On the morning of Friday, March 8th, 2013, George Nouri, the same George Nouri who was awarded by Barack Hussein Obama an award by other noted Nouri guests with gushing enthusiasm, was joined by Dr. Jerome Corsi of World Net Daily to mock the reality that Hugo Chavez was murdered by B. Hussein Obama with a weaponized cancer as this simply was so left field that it was crazy.
The following exhibits in link proof of the US Government's association with bio warfare, with bio cancer research and the fact that people around Fort Germ, Fort Detrick in Maryland are dying of cancer in cluster.
It will be noted here also that the founder of Fort Germ, himself, William C. Patrick III died of bladder cancer.
Fort Detrick - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_DetrickHistorically, Fort Detrick was the center of the American biological weapons... It also hosts the National Cancer Institute-Frederick (NCI-Frederick) and will be ...Building 470 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Building_470Building 470 was the tallest structure on the Fort Detrick grounds and for ...Fort Detrick buildings to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for cancer research. ... that were being researched as biological weapons: one, a microbiologist in 1951, ...Vaccines Weaponized
www.heartcom.org/VaccinesWeaponized.htmFort Detrick, which manufactured biological weapons, was turned over to the National Cancer Institute to be used in the (so called) “War on Cancer” but the ...
William C. Patrick III, 84, dies; oversaw Fort Detrick biowarfare effort ...
www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/.../10/.../AR2010100407059.htmlOct 4, 2010 – ... diseases, including anthrax and tularemia, died of bladder cancer Oct... ... He was chief of the development program at Fort Detrick in Frederick ... In the 1960s, Mr. Patrick led the highly classified weaponization of tularemia, ...
Residents Near Fort Detrick Voice Concerns Of Cancer Cluster ...
baltimore.cbslocal.com/.../residents-near-fort-detrick-voice-concerns-...Sep 17, 2011 – Hundreds of people who live near Fort Detrick died from cancer or are living ... See what happened ther with waste left by military weapons.[redacted] news: Fort Detrick's Biowarfare-ville "Suspiciously High ...
redactednews.blogspot.com/2011/.../fort-detricks-biowarfare-ville.ht...Jan 6, 2011 – The most marked difference involves liver cancer. ... Labels: biological chemical warfare, CANCER, fort detrick, usamriid, weaponized anthrax ...
Now this is the Jerome Corsi of World Net Daily who is supposed to be the bulwark of defense against the Obama regime, but he like Joseph Farah suddenly developed Obama amnesia when this blog noted there was a protocol to drag Corsi and Farah into the street at 3 AM in their underwear to shut them up over the Birther issue. Suddenly Corsi and Farah developed amnesia, and all the people they had manipulated and used were left on their own in the fringe media to fend for themselves.
The fact is President Richard Nixon stopped Fort Detrick Maryland from bio weapons testing, but the entire bio weapons lab shifted from production out of Pine Bluff, Arkansas, home of the Rockefeller father of Bill Clinton and William Jefferson Blythe Clinton, to a full fledged program of non offensive bio weapons to "defensive bio weapons".
What set off the cancer factor was the polio virus which was mass injected into American and the people of the world. It contained monkey tissue, and it was identified as SV40. This virus killed with rampant effect in this mass inoculation and it swung the entire cancer industry to it's gleaning profits.
They knew what they were doing in this. The cancer was utilized to study the effects of specific cancer growths in gene regeneration in cells for "immortality". It was also weaponized to murder in mass or in singular effect. It was thee most massive experiment ever undertaken on one set of virus in conditioning them to specific races, humans and body parts.
View transcript with paragraphs - Dotsub
dotsub.com/view/c107beae-4ad6-4f6d-bd0f-bf557256e078/.../engIn fact, Fort Detrick's own history recalls it being a large sophisticated BW testing center. ... in 1969 there were not simply 7 germs that America had weaponized. ... This developing cancer industry really got a “shot in the arm,” back in the 1950s ...
So the next time someone re posts articles here on other sites and calls them "entertaining", think again you ignorant as this blog deals in the facts and the question should be arising in what psychological forensist Jerome Corsi was invited on George Obama Nouri's Coast to Coast AM to lie to the public that Hugo Chavez was not assassinated by a cancer bio weapon?
The fact is the Mockingbird hysteria produced by intelligence to cover up the polio monkey virus assault on the world, had cancer being caused by smoking, eat food, microwaves and wearing tight underwear, when he underlying cause was the first injections of millions and later deliberate injections as in the HIV mass innoculatoin of sodomites to study auto immune for the "immortality complex".
Are there indeed radars to ovens that in directed frequencies that can cause cancers, as a Cancer Weapon that Hugo Chavez is being mocked for and that Jerome Corsi is lying to world over with George Nouri's Mockingbird assistance?
Let us see if there is any published proof......
www.whale.to/b/rifat.htmlAs a scientist researching into microwave weapons used on the general ... Australian scientists found this caused cancer in mice exposed to radiation of this type ...Electronic torture, Electromagnetic torture, Microwave torture ...
www.electronictorture.com/The people cookers - cooking people like a microwave oven cooks meat ... These weapons have been very refined last years and can cause effects comparable to ..... irradiation destroys your DNA (cell with damaged DNA are called cancer).Electronic Harassment Information - Technical Surveillance Counter ...
www.bugsweeps.com/info/electronic_harassment.htmlAttacks from high energy microwave weapons leave blisters, cause internal bruising and/or bleeding, stimulate cancer, cause cataracts, encourage tumors to
It would seem that some of Coast to Coast's former experts actually state that indeed there are directional beam systems that can be weaponized and that some of the side effects ARE CANCER.
Wow, what a search engine will produce if it simply is used. Amazing how when it is Barack Hussein Obama murdering Latinos WHO ARE IMPORTANT AS AN ILLEGAL VOTING BLOCK FOR THE FEUDALCRATS in cancer weapons and Gun Runner, how magically that reality simply can not be and Hugo Chavez just died of natural causes as the last thing Mockingbird desires is a revolutionary Mexican mob infuriated that Obama is mass murdering Latins with cancer and terrorism.
Odd is it not that Jerome Corsi who is supposed to have been such a champion of all things anti Obama, just missed all of this information with Obama reward recipient George Nouri. Yes Nouri had on Corsi as the "expert" and somehow lost Alex Jones and Inforwars Pravda phone number when this story needed to be MOCKED in Mockingbird and shut down.
I'm going to give a little background experience with Dr. Jerome Corsi. Dr. Corsi contacted me at the height of the Birther fallout in the late summer of 2011. His note was complimentary and in his being a psychological conditioner (study his foreward in the Dreams book of Obama in what his real expertise is that he admits to), Corsi mentioned "he thought I would be writing more on a certain person in where I was going".
At that time, I was working on the intelligence work of Edward Lansdale and others, which laid the framework for all what is taking place now in psychological experiments and murders to generate political results.
I ignored Corsi and began to study him, as live experiments are more interesting than clinical tests. I know that Coris and Ulsterman were joined at the hip. I know that this group was using the Lame Cherry blog for buzz factor as the things I was posting were things they had absolutely no expertise in or things they would be blacklisted for even mentioning.
There are many sell outs, minders, performers and pure snake oil profiteers on the right and the left. What all of this is infiltrated with are the above. You get things like book sales and websites when you are part of the steering operation and on the inside.
I will further this by stating that some still wonder why I left Face Book. The main reason was the Tiger Lily had had an accident that autumn of 2011, and I was dealing with regime surveillance at the time in I was very much in danger.
Into this that Ginsu female was bitching at me, and someone I had befriended in teaching them in how things work, decided as she was a lawyer to investigate me, violating my trust. The same time the TL was in danger, this lawyer decided to drop me a threatening note which I could not make heads or tails out of as it was off the wall.
What the lawyer had done, was a rudimentary search for me, and as the name had been associated with other people, she jumped to the conclusion that I was one of several people she had found.
In short she fucked up royal, and started ranting at me about lying to her which I never had. She did though start making snotty comments about a person who had children, a wife and a life in another area of the country she thought was me.
In legal terms, she had just stalked and harassed me, and literally used someone's children in this threat. I did not appreciate it, and after the second threatening letter, I began the process if she produced another note where I was going to file charges against her in her state, was going to sue her employer which was a legal firm for he stalking, and do all of this to protect myself in the only way money and legal proceedings would to keep others from attempting this ever again.
The lawyer after her PMS episode calmed down and then apologized, to which I ignored her, as having proven one is going to use someone's children to threaten me, that is not someone I want to have around me.
She then for three days posted snide comments as I was supposed to be grateful she had stooped to apologizing to lint like myself and then was gone.
I should have sued and ended my financial problems at least.
The short point in this long point, is I mentioned this to Jerome Corsi, as I really could have utilized his firewall in deflecting this until I sorted out if this woman was some plant from Obama or a late life crisis crazy trying to be a Matahari. It will be noted here that when I reached out to Corsi, his response was a kick me to the curb, with a "I hope you continue the blog under a new name as I do enjoy it".
That is Jerome Corsi. There is so much information on all of these people in the secrets they keep in the clutch they are all brooded in.
Now I have pointed out my children how all of you are divided up into psychological triggers. Mike Gallagher this morning was trouncing Lindsey Graham over Rand Paul, and I swear I heard him a few days before praising Gay Ear Graham. Gallagher's segment are the rednecks that Limbaugh can not cuddle with in the "nice guy" appeal. They all have segments, and Mark Levin has been told to appeal to the Tea Party and anti Karl Rove group, after this blog carved out that niche.
Alex Jones covered the Hugo Chavez story, because his source file is Pravda and appeals to that group of Americans in order to keep them from going revolutionary. That is what this is all about is keeping the cork on the right. Rand Paul's theatrics are the same in his VP audition and his keeping people from shooting drones out of the sky, because they will think they have a voice in America and keep it political instead of with weapons.
Paul then is savaged by the old McCain guard who are minded by him, and then the fractionalized groups pit against each other. It is all Tavistock and Stanford scripted and triggered.
You have though the information above in links, not just my lint covered word on things. Now ask yourself why does Joseph Farah employ Jerome Corsi who just went on Obama award winning George Naval Nouri's Coast to Coast AM to lie to Americans, and then trump up the friction on Kim Jong Un about his blowing up America with nukes.
I informed you exclusively yesterday that it is a probability that the dupe Dennis Rodman and his Harlem trotters had some type of viral agent on their person or their breaths to infect Kim and render him Hugo Chavez.
This blog is not Mockingbird lying to you. Now ask yourself why these others were sent out to lie to you, when it could be so easily shown they lied to you.........what was so important in this that they would ruin their reputations just to protect what happened in the murder of Hugo Chavez.
I answered this but will repeat, it is about that Latin liberation spreading into America in slave labor import. The last thing they want out in public in the cartel is Obama has been murdering Latinos in mass.
There was a Revolution in Military Affairs taking place at this time. Older biological weapons, methods of culturing and cloning them mutating germs, and mass-producing viruses, even recombining bacterial and viral genetics, were being advanced with new biotechnology. So the focus on weapons of mass destruction shifted from simple infectious disease producers to the realm of immunological attacks using cancer viruses manufactured in labs.
I was first to warn you children that cancer in the modern weapons form, is a two stage agent in the bacteria
attached to it, causes an "acidic soup" for it to feed and grow in, and incubation pool for the viral agents that these weaponized cancers murder people in.
nuff said
agtG 232
Though many people recall the Tuskeegee Syphilis Study conducted by the U.S. Public Health Service infecting 400 Black men with the deadly syphilis bacteria, few people ever heard about the Rockefeller Institute’s Puerto Rican Cancer Experiment of 1932 that killed at least 13 innocent people by injecting them with cancer viruses.