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The Predator Men


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The following will not seem like it matters my children, but it all matters, as your foreparents knew from Asia in being eaten by maneating leopards and tigers to your European relatives being eaten by wolves and bears. There is a reason that the American Government exterminated wolves, bears, coyotes, fox, jaguars and Indians by killing off the bison, and that was those predators ate people and livestock. You can not have a nation if the people are not able to grow food for an expanding population.

The cartel as has been proven here on a global scale has been raising large dangerous predators and putting them into human populations, which these murdering predators are then eating all of the Bambi and Thumper groups of food, expanding to people pets and food, and when that runs out, these aggressive predators now protected by regimes from France to America, will one day begin eating on people as the lions of Tsavo or the Rudaprayag leopard did in terrorizing people.

There is a reason that people removed these predators and there is a reason there has been an effort since the 1970's to begin breeding them to these dangerous numbers now by the cartel, and why the cartel has been busy banning all poisons and making it a crime for humans to protect their pets, property and children from being murdered by these large predators. It is because this is a process of removing people from the Jeffersonian lands. Polar bears are shown as cuddly, when in reality the Eskimo finds out the polar bear eats Eskimos as readily as it does fur seals as food is food and meat is meat.

What I am going to speak about in this is history though as it requires addressing in no one has ever expounded upon this, and the reason you should be educated in this subject, is so you know who were the people who formed America, beyond Daniel Boone and Davy Crocket.

When America was settled, it was harvesting fur out of necessity. The buffalo being removed as this was more humane than going out and exterminating Indians, left a population of huge prairie wolves as well as timber wolves, bears, bocats, coyotes and cougars. The wolves though were the worst problem, as they are highly wary and notice I do not use the word INTELLIGENT, as no wolf ever invented a trap to catch humans.
Wolves hunt at night, they slash back legs and guts, and eat their living prey alive from your pet horse to your favorite deer you see feeding in the grove. Some of the worst wolves became legendary in doing what would now be millions of dollars in damage in wholesale killing of livestock and ruining ranchers who had moved onto the buffalo plains with Texas beef.

There is nothing pretty about a canine pulling a calf being born out of a cow and eating it alive. There is nothing pretty about the guts of a cow dragging along behind her as a wolf eats them. There is nothing pretty about watching your pet dog have it's throat ripped open by a wolf that lured the pet out of your rifle range deliberately.

I do not leave this to mammals alone, as snakes were a vast problem which were wiped out, and the reason eagles were killed off is, eagles kill things, like Cooper's hawks and the great horned owl. You can not have chicken dinner on Sunday when a horned owl eats your chicken's brains out and leaves the rotting carcase, and you to starve to death. Predatory birds are just as notorious as any other predator and that includes alligators which are becoming more aggressive in preying on people as they did in the old days.

The Trappers who followed the buffalo were the group who followed the bone men, or the men who picked up buffalo bones and sold them for bone meal to markets in the east. These "wolfers" were a very interesting group of trappers who sprang from the original group of beaver trappers.
Beaver trapping is not difficult. A beaver is an ignorant animal which responds to castor or the sweet sex scented organs beaver have. Beaver have slides and holes to set traps in too. The case is different though in the land mammal predators in they respond to like sex gland lures and tainted baits, like dogs, but it requires different methods as where a beaver has a runway in a few acre pond, a wolf runs over an entire state of 200 miles.

Most of the wolfers are unknown, as they were like the Plainsmen  which Teddy Roosevelt spoke of and lamented. They were loners and for the most part did not reproduce children. They died out with much of their knowledge which is learned again in each generation by necessity.

There were in America two groups of Trappers at the turn of the 20th century. They were the eastern trappers and the western trappers. Each group had honed a group of skills to the region and were peculiar to their regions in methods. I could mention names like Floyd McTimmons and Frank Barmettler and they would just produce a frown, but these were the Trappers who formed a western foundation as they were wolfers, meaning they trapped wolves, and their methods evolved into that group of Government Trappers which had to focus on coyotes, bobcats, cougars etc... in order to maintain a food base for the American population about to be harvested by two world wars by the cartel.

This group which followed in the west had names most of you will not recognize in Roy Kuykendall, Wiley Carroll and Vern Dorn, a group of some of the most elite coyote killers in history from California Government operations, Nevada and Oregon.
These men were harvesters of predators which fed your parents by  the millions of livestock they kept safe for the markets.

In the east, the group which evolved are more well known, as they had publications like Hunter Trader Trapper and the Fur Fish and Game to publish their ideas and market their lures. They were named S. Stanley Hawbaker, Oscar Cronk and E. J. Daily.

The eastern group trapped muskrat, mink, raccoon, beaver and fox. The western group trapped coyotes, cougars, bobcats and they used poison baits as well as denning, the means of killing entire predator groups in their pup rearing phase, as that phase is thee most deadly on Bambi and Lambikins to feed those ravenous fang growing pups.
In the west, the Predator Men developed a Coyote Getter which evolved to an M 44 spring loaded device that would shoot cyanide into the mouths of predators when they bit on them. This tool was and is marvelous and is the direct means of attack by the cartel in animal rights fraud groups, as it is the means of standing in the way of this coming onslaught on baby animals and humans.

In the 1970's President Richard Nixon banned 1080, a poison which was in use at that time, but while it killed numbers of predators, it was in many ways not superior to strychnine. Strychnine is bitter and requires being placed inside a bait, but 1080 having no flavor or order was vomited up more, before the strychnine.
I state plainly that the most effective accidental poisons for predators in the pesticide industry for other infestations like insects or slugs, have been banned by this group of regime agents as the real target is people in this, and this final solution on people by the cartel, requires predators doing the dirty work in depriving people of meat, to turn them into tofu bunnies which are easily managed like taco fed Mexicans and rice fed Chinamen.

The 1970's were the turning point in this, as this is the period when the old coyote men became old and the wolfers retired or died out. This started the massive expansion of predators into America in this cartel breeding program, for the fact is, the regimes deliberately started hiring as they do now in state police to state game agencies, absolute incompetents who grin like baboons, threaten people mostly and do not protect the public nor property. That is why there is a mental test for all of these jobs across the board. They are looking for zombies who will follow orders as in the Nazi or KGB state and not people who are nationalists and will react to protecting their people and nation.

It was out of this, that a fur boom took place, and into this Carter Depression arose Ronald Reagan, who was part of a reality of making a market for all of these deadly predators. Prices on fur rose and so did the numbers of Citizen Trappers, who in that Carter Depression were in dire need of money, and harvesting furs was their answer.

From the above group of Trappers yore, rose what would be the next generation of Trappers who passed on the knowledge or changed the industry.
There really was a trio group in this so to speak. In the west, there was the Vern Hopkins, Wiley Carroll and Vern Dorn group chiefly promoted by L. Craig O'Gorman of Montana. O'Gorman was an Iowa native who moved west for predator control work, and in essence, was educated in eastern methods and then immersed in the western methods, in making a presumption of superiority.
I knew Wiley Carroll as he was a fixture in hound circles and trapping gatherings. He was a most generous and friendly Gentleman, so that is not to state that this group was presuming they were superior. It was that Mr. O'Gorman was an Iowan and being eastern, and exposed to western methods, he gained knowledge fast, which while having success, he did not completely understand.
O'Gorman wrote of 4 coil traps and how he was holding coyotes that the Victor 3 N longspring never held. He never equated the question of why he was having coyotes stick their elbows in his traps in a higher percentage, so the 4 coil was necessary.
The hint in this is, that canines like to roll in smelly dead things, just like your dog does. The elbow catches point to a lure being utilized which was triggering that response in the coyotes in a higher percentage in Montana.
L. Craig O'Gorman though was a protector of the old western guard and necessary.

There was a middle group literally which is fascinating in this, as Mr. O'Gorman in his writings seems to take barbs at them and they taking offense did the same at times. This group appeared in the form of Garold Weiland of South Dakota. Mr. Weiland was interesting in being a native of the state, was transplanted as child to Wisconsin during the Great Depression, where he was reared in a log cabin by his lumberjack father and honed his skills there.
He was a mink trapper in the era when mink were the king of money, and a great living could be made on 100 mink a season. Mr. Weiland though out of necessity brought his long liner mink trapping to the canine world, and took large numbers of fox, coyotes and cats.
The foremost student who arose out of Garold Weiland's world was Ray Milligan. Mr. Milligan was a Pennsylvania boy, who moved "west" to Kansas, and began taking immense numbers of coyotes not seen since the Roy Kuykendall era in California.
Ray Milligan was a revolutionary in improving the long line methods and the equipment to an artform. As fur prices slumped due to cartel depression of prices in the Bush41 era, Mr. Milligan found he could trap people easier on New Mexican ranch elk hunts for a living and transformed to that role.

The eastern group of Trappers had a mix of Russ Carman, Bud Boda and Johnny Thorpe. Their region did not allow for an expansion, even though they were adept at their heritage of the eastern group.
The premier group which erupted from this region, were interesting in they were not of any group, but were two Maryland dairy farmers who enjoyed trapping in Pete and Ron Legget. This duo first appeared on the scene in other trappers in the east claiming their methods. The Leggets together recorded one of the greatest catches in 1000 red fox in one season. This was not in the open west, but in Maryland of all locations.
The Leggets did venture west and did very well on the coyotes there.

From these three groups came what was modern lures for canine predators. Mr. O'Gorman's line was the old west lure concoction, with an emphasis on bobcat bait as a basis. Mr. Milligan's line surpassed the Garold Weiland Big Deuce long distance call lures, and the Leggets developed a gland lure which was available in a squeeze bottle, which was immensely easy to utilize.
All lures are basically the same in content as certain things appeal to predators, but some are self fermenting and some are infusions.

There is a snaring group which was of the Slim Pedersen group, which evolved into kill poles to choke coyotes off for humane kills quickly.
Burnham Brothers evolved a group of predator callers in which rifles and shotguns were the traps of the trade.

The methods which cost a fortune to feed America, were poison baits, traps, snares, calling and of necessity, hounds and airplanes. The cartel if necessary for their murderous playground of the wilds, will utilize mosquito drones to manage or eradicate predators, but that is not something which will be available for regimes at this venture.

The trapping industry is a business first, and these men and women of it, gaurd their trade secrets closely, leaving only pieces of information out to lure in their own two legged prey to buy their products.

The reality is animals are both responsive educated and dumb as posts. Any predator can be caught or enticed in, if it does not associate danger with that call, and if it is curious, responding to protect it's possession, hungry or sexually driven. Once though a predator learns that danger is involved, and they become an immense problem to communities in murdering vast numbers of animals or people.

Even at the hey day of Civilian Trappers in America in the 1980's, predators were not wiped out in the least. Even with the best of Trappers in a Vern Dorn in all the methods in great numbers of dead coyotes, those coyotes still came back like a plague every year. There is a reason that Theodore Roosevelt and John Burroughs advocated the extermination of bad animals, and promoted "good" animals like deer, elk, antelope, ducks etc... which could be enjoyed by people.
You must understand there is something psychologically unbalanced about people who are drawn to large predators. They exist vicariously through them, the same way proponents of Joe Stalin do, the same way males with small penis have big trucks with loud pipes and women with low self esteem turn Barbie Doll to punish other people, as that is their scent post of territory which brings them esteem, like numbers of weak people use college degrees as their fang and claw to tear at "lesser" humans.

I could expound upon this into the forensic psychology which the Lame Cherry pioneered and is one of the few experts on, but then that begins revealing secrets of Mockingbird and thee entire genre of Tavistock and Stanford.........which you learn as a hunter not to howl like the wolves, else those in ivory towers become aware of your position and all you really know.

The day will appear though that it is going to be very difficult to live, due to these large predators being bred across the globe. The problem being that they occupy areas of dozens to hundreds of square miles, and make murderous kills, move on, and slowly eat your resources to weaken you, and then eat you.

My Grandfather told me a story when I was very young, about a family in Siberia Russia, where they were coming home by horse sled in the winter, and a pack of wolves attacked them. They could not out run the predators, so chose to throw the youngest child to the pack, which killed and ate the child. Those are the realities of what the cartel has in store for you, but all of your urbanites are too Mockingbird funded to Rush Limbaugh or Chris Matthew to inform you, and the old dodgers in the predator trapping game, have no more Tom Krause, Major Bodicker and Parker Dozhier to lead them through the fog to what is really taking place.
You my children and my brats, are being conditioned and raised, to be prey for a number of predators, both two and for legged. You are being taught that polar bears, wolves and all of these meat consuming murderers are cuddly and that you are bad for knowing otherwise. You will be dead someday in mass due to cartel protocols, and it will be wolves, wild dogs and coyotes gnawing on your bones in your front yards or digging you out of your shallow graves. Thus being taught to feed on humans, they will naturally hunt humans, and become aggressive like the Yellowstone predators from grizzly to coyote have evolved to under cartel programs.

That is your lesson in reality. You really do need to gain knowledge in how to deal with these murderous creatures and stand up to the conduits which are attacking you and your nations, in demanding rights for terrorists and terror animals, which you are deprived of.

nuff said.


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