As a Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.............
Anne Smedinghoff was recruited in college to join the Central Intelligence Agency being a Chicago girl.
She had though no contact with Rahm Emanuel, nor the Mosaad.
Smedinghoff was chosen for stationing in Venezuela as she was Hugo Chavez"s "type".
The red lights come in this, in a new diplomat was sent into the hostile anti American environment where only seasoned professionals should have been operational. The reality is though that Smedinghoff was in the dark as to what she was really doing, and that was the delivery of the cancer virus to Hugo Chavez.
Chavez was in negotiations with a Catholic priest for support as part of this Jesuit liberation theology the Catholic Marxists ran out of their parishes. It was at one of these planned meetings that Smedinghoff and others had been stationed, her as a tourist, into which Chavez walked into in this operation.
Smedinghoff was to deliver a wafer to the priest, and the priest had full knowledge he was to offer this wafer to Chavez as the Eucharist was being offered in a private rite, at the time Chavez entered the chamber with security.
Chavez as part of the political good will, accepted the wafer and it was by this wafer that the cancer virus which assassinated him was administered in a toxin form.
Smedinghoff did meet Chavez, but no physical contact took place. There were no sexual relations with him nor the priest.
She was a "tourist" in an alluring form with the others assembled, and no confessional was offered. This was the simple protocol.
She did not know her part in this, until later when on deployment to Afghanistan that contact had been made by Mosaad. At that point in her agreeing to assist the Israelis with intelligence sharing, as she had been unsettled by something Birther Hussein Obama had done to the Jews, that in a debriefing she related the Venezuelan operation in not knowing the purpose, but it was pieced together that she had been the one who carried the cancer virus to Chavez to be administered.
Birther Hussein's surveillance picked up the interactions and what Smedinghoff had revealed. It was deemed at this point to offer her up to al Qaeda as a trophy in being a Jew, and the offer was accepted in the way of silencing her for the regime.
Her murder was constructed in detail that it was to be an "accidental attack" which was to be aimed at the regional governor's motorcade, to not alert Mosaad that their double agent had been sanctioned as Chandra Levi.
It was to be a suicide vehicle crashing into their convoy which had been deliberately provided the incorrect GPS coordinates for an Afghani agricultural ministry building.
A glitch occurred as the convoy thinking they were part of a book delivery to the school, could not approach the yard and the group had to be deployed to walk 200 yards, to which the car bomber was not able to advance to the position to carry out the attack.
A back up secondary was on location, and this person began closing the rendezvous point of the convoy in waiting for the Smedinghoff group to return. At their passing, he fell in behind and detonated the bomb, assassinating Smedinghoff.
The intelligence was coordinated with al Qaeda, in the same group who mass assassinated the Navy SEALS over the bin Laden corpse shooting.
The regime of Birther Hussein, not aware of the locality flow change in operations, released the known talking points of the planned assassination of Smedinghoff in a car bomber, which was unquestioned by the media and was a crocodile tear of tragedy before being covered up and moved on, as too much attention to Afghanistan brings questions of the opium trade that al Qaeda is running for billions in exchange for not attacking America proper with Obama installed at 1600 Penn Avenue.
Anne Smedinghoff a young jewess in afghanistan - Praise as a heroine
End this section of the Smedinghoff File.
agtG 303YY