of severe coughing and one of severe inflammation.
There is a thing about flu in it only breeds according to it's kind. You know so that it does not kill off the entire gene pool hosts. When you have the pukes and the diarrhea, you tend not to get the lung stuff as that would exterminate everyone. This is vice versa too in the diseases do not cross as one starves a cold and feeds a fever. It is how mammals survive.
The new lab biological weapon in this continuing age of Obama manufactured plagues by his Dr. Germ is one which has done something unique in exclusively only revealed here on self plague testing I will explain all by God's Grace.
See baby gumps, the new flu of Sahara Obama, Spanish Sahara as you know Barry Chin got some Filipino Spanish trader in the got to keep up my babies as Obama dances about the bed post.
So the new plague from Spaniard Obama has this intestinal thing which does not occur unless it comes from a lab.
New plague has itchy eyes too for a new twist in spreading it........
Wait for it...........
Here is the proof..........lab rat generated.
Counting down, 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 and
On did you see they stole my 1600 Penn for a movie..........bastardio plagiarists............fricking Drudge going all photoshop on chit and not paying me the primo bucks to do it right as his stuff looks amateurish.
Meanwhile back at the plague.
New plague I noticed had fever and chills, but it also had for days DRY MOUTH..........
Oh you missed that as you forgot about snot wiper Naps Napolitano in her engineered 2009 Obama Flu featured here that this blog exclusively broke the story on..........
That flu was lab generated and it had extreme cotton mouth with it. Killed people because lungs filled with fluid in they did not roll over to keep them clear.
New flu has like symptoms that the old Spanish did not.........someone made a Dark Angel cocktail and put in a viral open end link which should not be there in crafting this for the 2012 holiday season for Obama flu vaccine scaring...........
OK got people sick, so what have they conditioned you baby gumps to jump for next time........
Do you get it now??????
Sure old stuff, but let's do more Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusives as I still in prayer hope that God puts the guilt on some millionaire to donate here to show some appreciation for all the things going on here.
You know I read in Romans 12 verse 8, about the Gifts of the Holy Ghost and one of them was nice is that and the word was WITH about a liberated word in giving makes one liberated with no strings attached.
Where was I?
Oh yeah, the deal is rich folks are to pony up the bucks. Course Rush Limbaugh is such a minded you think that blonde daughter of his is an intelligence asset to mind the geezer as an influence?
Odd how Limbaugh lurched into this blog in Obama is undoing Ronald that is like a year old snore city exclusive here that even Robert Morton dodged.
Where was I?
Oh yeah the Holy Ghost informed me that the givers now are all worshipping God in vain as they think their doo goodering is better than the do gifting thing to the real poor.
Anyway, that is the exclusive on the Obama Spaniardio Plague Chin style with a little Chinese on the side.
Explains it all............
Oh wait you wanted another exclusive.
Here goes baby gumps.......
They spread it through the east coast mail processing centers just in time for the holidays. Cool what not eh? Open a Happy Obama card and it is dripping with that virus that lives for days on things.
Am checking................
Yeah that is enough to think about and get you on the right track as they got you talking about taxes and guns, to keep you from notching things you should have noticed.
Life is like a box of chocolates unless Obama ate the chocolate and replaced it all with dog turds you are sucking on.
Nuff said.
PS: Oh you thought they only broadcast this through the mail.............sorry baby gumps as school lunch came from the White House garden Wallmart Shoppers. Pay attention.
Big ass dump, as large as Muchelle's arse to get this all holly think Obama cares about retail shopping something bigger here than shopping.
agtG 259YY