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Hypocrite You Are


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was moved by the Holy Ghost to comprehend that even I would be compassionate to you brats and worthless culls, and that is why God is the Judge through His Christ, as He will be thorough. I know this fully in what I have been moved to in kicking you hypocrites in the ass with the worst slaps in the face to get your attention to what condemned hell offspring of satan you all are.

Many of you have run, but only a fool cons themselves into thinking they can run from God, or that God will forget their sins.

The problem for each of you, is that you are to a person convinced how completely upstanding you are, when you are nothing but hypocrites. The Holy Ghost gave me this verse almost a week ago, but I have been  too busy to write of these things, and am doing so as TL has on Victoria and Albert on DVD, one of the perks from a time when TL was making money long ago.

Isaiah 66

He that killeth an ox is as if he slew a man; he that sacrificeth a lamb, as if he cut off a dog's neck; he that offereth an oblation, as if he offered swine's blood; he that burneth incense, as if he blessed an idol. Yea, they have chosen their own ways, and their soul delighteth in their abominations.

The above is lost upon each of you, as you think your very presence before God is some great offering that God is so impressed, that He bows down and owes you for your stooping to acknowledge God. You are Cain in all of this, in thinking that your offering is something God owes you for. You are such fools.

The reality is the image of Obama is marked down as childless. No offspring of that marriage will ever rise to power again.

You are on equal footing. I caught a feed from WDAY in Fargo today in a "conservative" Rod Portman, who Scott Henning raised up, was chanting how he had no problem with homosexuals in marriage or anything else. God has the Law and the Judgment in this, and God mandates this is an abomination. Sean Hannity keeps chanting about homosexual rights. All of you are going to answer for those national sins.

It is easy now being a christian in this world, but one can not distinguish in most churches if they are sodomite clubs or places of worship for God. God has no Presence in such rejection of His Laws. It is what the above verse is stating to each of you.......YOUR LIVES THAT YOU THINK ARE MORAL BEFORE GOD ARE LIVES WHICH ARE SEEN BY GOD AS IF YOU WERE A MURDERER AND A PEDOPHILE.

I would have used sodomite or abortionist, but those abominations are deemed by each of you as nothing to twinge your consciences as you are so satanic inside in being seared.

 I am trying to put together a 3 point hitch on a tractor I have been afforded the use of this coming gardening season, so we can eat. That is what being poor is. I always have to create the wheel as there is no way anyone can afford a 400 dollar conversion kit for this. So I have to have the Holy Ghost pop ideas into my head at 7 in the morning and it wearies me daily, as you are off clicking endlessly on a keyboard with such nonsense that most of your writings are put on block.

I see this a futility in repeating a message which is harsh to a group of richtards who have chosen to be sentenced to hell in proving what hypocrites they are every moment of this life. I dislike swatting you. I dislike telling you what horrid brats you are. I dislike that there is nothing humane or human in you, as all you are is self serving, as you are a complete waste of God creating you.

God has a person He looks to.

For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the LORD: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word.

Check off the list are you poor?

Are you in anguish of the things you do?

Do you recoil in respect at hearing God's Word........here?

You have answered NO to all, not because you are honest, but because you are such arrogant hypocrites that none of you rich have given even 1/10 of all you have in tithes to God or the poor. You judge yourself as doing nothing wrong in being God in deciding how perfect you are. You care nothing about hearing God's Word and mock it here and every place on this world.

You are the spiritual bastards of satan, not having the Holy Ghost in you, but the devil's spirit wed inside of you.

God says you weary Him. You just exhaust me and while satan never tires, you are it's offspring which are angles of light, refracted to a prism of impurity which will do no good, and does nothing but be evil.

  1. You place yourself before God.
  2. Your very actions dishonor God's Name.
  3. All you do is commune with yourself.
  4. You dishonor the Heavenly Father and your parents are like trash in the dumpster
  5. All you do is steal from God in tithes and from all the poor.
  6. You are murderous in every hateful thought to others and every lustful thought for yourself.
  7. You lie constantly about others.
  8. Your every thought is sexual perversion.
  9. There is no end to the things which you set up to delight you.
  10. You plot and plan to get what others have.

Most of you are so seared that you do not even recognize the 10 Commandments, and the rest of you are so dead inside, that you deceive yourselves into thinking that you can hide  as "investments" what is your covetousness which is nothing but Wall Street being a depository of global looting and enslavement which you profit off of.

There is absolutely nothing which can be done with you. You are hurtful, mean liars.

I would that you were something that would have remedy beyond Judgment and Sheol, but all you are is just a waste of life.
Your very souls of ice do not even comprehend that there are people out there who read this, and are grieved in thinking this is about them........when it is all about you, in the witness against you.

There will come a time if you are not struck down before, that Two Witnesses will appear......and for those who think they are Revelation's Two, then unless you are in Jerusalem according to Prophecy, it is a question of what ten thousand of you are doing not in that city.........and those Real Witnesses will scourge you as you should be. It is though something I will be sad over in the waste of you, even though you have done nothing but hate me.

I have to be about other duties now as  that message from the Holy Ghost has been posted again.

There is something beautiful about a tractor with digger loosening garden soil in all the hope of spring, with that dirt tilled deeper than any sore back could accomplish with a fork. That is what makes a successful gardener.......money and a deep tilling.
Weeds grow from sour ground, too much fertilizer and not enough balance of a base to sweeten the soil. It is what you hypocrites are, you are a weed which flourished in too much abundance.

I would that you had more purpose than sucking up nutrients and your accumulated wealth being stored for the crop of Christians who follow, but what I would, you would not do, for you are hypocrites and destroyed for lack of not knowing how heinous  you are.


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