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The Exiled Obama


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If you have not noticed, someone has been shoving the image Obama and Mrs. Robinson Obama off the continental shelf of these former United States.
By this, we all were deluged with stories of Obama's shapeshifter image running for a 3rd term.
Then we all heard how the Obama's were going to buy a mansion in the DC metro and oversee the new sharecroppers who stole their way into the White House.
Then this shifted to the Obama's looking at real estate in expensive, exclusive mansions in California.
Now we see the Obama's have been placed into exile at the Robin Master's estate with Jonathan Higgins managing the property for them.

"I do not want those niggers anywhere near my Presidency."

-Source unknown.

Only this blog has revealed the reality of the power shift which started taking place in the winter of 2015 AD in the year of our Lord. We have seen since June 13th, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord, on the assassination day of Birther Hussein, and the shapeshifter jinn appeared, a complete reversal of Obama fortunes.
The Obama regime has not had one legislative, political, diplomatic or propaganda success since June 13. Every scheme they have dictated has been a complete defeat or a horrendous failure.

Take for pondering that Bergdahl traitor. The Obama regime releases terrorists for traitor Bergdahl from Gitmo. The regime lies say Bergdahl is a hero, and yet within the year, the Pentagon is prosecuting this traitor for his crimes.
A new order has appeared and is trumping image Obama at every turn.

This goes directly to the Obama exile. The order which has taken control from the Obama regime in early 2015 in the same way that the Obama benefactors wrested control from George W. Bush in the summer of 2008 AD in the year of our Lord is now operating, and these rulers do not want those Obama niggers anywhere near their wood pile.

Look, Drudge placed Washington Times headlines that Big Gun was making a fortune under the Obama regime......just a few weeks after that exclusive broke here. Gee who at the Times reads this blog, plagiarizes the story, and then does not give the Lame Cherry credit nor compensation?
There have been many of the so called benefactors of the right in Big Koch and Big Frac who have made fortunes under Birther Obama. The Wall Street crew has had their investment portfolio doubled, just as Rush Limbaugh was doubly enriched by Birther Hussein. There have been many traitors on the right, who have sheared the people on the right while in bed with the Obama image.
In stating that, there are numbers of people who have been short changed by the Obama regime, have been humiliated and have had to bide their time. Those powers that be, swallowed hard on Obama, but are going to get their pound of flesh off this regime's corpse, and the political people who are going to be at 1600 Penn Avenue are going to have carte blanche and absolute mandate to neutralize Obama.
Eric Holder who is the gatekeeper for the European cartel in that Colin Powell type Carribean Queen, was forced out. There is an entire new caste appearing who will rule, and the message in all of this is, "They do not want those niggers around."

For those who think nigger is a harsh word. That is the dialect which is chosen by these elite and they with vehemence have let it be known, that if they could stick image Obama in Peking's Forbidden City, they would dump it there.
Being moved to bragging of a 3rd time to undo the Constitution, to moved out of DC, to California, having the California leadership not wanting that entourage there, and dumping the image Obama back into the ocean at Hawaii to rid themselves of this foreign agent, shwos the depths of hatred which the next ruling class of America holds this Obama regime.

For people on the left, this is not me doing this. This is not the right. This is a power structure who dethroned Obama after 6 years, left it to the diversion of legacy, and they have already taken up residence for operations which are being engaged in, which will affect America a decade ahead. They do not want image Obama or Mrs. Robinson Obama anywhere near shufflin' about the porch.

This is understandable as both Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton hate Birther Hussein's image. Jeb Bush for political reasons for the phantom Nig vote can say we all must be like Obama,  but what Bush advocates is, we must all submit to the feudal state so his comrades can rule. The Clintons hate the Obama's even more. Both have had enough of Jimmy Carter's meddling and the last thing they want is some Nig image giving it's opinion on everything their Presidencies are engaged in.

Sure the image would enjoy progressing the Obama agenda of autonomy for "natives" in Hawaii and make a break away state if it could get away with it, and install itself as King of the Polenesians, with full protection of it's Chinese heritage roots, supplied nuclear warheads for protection from America by the Islamocommunist of Iran, but where pipe dreams prevail a different tune is played.

TL pondered just how long after the move to Hawaii that the Chicken Entre would be defrosted for a nice mid term funeral to get the Afroids out to the polls for Congressional elections......

It is all part of the plus minus future, but the reality is by absolute fact in new stories, is the group which is taking over Washington DC, has put the Obama group into exile. This group is so in control, that you will notice not one blowback from this order from them has appeared in protest in any of the puppy press.
That is the reality without a doubt, and that is what winning looks like. This all started in the winter of 2008 AD in the year of our Lord, when Lawrence Sinclair came forward with the sodomite encouters he  experienced with foreign subject Obama in Chicago. Lt. Col. Terry Lakin's bravery in being sent to prison has not been wasted, as while the Tea Party and all leadership, save this blog has faded in the resistance, the tides of battle did indeed turn, and those forces now in position to neutralize the Obama regime, have done the work others held the ground for.
None of this was wasted. It was a study though how the powers that rule, are too supreme to battle legally or illegally as the people are consumed. It is though the reality of resisting and then waiting for those powers in their jealousy to remove the boy who wanted to be president of some country.

It is my hope that they are petty in their pounds of flesh and make it an issue to vanquish this regime as a deflection, as everyone from Mexicans, Muslims, Whites, Blacks, Asians, Christians and Conglomerates have been brutalized and murdered by the Obama regime.

That is a long list, and the retribution signs have been appearing in John Boehner growing balls instead of playing with Obama's golf balls. image Obama is in exile. That is the reality and the good news. What follows is just as ruthless..........it is hoped though that if feeds on the Obama exiles for deflection and advancement.

Seriously as Obama blamed America for all the world's ills, the next occupant of 1600 Penn Avenue will be blaming this Obama regime privately to the world for all that ails it. Obama is going to be the domestic and foreign policy in being rightfully blamed for promoting it's own thugs, while bitch slapping the majority which was repressed.

Obama in exile, now you know.


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