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Justice Anthony Kennedy's Rape of Children


In this destruction of marriage and American society by the assault upon it in sex act choicers choosing anal sex and dildo sex to define themselves, Justice Anthony Kennedy  requires exposures as a psychological child rapist as he joins liberals trying to be a popular media whore in endlessly spreading his legs for the destruction of America.

Kennedy has weighed into the "same sex marriage" assault upon marriage with as view of focusing on the 40,000 children in California being affected by this, as his excuse to destroy America and expose all children to this standardized rape both emotional, physical and psychological.
Anthony Kennedy will be called out here as a child rapist as that is the field he chose to make his perverted stand.

Kennedy attempts to couch this in children being placed under stress because their perverted "parents" are being denied marriage.

Ah where did these 40,000 children come from, as sodomite men do not have wombs or lay eggs and sodomite women do not have testicles and produce sperm?
Apparently thousands of homosexuals planned to produce children by including other sexes, in deliberately violating standards and natural laws, so that is their responsibilty for creating the problem, and Anthony Kennedy trying to make burning down buildings legal after the arsonist started the fire is completely bogus.

Furthermore, will Anthony Kennedy's concern for children, now extend to the 53 million children murdered in the womb as the heartbeat law comes before him, or is this fraud who can not bend at the waist far enough for popularity suddenly forget about those children, as they do not show up at Letterman cocktail parties talking to Mr. Kennedy?

Let us project this out, in if this is going to be according to this moronic legal mindlessness of Anthony Kennedy in basing things on children, the there are millions of children being deprived of all sorts of benefits in having black parents who are in prison in America, due to Mr. Kennedy's justice department.

How about the reality that all of those murderers and rapists be released to be around their children, if parental rights are this important in placing all societal norms and laws off the books, because only children matter in this.

What about terrorists like Sheik bin Laden, in his children were deprived of a parent of religious fervor, should not terrorists be off the Obama target list now as children are the standard of what is the basis of all law?
Should not terrorist children be protected at all costs and not suck on Obama predators as Steven Breyer and his host love quoting foreign law........should not that be the case Mr. Kennedy?

Then there is Ted Bundy in opposite. Should his parents be denied the right of their child, as Ted certainly like all serial murderers was produced by the same structure of birthing that these 40,000 were in California, and is not this family bond and association so much more vital according to the Anthony Kennedy Standard, tha we just need to make all laws subject to that  child outlook in pretending we are looking out for children.

Charlie Manson probably has little bastards running around, so let him loose from prison too as his children are being deprived of that association.

All of the above exposes just what an absolute shit for brains, Anthony Kennedy is, and his fondling children in his legal mind to get what he wants in destroying America will be exposed for how absolutely abusive and without legal merit it is, because Anthony Kennedy does not care one bit about what is right or what is legal, but just cares about being patted on the head in Letterman cocktail parties so he can keep going to cocktail parties as he so wants to be accepted by the popular children.

It is a matter in reality that Anthony Kennedy needs to be exposed for the mental legal incompetent he is. It requires exposure that Anthony Kennedy and John Roberts are the ones like this Ted Olson, tag teaming in the destruction of America, in both of these traitors are joined at the hip with the Obama crowd through blackmail and through unctions of just wanting a cuddle with the insiders at DC.

Anthony Kennedy deserves ridicule as he is an idiot, exactly like Steven Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and that lesbian duo of Kagan and Sotomeyor. You could combine all of their minds in legal intellect and a mentally retarded person would have more intelligence as their opinions are witless and these folks have not produced anything of Solomon standard in their entire lives.

That is the reality of Anthony Kennedy. He is whore for popularity and now he is going to fondle children to become more popular. Anthony Kennedy is a fool and his legal mind is buffoonery like the twits he is joined with on the court.

If Anthony Kennedy was a man, he would not hide behind children and just come out like the rest of this ilk and say they are going to overthrow the US Constitution and psychologically rape every child from here forward, because they are idiots who want to be popular and hate America.

Anthony Kennedy though just fondles children like Obama bounces little blonde girls on his knees at Sandy Hook.

The nice thing about the internet, is that it is forever, and years from now when Kennedy is dead and facing Judgment from Christ in hell, Kennedy's legacy will be found and all his treachery will be exposed and taught in the schools by the surviving remnant whom God saves.

Yes what a wonderful legacy that will be in Anthony Kennedy and his ilk will be named with the Europeans who found that Jews were akin to rats so Nazi's could deport them.

Enjoy your spotlight Anthony Kennedy, as you are going to get the full historical legacy here in all you are. You use children like a pedophile pimp to get invited to the parties to make you popular.

We owe it all to that peckerspew of Justice Anthony Kennedy of the Supreme Court.

PECKERSPEW, the new Charles Dickens name for all the traitors to America as Barack Obama rubs the magic monkey in his pants changing times and seasons to fit satanic mandates.

nuff said


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