As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Cherrystone Files are an insight as to the ...........
To the point, when someone named Rush Hudson Limbaugh III, who has his own Elton Blonde minder to steer this scripted Mockingbird nestling, it is a little rich to focus upon Hillary Rodham for her attaching her lucky star to William Jefferson Blythe Clinton, when Limbaugh is the homosexual Bill Clinton in having cover wives, where Clinton had cover rape victims obsessed over in his real sexual problems.
The focus upon this is Hillary Rodham in her revelations, this former Goldwater Girl from Pennsylvania.
Hillary Rodham was a most accomplished feminist before her wedded horror to William Clinton. Her father, Hugh, was a Naval training Officer during World War II, and a most successful business man in the textile trade.
The reality is her father was pure Republican, more Conservative than Ronald Reagan.
Ms. Rodham's mother, Dorothy Howell, was a self made woman. Her family life was tumultuous and extremely strict, to the point the girl ran away at age 14 during the great depression and she worked to support herself, and returned to school.
While Hillary Rodham claimed that her mother was a Democrat, the reality is, her mother was never political, but was instead an outstanding June Cleaver mother type, who was extremely successful as a homemaker.
It is this background of right wing, normal America, that a supposedly uber feminist radical leftist appeared, who apparently failed her District of Columbia bar exam and skulked away to redneck Arkansas to attach herself to William Clinton.
At this point revisit the realities of Sherman Skolnick in his reporting that William Blythe was the son of party girl, Virginia Kelly and the democratic Governor of Arkansas, named Rockefeller of the famed cartel family.
Recall at this point, the reality of the findings that Hillary Clinton at the infamous Rose Law Firm, with Webb Hubble and Vince Foster, were running the equally famous hacked PROMIS software, which was being utilized to track funds around the globe and skim capital.
Recall at this point that Vice President George Herbert Walker Bush, set up the Medina connection to the Columbian drug trade in Arkansas, and the original Iran Contra funding operations in running cocaine into America, and pushing those funds back to the Columbian drug lords, who were sponsors of the Contras in El Salvador.
When George H. W. Bush threatened Bill Clinton to keep out of the 2000 Presidential race, because HW knew where the Clinton skeletons were buried, and later treated Bill Clinton as a son in bringing him into the family, it is a reality that Bill Clinton was a Governor on the immoral loose, but a Governor who was having a major intelligence operation operated in his state by a Republican Administration.
In all of this, there is the fact that this Welsley girl of Hillary Rodham, was the President of the Young Republicans, had volunteered for Barry Goldwater's Presidential campaign against Lyndon Johnson in 1964 AD in the year of our Lord.
It was in this era that a transformation of the later Rose Law Firm, intelligence agent, in she began organizing black protests at the death of Martin King, and was asked to assist in the campaign of Governor Nelson Rockefeller against Richard Nixon in 1968.
Ms. Rodham claimed at attending the GOP Convention that she left the Republican party for good at the treatment of Rockefeller and the "veiled racism" of the Convention.
In reality, this Rockefeller intelligence asset, would appear as part of the Nixon coup, in her demanding that Richard Nixon should not be allowed legal counsel, for which she was removed from assisting the Watergate investigation, and thereby appeared in league with Bill Clinton, volunteering for the diasterous George McGovern for Presidential campaign of 1972 in Texas.
This was the "get Nixon" operation from the Rockefeller group predating the Watergate eruption, which has been proven was part of the E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy rouge operation which was designed to sully the Nixon Campaign for impeachment.
From this point on, the Rockefeller asset, became an operative conduit of Rockefeller policy, which just so happened to overlap at Rose Law Firm, with the George H. W. Bush operation, to run a Watergate type operation, against President Ronald Reagan in what would be Iran Contra, to remove President Reagan and install Rockefeller man, HW into the oval office.
These groups are bloodier and thicker than water. HW was set aside for a full blooded Rockefeller, the first Rockefeller son to ever occupy the Oval Office in this managing board of this caste of rotating officers.
The reality is, that Hillary Rodham Clinton, was recruited by the Rockefellers to mind their bastard son, William in Arkansas for John Kennedy stardom at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
This "children's advocate" and term paper writer for Saul Alinksy, has always been shepherding the educational funding apparatus, which Alinksy advocated taking control of to gain that fortune to exploit. Her two tier operation was minding William Clinton and monitoring the control of funding. Rose Law was the money laundering apparatus which Hubble, Foster and Clinton worked on.
Vince Foster was assassinated, because Mr. Foster had several million dollars hijacked from his personal bank account by competitors, and he was making too much an issue of this.
Hillary Clinton has always been an asset of the Rockefeller nation. She has accomplished a great deal in making Bill Clinton into a winner, when his entire career is John Kerry dismal. Her 2008 Presidential run was stymied by the European cartel, because as reported only here, Bill Clinton on a junket with a Canadian trader to Asia, happened to sell the Chicoms a huge mining resource of Uranium, all without permission from the cartel.
For this, Hillary Clinton was humiliated in having this "minder" Barack Hussein Obama Chin, a Birther agent from Asia, as that is where his real mother was from, being a Chinese squatter in the Philippines, impregnated by a Horn of Africa dock worker, installed at 1600 Penn Avenue. The reality is, Hillary Rodham Clinton was penalized by her husband being foolish. Their minder for 8 years at the White House was the Obama minder, Eric Holder, who enforced Bill Clinton to pardon Marc Rich who was laundering billions of Saddam Hussein's oil treasury.
The Cherrystone files do not convey that Mrs. Clinton is a Republican, but she is right wing, and not this leftist she has portrayed herself as. Why do you think that Bill Clinton suddenly after the Congressional upheaval in Newt Gingrich's victory in GOP taking control of both houses, suddenly signed all of the GOP contract with America, and became Ronald Reagan's 3rd term. That could not have happened if shrill Mrs. Clinton was a pure leftist, nor could Dick Morris a right wing operative been steering the Clinton co Presidency.
What Mrs. Clinton is, is a Rockefeller conglomerous. She minds her asset, and she mines all data and revenue for that family group inside the cartel.
For those who doubt what is being exposed here, I ask you to recall the reality of Peggy Noonan, speechwriter for Ronald Reagan came out rabid Obama, as much as FOX entirely went for Obama, after being sworn for Reagan.
All of these nestlings of Mockingbird are in their positions, because they were recruited to bring a message, carry a message and implement a message of a "bigger picture". Most are the complete opposite of what they portray. It is why Pat Sajack could meet Keith Olberman and find him to be normal and conservative, and Olberman upon being recruited, was transformed to a rabid liberal. Actors portray a role for the "bigger picture", those on the right have a Rush Limbaugh voicing for them, when an insider named John McCain exposed Limbaugh as an entertainer and Limbaugh admitted in a 60 Minutes interview that "I will move onto something else when this runs out."
No one runs out of beliefs when the job runs out, no more than your British citizenship runs out as Obama claimed in 2008 AD in the year of our Lord.
That is the reality of Hillary Rodham Clinton. She is not a leftist. She is of the feudal right. She is a cut throat at her job, equally focused as another intelligence agent in Vladimir Putin of Russia. She is protected by the Rockefeller group as was Bill Clinton. She was doing her job for the cartel, and it does not matter if it is dope operations, or minding the Obama situation of the Berlin lords having a boy of their agency installed at 1600 Penn Avenue.
In assessing those factors, Mrs. Clinton has managed a most difficult high profile assignment, in dealing with Bill Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama Chin. One an out of control sex maniac and the other a scripted agent of the Berlin group.
Mrs. Clinton was promised the Presidency as a wife of a Rockefeller and a reward for her managing two oval office occupancies. Her troubles eminate from other factions in the Prescott Bush and the sniping of the Obama faction from Berlin. It is no secret this lesbian laison is not a leftist, but an operative minding a Rockefeller son in William Jefferson Blythe Rockefeller Clinton.
None of this really matters, but it is a reality which does require understanding to make sense of all you have been witnessing to make more sense of what you have been experiencing. Hillary Rodham is an intelligence asset, minding a lord's son and leftist operations. Her recruitment was successful and she has managed one of the worst situations in a successful way, but far too often in ways above the law which her detractors have exploited effectively.
It is not in the Obama legacy or Jeb Bush dynasty interest for Hillary Rodham to become President. Ms. Rodham Clinton will wipe the Obama legacy from history and of course her Presidency will mean an end to the Bush dynasty until new generation, Jorge Jispanic Bush is lifted by the Prescott Bush operation.
I leave this at that. Hillary Rodham, the minder. The Clinton's implemented the entire Reagan implementation, and she was praised by Newt Gingrich........who just so happens to be sounding quite off the reservation liberal after all his right wing progression.
One implements their orders as deep cover sleepers. Now you know in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, what you have been manipulated to again.
This is what power is. It is a group that recruits the willing, going on the emotional way, and they find it is their lifetime of recruitment called their lives as the covert and overt meld to a new genre that they do not even recognize in the end.
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