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George Gordon Liddy AKA Dick my Nixon


We were sitting around taking shots of Harvey Whorebangers...

You mean Harvey Wallbangers don't you?

No, in DC they make them with whore piss for the yellow color and you drink them that way or you do not drink at all.

Lame Cherry.

Facts are fascinating thing like G. Gordon Liddy was a graduate of Fordham, served in Korea, and then was hired by the FBI in 1957. He soon enough got out to do "legal work" then got himself appointed as Assistant AG in Dutchess County New York in 1966 to go after Timothy Leary.

As a member of the GOP he tried to get elected to office and when that failed he tossed in with Richard Nixon and got himself appointed a Lawyer at Treasury
By 1971, George Gordon was working under Egil Krogh as a member of the Special Investigation Group, also known as the Plumbers, as they were assigned the task of looking for leaks coming out of the Nixon White House.

On September 3rd, 1971, E. Howard Hunt of fame with Liddy, supervised the burglary of Daniel Ellsberg of the Pentagon Papers' psychiatrist.

In 1972, Liddy joined the Committee to RE Elect the President or CREEP and presented Attorney General John Mitchell a one million dollar operational plan to smear Nixon detractors, called Operation Gemstone run as a blakc op.
The plan was scaled down to 250,000 dollars and Liddy was given the go ahead.

At this juncture, one might note something that the Nixon Administration was concerned about leaks, had dealt in 1960 with Dick Tuck the Democratic operative smearing Nixon, and the source for what evolved into the Plumbers of Watergate and smear tactics, appear rolled into George Gordon Liddy.

By May of 1972, Liddy with James McCord had graduated to breaking into Democratic National Headquarters to plant bugs to learn about what "they knew" about the inner workings of the Nixon Administration.
This would devolve into breaking into the offices of the Nevada Sun newspaper due to Howard Hughes and Bob Maheu's knowledge of what they were telling the press about Richard Nixon.

Repeat break in at Watergate were deemed necessary as new reasons were given from anti war protesters to bugs not working, and on other attempts, the police by magic Forest Gump phone call showed up to nab the entire Plumber bunch.

Liddy upon being caught would be blathering that it was the White House and they should be let go, to which he was ignored.
So much for secret operations and protecting the President.

In that, George Gordon has had a right wing GOP career of sorts. That is why this blog found it interesting in George Gordon Liddy, instead of having to serve his sentence was released, by democrat Jimmy Carter.

G. Gordon Liddy's pal also was Minnesota election theff democrat in Al Franken, who Liddy also donated money too.

Now Gordon Liddy went after John Dean saying that Dean orchestrated Watergate to hide the fact that Dean and his blonde wife were connected to DC high call prostitution. Dean would sue and it would muddle up, but it is interesting in how George Gordon Liddy as of recent years, having left wing Hollywood make his movie, was still interested in pinning things of Watergate in what was really behind it on the immorality of John Dean.

Jimmy Carter for the DNC frees G. Gordon Liddy. Liddy's associates are the Hollywood left, who just steal Minnesota elections and drive through Obamacare by Al Franken's criminal acts.

Does something in this not add up here or are you just having the smart kid do all of your homework for you?

I will keep telling you my children that Richard Nixon had a coup performed against him and was set up, because that is what took place.

agtG 264

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