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Boston Bomber Beans


Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter an anti matter........

First off, SMEG OFF to those of you who could donate 10,000 dollars, 100,000 dollars and a million dollars, and you come on this page and just feed here like a cancer. You can't be polite about it, as you then go off acting like you know things and pick and choose what you "think" in your unInspired souls as you can not fathom anything beyond what Limbaugh programmed into your skulls.
You wouldn't miss that money, but it is people who should be spending 25 dollars on their daughters or it is people who donate 100 dollars as they appreciate what goes on here, as even if they do not comprehend everything in this parable, they at least have a CONSCIENCE they can hear when they should not be feeling any guilt at all.

So you gold plunging rich beyond most people's dreams, smeg off. Get of this page and go back to your outer darkness where your dullness reflects what Mockingbird dims your bulb at.
I have had it with your lurking and your Commandment breaking in false witness against the Lame Cherry. I know you are there with your cash wads and God knows your hell grip on it, so be gone, be off, and do not add to your sins as I only have place for those the Lord brought here, so smeg off as things here will be revealed......go listen to the sound of your money as that is your god.

Apologies to my children for that, but I will not allow this ilk to benefit from your Lazarus donations while they toss crumbs to you and expect dog's tongues to be your doctors.

There will not be much prose in this Boston bombing. It is one of the most one dimensional and non emotional of things.
This is another manufactured crisis from the Holder cell. They knew from the start as it has been in the planning for months.

The bomb was made in Massachusetts as the explosive originated in sales there. I have gone into enough detail here, in the Boston Bomb Party, to deal with bomb make up and why all of this points to a regime constructed event.
This appears a "kinder and gentler" faux terrorism as they just desired to face punch people with a bomb concussion instead of shrapnel mauling hundreds to death.

As this blog early questioned the shrapnel lack, the media and hospitals then started reporting digging ball bearings out of the injured. After Sandy Hook, I trust no media or medical reports, especially when the life digitals reveal no "buckshot" type injuries in anyone being shot by steel pellet.
The numbers of dead were not what a typical bomb would be with shrapnel, in addition to the puzzling thing of bearings pulled out of bodies as at his range the metal balls should have passed through.

The trash cans should have not been there and metal bits should of. One does not find individuals who build multiple bombs to overlook shrapnel in being concerned about murdering the Obama voter mob, unless of course those behind it desire effect in another liberal Connecticut state where some new law can be pushed through to maul Congress into action......one gets that by keeping the trash cans on streets where no security would ever allow it unless they desired an event to take place.

It is in the smoke and the fire. Those bombs went vertical and not horizontal. They were meant to manufacture living victims as dead Sandy Hookers lose public sympathy appeal.

Look for the BATF  in this like Hutatree and Obama's space aliens from 2008 confessing to white's hating blacks to garner vote margin support.

That explosive in that bomb, as first assessed here, looked to not be Anders Breivik in self manufacture, but appeared to be a manufactured powder, black powder.
For a refresh in this, Bill Clinton after the Oklahoma City bombing, which has been proven to be a government run operation with moles supplying bomb parts, focused on "tagging all powders" with markers to make them trackable.

  Chandra (Levy) would easily be able to obtain this information pertaining to McVeigh, and more importantly, related inside information to the impending 9-11 attacks. Information such as the 1993 WTC bombing materials having been purchased with the credit card of a US Muslim and an FBI provocateur named Melvin Lattimore. Melvin Lattimore was seen by 4 witnesses in McVeigh’s car at the OKC Travelers Aid office adjacent to the Murrah federal building just ONE DAY before the OKC bombing. Six FBI agents spent 9 months browbeating the 4 witnesses, trying to make them change their story about seeing Lattimore at the Travelers Aid. Lattimore was the roommate of the 20th 9/11 hijacker Zacarias Moussaoui while he attended the Airman flight school in Norman Oklahoma in 2000 and 2001. Lattimore was also the roomate of 9/11 hijackers Al Hazmi and Al Shehhi in Norman Oklahoma. At McVeigh's trial his sister read a letter from him to the grand jury in which he told her he was going into the Special Forces Covert Tactical Unit.

To explain this....

Janet Napolitano has been buying ammunition like she plans to start half a dozen wars in America. She is depleting ammunition stores in America and driving up prices. It is an ammunition grab in plain sight.

There is a segment of people not yet touched by the Obama cartel gun grab, and this reloaders, who stockpile bullets, primers, ammuntion and cases. A smaller segment are the muzzle loader groups how have no ammunition as they pour powder and bullet into the barrel in that original way guns were built like cannons.

This Boston Bomber Beans appears to be a source for coming legislation already written to cut off ALL powder to reloaders and shooters, as of course the propaganda will be how dangerous it is, and why does anyone need pounds of powder.

There will probably be some Bob Orr at CBS blowing up some Toyota with a pound of powder as Bob seems to have been at Ground Zero reporting......so he was either a target which might sour him on Obama, or he was just one of those people who happened to be there like the CAMERAMAN WHO RAN TOWARD THE BLASTS INSTEAD OF AWAY.
Interesting was that what not eh?

So this event is cover for something else, but in interesting psychopathy the event was tailored to create walking liberal wounded, who are dumb as posts and of course are all liberals, as no normal person focuses on running themselves to death or enjoys standing for hours to see the abnormal coughing up cooties and pieces of lung on the finish line.

The only interesting part of this is........

I suspect that "things" found here are making too much sense to the monitors, and "they" have pulled out the directional beam ware.....meaning there is not any clutter or residuals laid except Boris and Natasha......real black and white one dimensional stuff to mirror the emotards who laid the trail in Boston.
Still can be read, and the kids in the hall are a boy and girl programmer who put the wave out there for the boss looking over things. They were seen as they never comprehended from some arrogant reason that the matrix would show them at work.
That part is interesting......not the fag boy, but the comp skirt as she is so dull. At least, the Fraulein liked Gothe and was a fan.

Enough of this as dictators murdering the masses in endless Stalin burning down the city is just repeats. After all, Obama is offering to Bostonians who had a bad Obama day, a chance to touch his breasts......

Amazing how it all broke just in time for the east coast news cycle.........

Shhhh, you are not supposed to notice those things.

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