As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
A few weeks ago on Woodchuck Day, this blog posted a menagerie of the mind, to such extents that you did not realize the trap in which you were already captured in, in being so devolved from what is America.
I mentioned coon peckers, and that means a raccoon penis in reality, and most were shocked and in disbelief at such odd verbiage, and yet all that exposes in each of you, is how removed you are from the foundation of America, where there are actually the God ordained fringe who keep America together in the Obama image fray, who without thinking or reaction know of coon peckers, bull cock whips, snow snakes, jackalopes and a host of other strange phenomena that sound like some Afroid dialect from the Obama voter streets.
Coon peckers are vital in this, as this group is the target of the cartel for extermination, as while it is up to Jesus in the relationship these wild Americans have with Him for their salvation, the reality is, this is the Alamo Group who contend and have always contended in bringing the real American identity to world domination.
America has been supplanted by that coastal patrician group of Angles who never have been American. George Washington was of Norman blood, meaning the Viking Israelites and the Anglo Saxons are of these like wild lines.
The ruling elite though is of a different mind altogether though in they are moneychangers and merchants, intent on exploiting people in how to manage them for profit.
The coon pecker group has a definitive reality. They are gun owners, Bible based even if they do not enter Churches, Veterans, Christians in identity and Patriots. They in numbers of ways are kindred of the Viking in bashing people unknown over the head with a maul to see if they are human or spooks. These rural people are self determinate and the rugged individual who always test outsiders.
It is why the states from North Dakota to Oklahoma are being infused with Mexicans in order to breed out that identity. The Mexican is Vatican based, Bourbon in blood, meaning they are good at assassination and mob protests of emotion, but not for standing their ground in a fight. They are the antithesis of the Israelite Lost 10. Just as the Asian from Peking or India is not a fighter, but a stock of the pavement to be exploited as the majority refuses to rise up and throw off their chains.
The reason coon peckers matter is you will never hear such things on Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin or Sean Hannity, as they have never heard of these verbiages, and would recoil in uncomfortable laughter while they tell you that they are just like these Americans.
These Americans are the Americans who spilled over the eastern mountains and took the Ohio and the Illinois, as much as Texas and California. That great Missouri emptying to Oregon country was the hallmark of the welding of America into one Scott, French, Irish, German, Anglo, Norman identity of Christians.
These are the boisterous lot which Mark Twain wrote often. The group was daring and equally at home in exploiting the resources to develop the land for making American States.
You must understand this bloodline of the coon pecker, as whether it was the American Ranger or the Voyageur or the Plainsman or Mountain Man, this group took the Viking settled lands of America of 1000 AD in the year of our Lord in that wilderness which that group of Asian Phoenecians could not possess, but only made savage.
The hunters and trappers, became the miners and lumberjacks, who then became the store owners and the ranchers, who then became the towns and farmers.
What exists today are the dregs of this coon pecker group. The die hards still exist in their enclaves, but the dregs like the shit from a toilet all have flowed to the sewers of cities, which are stagnant homosexual and welfare gulags.
The Obama voter is no more American than a Peking brick layer or a Mexican laborer. It is not that the coon pecker group dies out, but that historically the same condition destroyed Israel and Phonecia because these peoples have worthless children who are rather intelligent in figuring out that it is easier to not work and just fuck while having others do the work and sucking the life out of them.
So for those who had no idea of what a coon pecker was in reality that it made you recoil in wonder, do not feel alone as you are part of a group of Limbaugh half brains and Obama no minds, in you have been so far removed from America that you would think a coon skin cap was something you would never wear or the idea of gutting a deer was abhorent.
When you are this removed from real America, then fully comprehend how far the rest of this elite trash is not American in one cell, and why it keeps importing these foreign slaves as they have commonality with all of them and not you, the American.
Odd today that after I wrote this, I got a phone call from a skirt who knew my name, and asked me directly and pointedly how much of a Christian Zealot Right Wing Patriot La'me Cherry is..........I did not disappoint in this in I made Ronald Reagan sound like a leftist.........apparently the GOP is running tabs in how much to lie to Americans in order to get them to vote in the primaries for Jebby aus Bush.
Yeah it was uber Conservative polling for hire and yes it was white male in that is the voting block which is in play and no one is stating that FACT.
Yes another Lame Cherry exclusive in coon peckers and white male voting concerns for the GOP.