Every single person in the Vatican knows absolutely that the Pater buried under that site is not St. Peter, but the lie prevails, and it brings a reality of why people who profess to be followers of Christ are involved in this fabrication.
Pater is buried in the City of the Dead, the Necropolis, and on a day of Resurrection celebration in Easter or the Fertility Rites of the pagan in the spring fesitval melded into the Passover Completion in the Resurrection of Christ, Cardinal George decided on this day to take a tour of the abode of the dead.
I will be frank in this, that the Vatican is a hill of demonic oracles. Building upon graveyards is a ritual of necromancy in the use of the dead in rituals. For Cardinal George to venture into this abode on the day of Resurrection is a most interesting yearning inside of him, along with deception of "visiting Pater's tomb" as was the purpose of his visit.
Lies have one source in this world and perpetuating those lies have nothing to do with the Truth of Christ.
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.I have reported here before all of this became an issue, in the realty that St. Peter, Cephas, never went anywhere near Rome. St. Paul was in Rome and never mentioned Peter, because Paul was sent to the gentiles while Peter and the others were sent to the Jews and the lost 10 Tribes who were not so lost, as St. James addresses his epistle to these peoples, who Americans are descendents of in Joseph.
John 8:44
Peter himself was among the Christian martyrs during Nero's reign. He is believed to have been crucified, head down, on the Vatican hill.
Yet the lie is perpetuated when the reality is St. Peter never was in Rome.
I watch this last pope for reason of the Catholic oracles point to him as the last pope. In the Bible, the leader of the whore of Babylon, which is what the Vatican is termed, helps install the anti Christ, and the Faithful are martyred in mass for not receiving the mark of this empire, in apparently being enemies of the state as in Nero's time when he made war on Christians.Saint Peter's Jerusalem Tomb
www.aloha.net/~mikesch/peters-jerusalem-tomb.htmSince the circulation of this article, they do not allow anyone to see this burial... He was clearly nervous as he said, "Oh no, the tomb of St. Peter is in Rome.
I have never had a problem with Catholic Faithful as it is up to Christ what He Judges in this necromancy of the dead in icons and allowing priests only to take wine in Communion to looking to the Pope as the intermediary with Christ and other such things like Mary as Queen of Heaven, all of which the Bible either forbids or in Temple torn curtains in Immanuel means Jesus is Our Arbitrator with the Father, and no human has that role.
It is a sign that one visits the dead on the High Day in Christianity and the Hebrew Mosiac Laws. There are exact laws of not contacting the dead as it was unclean and Cardinal George went to this with a definite attraction. He returned to his progenitor, Simon the Sorcerer of The Acts, that is who Simon Pater or Simon the Father or Simon the Pope was and is buried on the Hill of the Oracles, because this universal religion progenitor had a falling out with the Romans and was crucified.
It is not recorded in Scripture how anyone but Jesus was crucified and the Pater in Rome was not Peter, and if he as crucified upside down, there are questions if it was as typical in satanism to do things exactly backwards as Christianity in power symbols as reciting the Lord's Prayer backwards in rituals.
Father Malachi Martin made it no secret that luciferians were a cult in the Vatican and they worship satan.
In a 1996 banned interview for the American Family Association, Malachi Martin also reported that 1 to 2% of priests in the Roman Catholic Church are practicing Satanists who are involved with some form of ritualized sexual abuse (AFA: August 3, 1996).He drew this statistic from a 1996 secret church study that he received from a Vatican source.
What this blog maintains as of this writing is that Pope Francis has not yet been entered into. By this I explain that like Judas in a perpetual giving himself over to the lusts of the world, in his being monetary, that this Cardinal George in promoting one image is in the process of not just demonic influence, but a time is coming when satan or that spirit will enter into him, and then will the realities manifest.
Then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve.
Luke 22:3
Just as Hitler or any despot such as Obama did not become apparent at their organizational level was not seen as anything of note, it became a different situation with the willing masses when that spirit entered into them to enhance things they never were.
It is not proper, it is unclean, it is for reason that Cardinal George went to the city of the dead on the Resurrection High Day. It is significant. It is a process of degradation.
The unveiling continues before the eyes of the world in those who will see.
As of this April 1st, the spirit of the false prophet has not yet entered into Pope Francis nor has satan entered into him. Both though will in time.
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