My children, do you remember American West Indian traitor, Colonel General Colin Powell (referred to by title by Louis Farrakahn followers), how he had George H. W. Bush stop the killing of Iraqi looters, leaving Saddam Hussein's army alive?
Do you remember how Colin Powell ran a coup with Dick Armitage against Vice President Dick Cheney called Plamegate?
How about "if you break it you own it" on Iraq in trying to keep Saddam Hussein in power and then for several years broke Iraq when Sec. of Defense Don Rumsfeld was trying to get out of Iraq by stabilizing it?
How about Powell's last crime in revealing classified information on Syria, exposed here as POWELLGATE for the Obama regime illegally..........
Yes that Colin Powell who went into Haiti and told Baby Doc that "America can fly a missile through a window and kill you Baby Doc".
In remembering all of these features of Colin Powell the resident criminal expert of the Obama regime on military ability to locate targets.............
Why is it when Anne Smedinghoff was in Afnamistan that she "got lost" and with her military escorts had to walk two football field lengths to a compound they thought was a school, and were turned away as it was a government ministry building instead...........when every nation including America is GPS gridlocked as that is what the military does in they map every last location in any nation they are at war in, so to be able to direct fire to the exact click.
"Clicks" are what one often heard of in Vietnam, because Soldiers would have their maps with them, and when the VC or NVA would get too hot and heavy, the unit would radio in for an air or artillery strike, giving the exact coordinates.
These coordinates were so precise that a unit could actually call in artie and air strikes on their location, and often enough survive, barring the lone flier or a floater coming off an F 4.
The reason this blog brings that up, as that was literally 50 years ago, and the US military in that old technology was able to grid an entire nation, and call in precision strikes from ship based gunneries to artillery units to combat aircraft.
Yet the cover story for the assassination of diplomat Anne Smediinghoff is that she, her combat escort, who has all of those wonderful cameras, communication devices, computers interacting with drones and yes, GPS locators so each Soldier is always on click and can not be lost...........somehow all of these people got "lost" when every inch of Afghanistan is one perfect GPS grid in buildings and landmarks, as that is a necessity for night operations, rescue one knows for certain a school with children in it, would be a terror target so the military would have that location on a first location list on GPS.........and yet somehow Anne Smedinghoff and her military escort got lost, because someone gave them the wrong coordinates.
That is an impossibility as the entire system would have been fudged, and that would send up red flags in definitive tracking marks as to who was tampering with the system to send Smedinghoff to her murder.
Instead, someone decided to give doo gooder Smedinghoff an assignment to deliver books as a cover story, whereby they gave her military escort the incorrect coordinates in GPS, so to bring them to this location, where a pre arranged attack took place, exactly as when the Navy SEALS were set up to be mass assassinated as the terrorists knew the exact flight route those concentrated loaded helos would be flying, in order to shoot them like ducks on a pond.
Someone and that is the same cell operational in the NSA, outside the NSA, which has been coordinating all of these measures and assassinations, deliberately sent Smedinghoff to that exact location, knowing the convoy would stop, and then be rammed by a car bomb as the perimeter of this ministry had a 200 yard check zone.
A back up plan though was initiated in a direct target suicide bomber who closed on Smedinghoff, as she was the target in this.
This same NSA cell is independent, but it is plugged into the entire superstructure of intelligence, DOD and law enforcement, with the shadowlands group which is running the terrorists out of 1600 Penn Avenue.
Eric Holder runs this operation under the cover of Attorney General, just as he ran the hatchet man operations for the Clinton Administration under Janet Reno and caused all sorts of mayhem for Bill and Hillary Clinton for Waco to the ice pellet assassination of Ron Brown, with the murder of that plane load of people, including that surviving flight attendent murdered on ground.
Ann Smedinghoff was murdered in Afghanistan by an operation run out of 1600 Penn Avenue. She was sent deliberately to her death with her escort in a cover story to "blame it on terrorists" as she had come to the conclusion like Richard Holbrooke before he was terminated, that the Obama regime was murderous and she was attempting to do her part to rectify this, by talking to Israeli intelligence operational inside Afghanistan in the Jewish states interests there.
That is the first evidence of the Smedinghoff assassination, and there is not a Colin Powell in the military who is not puzzling over how someone gets lost when all is electronic coordinated and tracked..........especially when it is a high value target like diplomat Smedinghoff.
Who cut the orders and sent these people on this book mission, and those who fed the incorrect coordinates, did so on orders from 1600 Penn Avenue, and those around them know something is now hinkey in all of this, as this just does not happen.
There is a pattern now of Richard Holbrooke, Christopher Stevens and Anne Smedinghoff, that when their "Obama operations" they are involved in reveal too much criminal information and they start questioning the treachery, that just like Ron Brown and Vince Foster, the grim reaper comes calling.
nuff said
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