This blog rises up to the defense of Michele Bachmann of Minnesota in her accurate statements at GAYPAC that Barack Obama is the billion dollar occupation of the White House.
Taxpayers spent $1.4 billion on Obama family last year | The Daily ... 26, 2012 – But the amount of money spent on the first family, he argues, has risen tremendously under the Obama administration and needs to be reined ...
Mrs. Bachmann quoted a book that said something like Obama spends 1.4 billion dollars a year, to which CNN and apparently that fucktard Bill O'Reilly had problems with, and then that ass wipe Mike Gallagher said, "Well maybe she meant million but not billion, but I support her".........
Yeah like that is support, when a simple search can confirm the costs this blog has noted. It costs a fortune to fly Air Force One, and that plane with accompanying fleet costs like 2 million dollars every time that thing is fired up.
It has transports that go with it and an entire security division that arrives before Obama even pisses in a pot there.
Military Pegs Hourly Air Force One Cost at $181G, as Obama Sets ... 24, 2010 – The U.S. military confirms that the hourly cost of flying and operating Air Force One is nearly $182000. ..., and the number is staggering -- $181,757 per hour. ... were so much lower, he said: "They were probably inaccurate. ... official claiming it would cost U.S. taxpayers $200 million every day, ...
Doing an average of this, as Obama never cools his heals in that jets engines are always hot, in 365 day years, at 2 million dollars a firing up of AF 1, and giving Obama 65 days off, that jet costs 600 million dollars alone.
Mrs. Bachmann, spoke of two cinema directors, White House chefs, Air Force One chefs at 5.....and that is not the food tasters which is insane, along with dog walkers and who knows if Obama hires prostitutes to do something with that guy he is married to.
Taxpayer Bill for Obama's Hawaii Vacations: $20 Million | The Blog ... 4, 2013 – You won't get spammed, and your email address will never be. ... teams out to Hawaii and separate flights Michelle Obama took in 2010 and 2011, ... could spend their Christmas holidays at Camp David or at one of the many...
Michelle spends money like a crack whore. For her "friends" who no one ever has seen, she dumped 375,000 dollars into Spain on one trip alone. All of that 20 million in Hawaii, returns trips to Hawaii, trips to New York, all cost money, and the next thing you know is 20 million five times adds up to a one hundred million and that is 1/10th of a billion dollars.
Michelle Obama accused of spending $10m in public money on ... 24, 2011 – White House sources today claimed that the First Lady has spent... Travelling in style: Mrs Obama during her $375,000 trip to Spain last year .... families much less go on vacation, while Mrs. Obama is spending thousands of ...
So this blog frankly knows that 1.4 billion Obama spending is on the cheap side.
You just saw Chelsea Clinton on the Saddam Hussein kickbacks in food for oil, appear with 10 million dollars to buy a New York condo. That girl has not worked a day in her life to earn that kind of money. That is bribe money the Clinton's took in.
This blog only has published that Obama is getting hundreds of millions and billions out of those electronic money creations by Geithner for Europe and Wall Street. Obama in fronts owns huge portions like Hugo Chavez and Danny Ortega of stock businesses and Obama has a huge bribe accounts in Europe, Asia and South America.
Those are exclusives no one else will speak of, but you know blessed well after this is pointed out to you, that this blog is right as Obama has never sucked a financial nipple that was available or not.
He got 300 million from terrorists for 2008. What the hell do you think he has got from setting up that 2 billion opium trade in Afghanistan to taking Libyan oil and turning it over to BP, in exchange for BP blowing that rig up in the gulf to shut down US oil supply.
Stanley Ann Dunham... Is It Possible Obama's Birth Mother Is Still ... › Blogs› SadInAmerica's blogJul 31, 2009 – Also, there is no record of a Stanley Ann Dunham having been treated ..... that Mr. Obama is currently being fed over $250 million in overseas funds! ... The money then goes into the Obama accounts in America banks and is ...
The reality is Baeack Hussein Obama IS the United States National Debt.
This blog stands with Michele Bachmann, and has sympathy for her in whatever she was blackmailed by in Mitt Romney to shut her up and gain her support. Michele Bachmann has not said but a crumb of the orgy of Obama gluttony.
When is someone going to go through the Wall Street Treasury and European Treasury and Chicom Treasury money flows and really track the siphoned off money, and just whose mega accounts are burgeoning with stock portfolios, gold purchases and direct deposits of billions of dollars in their Obama cut?
The Story of Obama: All in the Company by Wayne Madsen 7, 2010 – Obama Sr. and Obama's mother Stanley Ann Dunham met in a Russian ...... maintained in the Bank of Hawaii, as well as in overseas accounts.
It is all there, and James Holmes of Colorado's old man had his hand on the start of this for Obama and that is what is behind the Joker shootings, as the deal is Holmes saves his son from being executed if he keeps his mouth shut.
The Big-Spending Obamas - Jim Geraghty - National Review Online
Jun 5, 2012 – (This figure comes from an online article that has been widely debunked ... Does President Barack Obama know how much he is spending? ... When Michelle Obama and their daughters travel abroad without the president, ...
Oh my, look at the Obama voters hidden in the right, olde Bill Buckley CIA Mockingbird stating the article has been "debunked". I guess that Air Force One fleet costing almost a billion dollars alone is just all fiction for the Obama voters in the big lie.
Barack Hussein and Michelle Robinson Obama Chin are nation rapists just like Warren Buffett, just like Hugo Chavez, just like George Soros, just like every one of these pirates who support this rapine of America.
Yes the Obama's are such good people, such fun people, such the messiah, the prostitute and their little bastards who all walk on water and shit in cellophane wrappers.
The Obama's are money whores, stock whores and they run a global feudal brothel raping the world they pimp.
Of all the criminals to make excuses for "in not being that bad", those making excuses for the Obamas could pile up a thousand Hitlers and not at this point in Hitler's rule even come close to what the Obamas have done.
Hitler tried to save Germany and did. The Obama's tried to destroy America and have.
Lame Cherry
Some day the quotes of Lame Cherry will be required reading.
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