My children by God's Grace, another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, and the earth was void and without form, and God said, Let there be light, and there was light...........
There is coming a great deception my children, and it has been a work in degression for some time. It will be explained here in what the false prophet and anti Christ will attend to in this, as the signs are all around us and permeate the culture of thought. Worst in this are people like Richard C. Hoagland of NASA and other brainiac works who have melded false science with their need for attention. They misinterpret the things they are being fed from the illuminators and have laid a quicksand bedwork to suck the deceived away to hell, when that time for initiation comes.
The Bible is fact, but there are silent places in the Bible and that is what part of my commission has been in filling in prophecy and the silent places. Being a Spiritual Conduit of the Holy Ghost, revelations come to me, and this one is one of the elevated ones of importance.
For in the beginning God did create all as the Bible teaches, but there was one more planet in the Sol solar system in which you live. In fact, as this blog has explained, the planets of Jupiter and Saturn were in opposite places.
The inner works were the hard earth planets out to this missing planet. The outer planets were mysts. If you can comprehend God's message, the inner planets are the soul journey of a human, reaching Spirit nature of God and then joining the Heavenly bodies of the mysts.
In the time after the Great Flood or Noah's deluge, Nimrod the might hunter before the Lord embarked upon a gathering in the first attempted human replacement of God.
It was as this blog posted in his day, that the world was divided literally from the one continent into what is this day with rivers and mountain ranges to separate out the people to keep them from "completing all that they imagined".
In the days of Noah things changed as mists no longer watered the earth as the deluge started and it rained. This is the reason the rainbow appeared as mists no longer covered the earth, but rains watered the earth.
The change though before the division of the earth appeared in the skies, according to the stories of the fall of Lucifer for in that time darkness, the dark star planet called Nibiru appeared in the heavens and in it "war" was seen in Jupiter replaced Saturn as this dark star's gravitation pulled the planets out of alignment, and shattered Angelica, that planet of light and darkness which is now the meteor belt between Mars and Jupiter.
As this blog has exclusively revealed, as the war in heaven was witnessed, Nibiru's gravitational fields caused a quick division of the earth.
The shattering of Angelica was complete with pieces coming in tow, that set off immense destructions on two planets.
Mars at that time had atmosphere, but it was burned as the meteors of Angelic entered the Martian atmosphere and consumed the oxygen, and in devastating impacts disrupted the planet.
Mars being a smaller orb could not contain the trauma and it's atmosphere thinned and it's waters freeze dried, to the electronic waste it is today.
The earth Moon suffered tremendous cratering, and Earth at the division did too, with immense impacts which burned up atmosphere, thinning it of high oxygen content, meaning humans and animals would no longer be long lived due to the lessening of the oxygen environment.
The species shift took place in this time in climate and atmospheric change in the animals of antiquity in the dinosaurs could not without fur or feather deal with temperature changes no longer being moderate. The ice cooling of dealing with the deluge brought on the immense mammals of the Saber tooths etc... which too died out in the less oxygen and then warming climate. Large animals require large quantities of food, and without that food base due to seasonal changes those species die out, not from meteors, but from the non ability to adapt.
In that time of the beginning, the Angels built things. The pyramids of Angelic, Mars, Earth and Venus.
Mercury is said to be a bit of Angelica which came in the tow of Nibiru.
They built them along the ley lines in stairways to Heaven. The Angels both Light and dark, have abilities of manifestation to Glorify God and to serve blasphemous deceptions.
When the shattering of Angelica took place, the angels of darkness left in that war in heaven, Angelica and set foot upon Earth at Atlantis, which is the waters. Lucifer was not just a beautiful creature, Lucifer that became satan was a distinct creation in it was reptilian in nature. The Angels which became demons were of a specific order in fallen state, in the reptilian, the greys, the blondes etc... These forms have a demonic order of look as much as the Seraphim have a distinct appearance.
It is the fallen order which plunged into the ocean depths who gave window to those humans open to the knowledge of the mysteries to supplant God which is not possible.
The sciences are there, as much as the misinterpretation of the evidences available in the complex revelations unearthed.
The demon class constructed devices to prove order in order to teach disorder. Metatron in the cube which is the Sacred Geometry of the Tree of Life. The Mediterranean disks in cosmic motion. Those Mormon plates. The flying saucer technologies reverse engineered by Americans and under construct by the Nazi. The crop circles are all part of this infusion of the intelligent design of chaos.
All of these deceptions have been sown to deceive the very elect if possible. Star Trek just did not happen. It was by design to deal with the deception unleashed as the leaders did not know they were being deceived.
What will take place is a coming revealing based upon the above. It will be that the origins of mankind was of the stars in being star children sown here. Angelica will take on a new name in being the home to coarsing humans, with Mars in the current "findings" taking place there to reveal that there was technology and life there before the war in heaven, which destroyed Angelica and brought humans of different orders to earth in the Atlantean strain.
The deception will be sown by the false prophet and the anti Christ by miraculous powers said generated from old, and humans must join this new power, as God does not exist as humans have been god's all along in being the immigrants to Earth due to cataclysm.
The original seedlings sown for a cosmic disaster on Earth degraded to a primitive state it will be said in the rise and fall of civilizations, and will not be shown to be demonic invasion of Earth and mankind rejecting God which caused the distinct groups of the Sons of Man Inspired by God and the daughters of men infused with the rebellion by demons.
A form of this will come and is warned of here. It will change as it attempts to adapt to warnings as the lust of this fills the majority with the energy that there is no God, but all are gods and simply need to return to their first estate to which they have fallen from.
This is what took place. This is what is being psychologically engineered and physically engineered in the promise of the mortal immortals.
Do not miss the demon in the mirror watching you as your focus is on the pretty girl.
agtG 325Y