As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
This is a today update in a clinical study which fascinates me in part and upsets me in another attack upon us.
It is confusing these entities which have been bothering us. I know the source, so that is not the problem to speak of. We have done exactly all the things in binding, commanding and anointing this day again.
What this is, is an actual real time experience, and these are a great deal more to the point of what necessitates in these times.
Today around 4 the baby goatikins went nuts again. They really tear around in their kennel in the living room, and I handle this by commanding in prayer, that which is troubling them, is sucked out of here and back to source. In a few moments to minutes, this does work in calming them down, as the demon is gone.
The human mind is single dimension at most times, and that is a mistake, as upon inquiry this is not just one demon, but two.
As this morning in doing chores, Ellie went on a run in terror. It was fascinating as TL was feeding hay, and that hay in the air on the end of fork, terrified Ellie. What is more interesting is when I calmed Ellie down, she bolted several times in she was seeing something around me. I envision this demon is some type of bat shadow flapping entity in being dark, and this is what scared Ellie. It is what murdered our other doe a few months ago, in it scared her so much it broke her neck.
Once again, it would seem that for all the Godness going on with me, that I should not have these situations, but as St. Paul was hindered by satan, this is a time which things are manifesting, and it requires even more dilligence and will in the Lord to deal with this.
The person sending this or what this is manifesting off of, I know. I also know in that type of power expended that a greater consuming force will come upon them. I do know the end of this person and when it will be. That much destruction will lead to self destruction.
Upon inquiry, these two demons are operating off of the moon and the morning star. I know from observation that when past midnight arises, this moon demon, or it is called allah, appears and begins aggitating all in this house. This other demon is empowered off of Venus or the morning star, and is a daylight entity.
There is a reason in the facts, that witchcraft uses earth, fire, star, sun, wind, moon and water. There is a reason some demons are bound in the river Euphrates. There is a reason that demons wander the dry places in search of peace. There is a reason that Saturn, Mars, Venus were all demon associated, and there is a reason a little Mideast entity known as allah in the crescent moon demon, linked to a religion of self destruction by Muhammed. There is a reason that ghosts manifest greater in electric storms. Certain things charge off of certain physical auras.
It is why the 12 tribes of Israel each have a gemstone. That gem is a frequency charge for that tribe, and combined they create a perfect charge.
We anointed the goatikins, commanded all demons from here, anointed the house and the land, along with other commands. This is the reality of this more than one dimensional situations. It is the reality of the responsibility of all of you brats. You may not be the source of this, but evil sources off of each of you, and you are responsible and will be repaid by God or collected from in satan.
These satyrs have a connection to goats and I believe were chasing my horses around stirring them up. The waves of these forces turn and soon enough they will sweep back over in greater charge accomplishing all the evil which you were joined to and sent out.
These two along with others are going to find a very tormented surprise when they make the circuit again, as this is like a charge in the wire. I will continue on, and that debt which each of you have generated in satan acting upon it, is going to be collected from you, by satan.
I win, we win, as we have the Victory in Christ. All this will be avenged to the last ash of your souls by God. It is apparent that I required a greater education in how these forces operated relentlessly in first hand experience in a spiritual war with actual suffering and death.
I learn in the new levels and continue on, with dust off my shoes. Amen and Amen
agtG 272Y