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America You have a Hero


Yes America, where but in Nebraska, in arm pit Omaha, next to that shit hole Council Bluffs Iowa, would you ever think your salvation would come from, but I have found the cure for all the Mark Levin tyranny there is, ended in the fat flabby body of a pissed off white bus driver.

In watching this video, the bus driver, pounces on some Afroid passenger who is not in the back of the bus, and wails on his head with some right crosses.
This fat white dude is really in shape, as the Afroid then is in the opposite seat and fatty pounds him there too.

Wait though this is not done yet, as the saltine drags this Nigs ass off the bus.......but it gets better as the Nig is desperately hanging onto the bus handle you use to get on the bus by the steps, and the white guy is just pulling for all the load he is worth, and finally gets this black onto the sidewalk and leaves him there.
At this point, fatty moves that rotund pretty good in getting back on the bus and closing the door, as apparently this Afroid likes getting his ass beat and is going to going to try and get back on the bus.

You will recall that Obama mama, adoptive Stan Ann said Obama liked having rocks chucked at him by Indonesian kids and being called a Nigger, so apparenlty all the propaganda has been wrong in Jim Webb Nigger Knockin' in college for democratic sport was what these blacks have always wanted.

Why else would a black just lay there getting whooped on, and then try to hang on to the bus in not being dragged off it, as he liked getting a bruising from a white man.

In noting all this Obama based psychology, this is your salvation America. I move that you find this white bus driver, who got fired for this apparent act of Negroid Enjoyment, and put him in charge of like 100 Mark Levins give em the business Russian imports. Set them loose on the South Border to beat the hell out of Mexicans and then send them through all the Nig Neighborhoods on their way to DC, and turn them loose to smack down on all them Obama fags in Washington who are raping and looting America.

Hell you don't need no drones. Just send out this fatty white guy and some Slavs and they will put everything jack straight in a few weeks. Let them pound on the state police as highway pirates and anything else that is pissing America off.

Call it Representative Smack Down........no Sarah Palin Big Gulp needed for 2014..........just some petitioned angry white guys who are in shape, though fat, and they will beat America's liberal ass in non racism, black, white and brown........as apparently that is what this Nig and Obama have testified too, in they like getting a good whooping for some reason.
Retire the Angry White Man title to Elected Representative Smack Down and it will all be much more entertaining in giving the libs what they lust for.

You just got to give them liberals what they want. Who knew that mouthy Bill Maher and Noel Sheppard were just begging for someone to whip their ass. Who knew that Chris Rock has been asking for it for years. Yes who knew this Omaha Afroid was showing the world what Obama used to dance to, in liberals just love getting a good beating.

Yes it is punishment for feeling guilty for being born and the need to be punished for what worthless tramps they all are, but I move for this to all be legalized. Forget that gun grabber stuff, and instead Congress should pass the Smack Down Law, and Troy Fisher is the guy just to make everything right in America.

No bus driver should have to put up with no dumb ass asking him questions. What the hell is he an Almanac? Hell no, he is a bus driver and got stuck in that shitty job because nothing better was around in this Obama Super Depression.

The Troy Fisher Law must be the next bill signed by Obama. Granted Fisher does not throw rocks so Obama can dance, but maybe Lindsey in the gay ear Graham can put in something special for Obama.

It certainly is better than what Obama did at Sandy Hook and to Hosni Mubarak, bin Laden, Khadaffi........you get the point.

Hell even Russian Boss uploaded this YouTube video....see I tell you the Russians just like Mark Levin just are itching for this smack down.

StarTran bus driver fired, accused of assaulting rider - YouTube

19 hours ago - Uploaded by RussianBoss61
StarTran bus driver caught beating a rider on video and then dragging him onto O Street was fired this week ...


nuff said


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