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Coddled Evil


An Icelander recently said that I was good people. I wonder at things like that in Job, as the world is so overflowing with pure evil people.

As I was doing some research on things like DERP, which is a word meaning that one replies to something stupid, I saw an add about criminals, so I did a check on it about someone who literally almost destroyed me. They raped my soul literally, stole from me, and left me for dead among other things.
One always likes to think that in this world people get what is coming to them as predators, but I found in search this horrid woman named Shree. I post her middle name, so if you ever come across a southerner with that name going by it as their first name, know what kind of black widow you are dealing with.

I saw this woman was still lying in the fantasy she had as a life. She apparently now had been in the military, but that was news to me, as the only military she was in, was some black male from Germany who knocked her up and her parents dragged her to an abortion shop to end the embarassment. (I figured was black as that was the deal in the South and I never really knew of any 4 year career in the service)

Any case, after ruining my life, the lives of 3 men she "married", she is now apparently on husband number four, as she was quite a demoness in convincing people of things.
Yes God did a great deal of retribution in taking away her children and things, as she was a dope head, drunk and other immoral things, but somehow I always hoped she would be rotting in hell by now.

Instead, she is still the same person feeding like a leech off of others as the world is full of trusting people, and she is still posing as a whore, hiding her face, as her huge chin gets in the way of things.....even with her apparent breast implants as her chest cold has grown.

This is a person, like many people who I have  tried to help who really should be in some kind of torment, but instead they have a more secure life than I do, and I know they get up every day saying what wonderful people they are and it was just the world's fault.....or I suppose mine as any sort of web can be woven in these psychotics minds.
She was though a satan sent person to possess my Spirit and satan almost won. I though decided in my darkest moment to not let the evil win, by becoming like it, and instead chose to be good.

Job asked a great deal about evil, and the fact is that evil people have good lives, better lives than most, and not all evil people end up being dragged to death in a parking lot screaming for their lives as a semi crushes them.
That kind of reality hurts a great deal as God is supposed to be a God of Justice, but yet every person reading this can look back at the damned cruel people who have hurt each of us, and there they are still grinning in this life and suckering some new delusional soul.

I have honestly seen God kill enemies for me. I have had God do this more than once. It gave me satisfaction and I never was anything but delighted. I'm an adult and I know people get what they deserve and as long as it is God, that is what makes it all great as God does not get hauled into court.

I have though as Job recounts seen evil people get away with things in this life. Sometimes the evil people are locked in this world knowing that sh*t they are and that is worse torture than anything. Sometimes though they are just feeders off of others and get away with all sorts of things. You know the world is full of women raped by "nice people" and children molested by upstanding citizens, and those people have to deal with that all the time in seeing that before them.
At present, I book that to the realization that God puts false preachers in the midst to test people on if they will remain  true to Him, and I conclude that some people are left on this planet to see if we will wait for God no matter the years. Some people do have children and it might screw their life up worst if the lunatic is dead........meaning a child wanting a parent might idolize that dead parent, instead of looking at them and swearing never to be like them.
Point being this woman I spoke of at least in her first bio pics did not have any of her daughters listed. Perhaps the girls learned or they are relegated to back pages which says a great deal too......as an apparent step daughter now called a daughter is listed........you get the forensics in this, that this demoness probably is not facing a reality that her real children know what trash she is, so she is replacing them in her mind to create  the illusion she is a "good mother".

Not many things in life worse than looking at your children in knowing they hate you or you turned out a dope infested worthless freak, in the only child who wants anything to do with you.

None of it makes any sense, but God knows what is best, and I have the Life which is worthwhile and lasting. I do not have to lie to myself and I do not have one iota of worrying that I have ruined someone's life and I will have to answer for it.

I know for certain that there is a Judgment. No one is  going to run from that, and all the people who have harmed me will face that Judgment before Christ. It may not comfort people here and now, but getting yourself into trouble in seeking revenge or festering over hurts that still hurt, only takes away from the Life God has planned out for You.
Always know that the evil did not change you. Always know that you in God are a better person for all we are put through. You will help your children and grandchildren be more aware, and you will never be that deep scar upon someone's heart that has them screaming to God at times for you to burn in hell.

If Life was fair, God would fire and brimstone every evil person, and in that satan would never bring the world to Judgment at Armageddon, because people would behave out of fear of the Lord. God desires only offspring who make the hard choices and live the Christ Life by choice when it would be easier to just be the corner cutter ruining other innocent people's lives.

I knew better than to get involved with trash. I though had satan whispering that love and the Gospel could overcome evil. Evil does not change it's spots and I have been burned by every person Proverbs warns people to stay the hell away from.
You can not get into trouble if you stay out of trouble. Those were lessons I had to learn the hard way.

You who are not Obama voters. You who are raising your families and not hurting others, are a minority in this world and why you arrived here to gain some more refinement before the next steps which will be necessary for your growth in Spirit will take place.

Evil has conditioned and buffeted each of you as St. Paul said in this is a training and people who are God's do need to be wise in the world and stay out of the problems of the world.

Always remember the God you have, the Good people you have and the good in you, whenever the demoniacs of the past appear for a refresher course. They fled you after trying to destroy you in being attracted by the Light of God in you. They are in the outer darkness no matter what their illusion they try to put forward.

Job struggled with the way evil was handled and it has always been handled in uneven ways by God. It always does work out though, as you have the good life which is real and they have the fraud existence pretending every day they are not going to hell. When hell comes,  Jesus will be the One examining the books and He will not allow one hurt to be glossed over, no matter how much these people can quote a Bible, sit in a pew, name Jesus or have 500 Twitter friends.
Yes piles of friends is another sign of the security which is false in hiding in a fabrication that "I must be a good person as I have so many friends on my lists and in my iphone".

God does not coddle evil. You get lessons in knowing to not keep evil around and it reminds you every so often in pain from the past never to forget or repeat those mistakes or deliberate choices.

You do recall that God kept the Philistines in place to try the Israelites.......as to remind them. Maybe and truly truly, the evil people from my past are my trophies on the wall, that God has already bagged and they are reminders of the Christian you are now and will always be, and they are just reminders of lessons learned.....and dead to God as they are dead to you.

satan is here to serve God in refining the Good. Never forget that God has Wisdom of things He is accomplishing for You and He never forgets one pain or one tear shed. Reckoning, Retribution and Judgment is always coming to those who hurt you.

Your vindication will come and you already have the evil sentenced. God does not coddle evil.

God coddles you instead. You can bring anything about these hurts up to God any time and He will listen and help in every case. That is what forgiveness is in putting things on God and awaiting His Judgments.

nuff said

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