They believe in protecting the life of every murderer sentenced to death in prison in giving them life in confinement.
They believe that all life in the womb is not life and can be aborted.
The believe that more rights should be afforded to animals as they make humans more criminal in denying them rights.
They believe in sterilizing pets in mass as a human thing, and view aborticide for the masses as a humane thing.
They believe massive debt for the children who survive the aborticide gauntlet is acceptable as long as they have the borrowed money to indulge themselves now.
They believe America was a terror state in making wars, bombing people and jailing terrorists under George W. Bush. They believe America is a righteous state in making three times the wars, bombing three times the people and jailing three times the terrorists under Barack Hussein Obama.
They believe in confiscating firearms for defense, but liberating criminals to commit crimes.
They believe in unConstitutional mandates by Barack Obama and ridicule God's 10 Commadments.
They protest when Sasha and Malia Obama are photographed, but laugh when the Palin children have Letterman jokes told about them being raped and impregnated by black baseball players.
They condemn the eating of meat, but relish the clear blood of sap flowing from lettuce upon which they feed.
They believe in taxing the successful and entitling the failure.
They believe.............
We believe in God the Father Almighty, and by His Son, made He Heaven and earth. We believe in Jesus Christ, His Son and Our Lord, Savior to the world who will accept Him.
We believe in the Holy Ghost, Who make us all One. We believe in the Christian Church, the Communion of Saints and the Life everlasting.
We believe in America as God's prepared Garden and sown People. We believe in the armed defense of Life for the Citizen and Justice to punishment of death for the guilty for taking Life. We believe in responsibility Liberty and not license to pervert the Way, the Truth and the Life.
We believe in the Living of that Life, Pursuing of that Dream, in not infringing on the Rights of Others in a Republican Constitutional Government in waiting for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We the People believe, so help us God. Amen
A message from the Rugged Individual Party of One, The Continentalists on this Goode Friday.