The reality is Barack Obama is a bungling fool on any Peking or DC front when it comes to North Korea.
North Korea is a format for Moscow and Peking to "test" their flexible boy Obama in how all of the New Asian Order can be installed do to the detriment of America and Japan.
Let us revisit Obama Asian policy as no one else is going to address it.
Obama decided to make India a nuclear target for the Chinese communists by going on a trip there.
Peking responded by sneaking in a nuclear submarine off the California coast and firing an ICBM skyward, which this blog first covered and exposed the cover up.
Next Obama decided to make Japan return land to Russia and return Chicom Navy terrorists back to China.
Lastly is this Kim disaster on the Pacific front where Obama had US forces shoot down a Korean missile to humiliate Kim in it "not working".
Kim Jong Un since that humiliation has detonated a massive nuclear weapon to create an earthquake and has been busy making threats against America.
For the reality, Kim Jong Un has enough artillery to level South Korea. Kim Jong Un has enough nuclear weapons he can deliver to wipe out Guam, Okinawa and he can do this by simply floating a ship or sub close enough and detonating. He does not need rockets and that does include a ship in San Diego or San Franscisco.
The point in this is simple. Kim Jong Un can murder millions of people in Japan, Guam and the US West Coast and the net result is going to be Obama murdering millions of people in retaliation, and have to do it with nuclear bombs or Obama is going to vaporize a few dozen North Koreans on their bases which is not going to satisfy any public.
Either case, Kim Jong Un survives, and America will be faced with photos of piles of dead children from Obama policies which are absolutely what is causing all of this.
If Sarah Palin was legitimate she would have put into works the North Korean policy this blog promoted, but she is a Big Gulp fraud for headlines meant to keep all of the Tea Party folks looking to the fraud of elections which are all rigged.
Sarah Palin could have diffused and saved everyone from all this needless hysteria and costs of Obama cruising Korean with B 52's and then B 2's which does nothing but infuriate Kim more and elevates this all to where it is where people are talking about nuclear weapons being used and Obama is running responses of nuclear weapons being used.
That is reactionary by Obama and proves he is not the least bit in control and his shills at Coast to Coast in George Nouri and Jerome Corsi setting a fringe fever pitch lying about Kim is ridiculous.
Kim Jong Un is not going to do anything nuclear unless provoked, and Obama is provoking Kim. Kim Jong Un can kill far more people with artillery than with nuclear weapons, and Kim knows this, and if he fights a war it will be with artillery walking across South Korea and US bases, whereby the US will have another Obama trillion dollar war to further destroy America with in Chinese debt.
As only this blog advocated for years in a correct North Korean policy can all of this be handled in detente. Yet Sarah Palin does not care to be a leader as Barack Obama plays stooge to Peking and Moscow.
I really have had enough of this blog and all the pressure on me in expectations of God fixing things. It is a waste of time and it has destroyed me. I really would not give a care if Kim did drop a nuke on my brier patch and welcome him to do it, but the problem is Kim Jong Un is responsible and Barack Obama is the irresponsible one carrying out new world order policy, exposing how absolutely castrated the American military and leadership has become as bastardized by this illegitimate regime.
nuff said