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Obama honors child rapist while Limbaugh complains his dick is not sucked


Look, I just wanted to write a nice screen play today, for a movie that I could make stars out of people who had money who would invest in such a thing, and it would be a way for me to make a living and for tight wads to validate themselves on the silver screen I write great Hollywood scripts.

Now though, instead of a space adventure of high drama, on a small budget, I have to issue an appeal for Katherine Hudson Limbaugh to be told to give her daddy, Rush, a blow job, as Rush Limbaugh will not shut up about bitches who will not suck dick like his wife and Michelle Obama.

Will someone please suck Rush Limbaugh's cock so he will not pollute the airways with this ghetto green vomit puke image on the golden rubber clad EIB mic, as  I really wanted to write about a First Officer transitioning a cruiser as the Captain was on leave and picking him up from another ship and a 50 year old distress signal comes in, and she decides to go investigate it.

Now though we have Rush and Barack, both having the same cock sucking gripes in both of their wives will not bow down, bending at the waste, and doing the long pull on the one eyed cyclops that spits salty sea foam like Moby's Dick.

Thar she blows matey and she's a big un!!!!!

I mean you got Rush whining about his unsucked dick, and then you got Obama not going to the Jew parliament, but going to pay tribute to the biggest dick sucker in the Islamocommunist movement in Arafat.
Arafat was a real charismatic Muslim. He was a pedophile who raped little boys so much he had a harem and AIDS is what killed him, as his blonde wife let him rot in a French hospital bed like Hugo Chavez, in trying to keep that billion dollars Arafat looted from his people.

Everyone has to appreciate a child rapist like that, in he was successful as robber and rapist, and after he is tits up and in hell, there comes Islamomarxist Barry Obama Chin, to brag on you and call the Jews the dirty dick deed doers.
Who else but Barack Hussein Obama Chin would champion a butt boy rapist communist Muslim than B. Hussein Obama, who would not stop talking about how sexually attractive his daughters were during his first term.

All I wanted to do though was write about my screen play. I would have a pissy helmsman who was affirmative action in his daddy was a big shot in the fleet and thinks he was born to it all like Obama and Limbaugh, but I would leave the dick sucking out, as I only write uplifting movies with high drama.
It would have been a simple story of finding the ship in distress and how they survived for 50 years, and then three enemy ships show up at about the same time, for a good olde fashioned Mexican standoff.
Really great stuff, like Starman Jones, a movie I would make if someone would just drop the cash.......hire some Christians like Willie Ames and Kirk Cameron and Jennifer O'Neil........and then the producers could fit in some spearchuckers to get their big break on the movie screen........be great Christian hype for the movie and we all would make a bundle.

But no, just because Limbaugh and Chin have bitches that Beyonce, AKA, Mrs. Carter, now outs in not bending at the waste to suck their man's dicks as their duty, I do not get to write my movie script, and have to address boy butt sex, and the gay way men who are married to non cock sucking wives, who take cheap shots at the wife folks to try and get them on their knees.

You never hear Mark Levin or Sean Hannity carrying on about dick sucking. Maybe Jewish and Catholic girls suck dick, better than blondes and black liberationists.
Russian chics must suck dick too as Putin never complains about dick sucking.

This dick sucking only comes up from Limbaugh and Obama.........but then Laura Ingraham's future rapist is currently puking on her in bed, so perhaps in a few years, we will be having  titty cam videos of Laura as her monster she is raising without a man, posts YouTubes of her in the shower with a vibrator.

I just don't like writing about this stuff and would just like to do my movies.

I don't have the ending finished quite yet, but that is because I have to ask.......well how about some of those Obama dick suckers like Bill Buckley jr., Bill O'Reilly, Jerry Rivers, Ann Coulter,  Peggy Noonan or.............Shep Smith calling up Katherine Limbaugh and telling her to suck sugar dad's dick, so he would stop using Mrs. Carter as an example of every man's dream.

Hey, I will inform all, that Beyonce does nothing for me. She is a big legged, too stout cow, who has too much of that face paint going on so she looks toxic.
Amazingly I found some passable good looking black chics, but yeah I know they are mostly white, but it is a start after all, and they certainly are more appealing than conversations about dick sucking

So would the Obama voting fraternity of soap droppers, just please phone up Muchelle and Katherine, so their husbands will stop going off wishing they were Arafat and his butt boy dirty  dick organ or wishing they had this Mrs. Carter as their dick sucking wife.

What Beyonce's mission is for Obama in going global to get Muchelle to suck the feces scented penis of her bi sexual Barack is their business in God's Judgment, but I do not want to 
have to listen to Limbaugh rubbing it in, with the backdrop of Arafat with boy child rape.

I just wanted to write a wholesome story in John Wayne fashion, in Joss Whedon fashion in Serenity, and instead I have to write about cocksuckers of the world and the feces penis males they worship before as their wives won't do the job.

I once knew a bottle blonde from Ohio who "got saved" and her daddy wondered if she would still suck cock, and of course she did. Not that cocksucking have the adulterous marriage as you just can not slap the Holy Ghost and a Church ceremony on sin and make it last.
Maybe if she was Jewish or Catholic or Russian or .....well you never hear Kim Jong Un complaining about his wife's dick sucking non compliance for his big missiles and he never shows up in Gaza for a dick sucking flashback..........so what does it all say in that if these sodomite males would not have Elton John crooning at weddings or Reggie Love flossing that their women would be like all these other wives in at least putting in an effort.

I just kind of grinned and said, "What the hell just give the poor guy a hand job before he jumps off a bridge. Then we won't have to hear any more about it."

Yes Katherine and Muchelle, some of us are not married to millionaire stooges and need to find employment, instead of writing about the continuous hot spots of problems in your marriages.

I just wanted to write a nice short story today, and instead I have to be writing about cocksuckers and the cocks complaining in not being sucked.

Mrs. Levin please phone Mrs. Limbaugh and Mrs. Schumer please phone Mrs. Obama.

I have a script and am looking for a producer who wants their no talent children to be stars.

Yeah I'm playing chess as I work on this.....so what of it Gomer.

Oh I want to do a remake of SPACE 1999......let's talk as I have lots of space for my movies.

Look and I only do true remakes, no damned Will Ferrel ruining Land of the Lost and that other shit. Writers who create deserve that honor and .....if I can get cameos of the original stars like Cinnamon and her ex, then that is what makes it all great.
Sucks they threw Adam West to the Batman sidelines.....best batman ever.

Isn't this more fun than talking about cocksucking? Godcursed shitters like Obama and Limbaugh got millions and all they worry about is cocksucking. Could be having loads of  fun with that money and making childhood dreams come true.....inspiring some kid to build his own fleet of ships to mine the moon.....great stuff and that is what the world needs and not this.


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