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Sea Change


My children are you really not paying attention to the conditioning coming out the Scopes Trial in the traitorous John Roberts court as you are for the first time availed to listen to the robes on high make all these points pro and con for sodomite fucking?

For those who think that term harsh, it is the reality as there is no love in this homosexual sex, as it is about fucking, and for those rare examples of  Percy and Pat who have been together for years as old fags, it is a reality of two males or females who are phobic of the other sex and are contentedly jacking each other off in arranged security buddy and buddette systems.

The media speaks of a "sea of change", well they are the foam in it, and these Clinton and Portman types are one of two species in now being ordered to bring the pedophile ring to power or a product of the MKULTRA advanced systems as has been written of here.

YOU are being set up, so you do not revolt and all hell breaks loose when this fag fucking becomes the law of the land, just like Obamacare and just like Roe vs Wade.
See Obamacare is something of rationed death, but fag fucking is a direct attack on morality that affects everyone at their core base, because all have had the "tender touch" of some fag reaching out to them to "test the waters".
Just as the watch lists have Christians on them, the elite of the cartel view this as a flash point and are doing all the propaganda in fraud polls to the Scopes Court of the United States putting on this fag performance to brainwash Americans that this is a "fair hearing" so they will all go home when marriage is destroyed and offer up their children to be legally raped by perverts when the next step in this is instituted.

I once in ICQ chat had a fag proposition me. Now according TO ALL of the propaganda out there what took place next was something that could never take place. What happened was, I informed the sodomite that what they were doing was wrong. It was against what God wanted and they needed to get their lives on track with God.
I scolded this person with passion and the net result, they apologized and THANKED ME for speaking to them like that and said they were going to go get their life on track again.

Mike Gallahger who is a fag apologist in Christians are such haters while of course gay people never flip people off going to Church and never send lesbians up to rub on Christian ministers and missionaries for fun..............
Read that last bit of sadism for effect.
Gallagher though accidentally had a female caller slip through and she said after divorce, she was hanging with lesbian "friends" and came out to her Mom. Her Mom sat her down and told her that is not what God wanted and that she was just confused. The woman related she was straight, married and that sex with men was far better than with women.

I will take this apart so you get it. Women who are harmed by men, become distant to men. The lesbian then hangs around them to initiate them, and the next thing you have is a new queer who thinks they are homosexual AND NEVER figure out that somehow there is a Fag College Drill Instructor course out there with protocols EQUAL to the Jehovahs' Witnesses preying on people listed in obituaries.
Both groups are from the cartel and they both have protocols that target the people in emotional distress.

Never hear about that now do you, and that is what the Gay, Lesbian, Trans group is run by and about. They create fags from a pool of people who are already half crazy.

All of this leads to the reality that the sodomite mass is created just like in Sodom to New York City. Pack people into confined areas, make them miserable, take away rights and hope, and they start same fucking each other for comfort by being indoctrinated and it spreads like fire in the misery as this is initiated.

What this blog in FACTS is attempting to do, is to frighten the black robes in this fraud Anthony Kennedy so that marriage remains intact, because this is a key point in all hell breaking loose, and that is NOT what the cartel desires. They are not ready yet for a full revolution as it will destroy them. They need Obama's deadly drone fleet to murder selectively in a new "epidemic by insects" in the next few years a mass population to end a revolution.

That is what the broadcast of the Supremes in this Scope Trial is all about. It was the same thing with the monkey sex breeding humans in conditioning a Christian population. That is what is taking place, and the more people who know about what is taking place is MANIPULATION, then that combined voice will not be silenced by Big Gulp Palin who has been sent out to seduce people to trusting in 2014 elections again which are as fraud as 2008 and 2012.

See Sarah Palin is a fraud now. She needs to be exposed like all of this so that she will come back to the flock and not be a whore. That is what is about the Breitbart touting her as some king maker. A story like that is run because Palin is weak as water and has lost all her support in the movement. She is being exposed here for being foolish in Big Gulp instead of a GUN RAISED OVER HER HEAD as a real Conservative would have done like Charleton Heston and Ronald Reagan.
I suspect none of you know that Ronald Reagan had a muzzle loader presented to him by the NRA  IN THE OVAL OFFICE during his Presidency and proudly was pictured with it.

You have to know what is taking place my children as you are being scammed. I will chastise Governor Palin in public to her ruin to get her back into the fold. I will expose the Supreme Court stage act of treason to hopefully maintain the breach as any hindering now is something the cartel can not afford as they are running out of time as Christ is returning.

So this is the reality in the marriage destruction case has already been decided and if enough angst can be placed in the cartel, it will take it back to the drawing boards and try for a later push as America is on edge and it is going to come to a revolt if this starts rolling.

The cartel can lie all it can, but it can not stop the Truth as of yet in total. One voice becomes hundreds and hundreds becomes thousands. What the court does, does not matter in context as the damage is done in this diversion. What does matter is the tinder and the flame as that is what terrifies the minority elite.
If you will notice, they have deliberately not done a Hutatree Drill in roughing up Americans, as they are worried an example like Ruby Ridge will have a million armed Citizens showing up because Chris Dorner had a left wing mob backing him.
The reason no Branch Davidians have been massacred is the cartel is in fear that an uprising will spread. That is what Rick Perry in Texas is designed to keep from taking place in that state.

All of this is why the Supremes are playing stage act in order to con you that their destruction of marriage is to be accepted as it was all fair when it is all treachery.
Obama flees the country just in time for all of this to wash his hands of it stained with Reggie's love.

All set up and all the suckers are biting on it all.

These things need to be in the chatter and when they do, then we will see if it rolls back the cartel agenda enough to buy some time so the children are not mass raped in where this is going.

nuff said

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