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Nuts in Colorado


This blog will have an expose' tomorrow on the mistreatment of Gabrielle Giffords, but what has happened to America is absolutely demonic.

When one has a country, where the authorities AFTER events, like bin Laden's corpse murdered and leaving children to crawl around in blood and guts of the dead, to the pumping of Obamachurian Jared Loughner full of drugs, to the execution of the Sandy Hooker, and now the things, the tortures, being pervaded against James Holmes, I wonder what the hell this Conservative blogger is doing having to write about this stuff, because where are the liberals???????

It is ghastly what has been done to James Holmes, because if he is insane it is criminal and if it is as this blog concludes he was a manufactured gun nut for the Obama regime, in retaliation of his father has he secrets of the 2008 Obama Super Depression, that too is criminal.

Holmes after this arrest was banging his head against the wall and no one in the police facility provided any assistance, but instead had a psychologically unbalanced person tied up in restraints for days, which of course would drive him further insane.

Court documents have revealed that Holmes was held for "several days, frequently in restraints" in hospital in November after authorities said he was in need of immediate psychiatric help.
The same week he was rushed to the hospital after banging his head into a prison wall.

The ring leader of this from top to bottom is a skin head judge who looks more insane now than Holmes, and apparently is getting off on torturing and railroading this man.

This honestly is like some freak Hollywood Batman movie as the judge's name is Judge William Sylvester, a real comic book name, and appearance.

The worst of this is that Holmes is constantly presented the world as unkept and in prison orange garb. The defense has not been able to dress him nor groom him, which as Americans know is par for the course, except in Colorado.

As this has now spun into the satanic, the judge is now issuing the pleas for Holmes and his attorneys, when they were asking for more time for an insanity defense.

The judge responded with a threat:

 Judge Sylvester has already ruled that if Holmes enters an insanity plea he could face being administered with a "truth serum" as part of his medical evaluation.
 They literally are going to fill a psychologically created Obamachurian with more drugs. Perhaps like the BATFE in Missouri for the Obama regime in 2008 will have Holmes admitting he is from Mars and he really belong on a cartoon page as that is where he was born.

This is purely sadistic what Holmes is being put through. It reminds me of the insane hermit at Joan of Arc's village which she tamed, and when the marauders came, the savagely tortured and murdered the hermit.

What is being done to  this Holmes is unAmerican, but the California with Eric Holder looking on just burned a Negroid of some sort up in a cabin in the Christopher Holmes case.

For those like Mark Levin who slobber over this in "natural or jungle law", the point is now as Levin  tries to backtrack in saying he was the only one against what took place in Egypt........Egypt would not have happened if he was not wetting himself over bin Laden's corpse shot up.
SEALS were murdered for that and Chris Stevens was raped and murdered for that.

This entire Obama judiciary from his Birther manipulating judges starting with John Roberts on down, the mistreatment of Lawrence Sinclair being handicapped and lost in the system denied medication and legal access is the Treyvon Martin par for the course in this Age of Obama.

For American sake people, can you not see this, that what they do to James Holmes THEY WILL DO TO YOU in this lawless age when they get you.
They are leaving a psychotic person, manufactured or not, tied up, banging his head against the wall, driving him further insane, and then presenting him in hermit prison  fashion as the Judge Sylvester threatens to dope him up more with "truth serum".

This is not America any longer and she has been murdered. If you need any more proof just look at this, and how no one on the left and only myself on the right is making an issue of this.

You want to murder James Holmes, then do it quick and humane in a lynching, but do not for America's sake torture someone created by the shadowlands as all of this is designed to make all of you brutes by hardening you into thinking this is normal behavior by a government by the people, for the people and of the people.

Or are you the type to tie up insane people, let them go deranged further fighting restraints and when they slam their heads against walls, just leave them lay there?

Obama conditioning has turned the majority mad. The very populace is nothing but blood lust and torture reflecting B. Hussein.

nuff said 280Y


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