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You the Apostate

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I really dislike being the rod to you children and brats in keeping you out of the Obama Abyss turning into the anti Christ bottomless pit all of you seem to lust to dive into. It becomes old, as Jonah had just 30 days for Ninevah and Jesus had 3 years, but I am stuck doing this job of warning and admonishing the most ungrateful majority of self serving trolls, since the days of the Prophets.

The Lame Cherry is a compilation of the Prophets. I am Ezekiel. I am Jeremiah. I am Hosea. I am Amos. I am John. I am James. I am Peter I am the instrument to get the job in speaking as many voices as Paul was required to, to get through to the chosen few in the din.

The day will come when the the valley outside of Jerusalem will be filled with dead. The same will be the reality for the peoples of the west. The same will be for the peoples of the east, as most of them perish in their nativity and their best killers at 200 million of them in a valley west of Syria.

I know your outcome. I have told you, but it is bothersome that I have to be like Noah in repeating the message for a lifetime, awaiting for all of you to become so sinful, that there is no possibility of redeeming you to being human, and then you will perish by all the heinous means you have created to destroy yourselves.

Your master satan is with you. Your false prophet is in Rome. You are auditioning your replacement for Christ, as you all flocked to your Obamachrist just a few years ago in tossing the Son of God to the side of the road for your historic 44.
If there were masses of people alive, left after this, they would realize in the cauldron just how the cartel instigated all of this, and how the turning point for the world appeared and was revered in America.
There is an Abomination which maketh desolate coming. The abomination which made American desolate is the image of Barack Hussein Obama Chin, not in financial collapse, but the financial collapse curse appeared because you dethroned Jesus the Christ from your White House.

That should enough warning. I doubt that Jonah while traveling through Ninevah invested a great deal of time on every city block, but was like John the Baptist telling that generation of vipers, they were condemned and to repent and be cleansed from their sins.
That is the reality of the Obama 21st century culls. It is as the days of Noah in no one is repenting who is not already marked for Christ. There is not any Ninevah reformed peoples, but instead it is a state of Sodom in a sceptic brew of spiritual death just waiting to be aborted to hell.

Hell is not coming. You are going to hell by your choices in your disgusting existences overflowing with sin.

Stop sinning. Discipline yourself to the Word of God. Live this life in the holding of Jesus the Christ as your only Savior, and be cleansed of your faults to go and sin no more. That is the answer, but you have millions of Bibles, the internet, the works of Martin Luther and this blog, and yet none of you will change and that is your right of free will.
I just will not be responsible for your sins, and I hope that the 2 Witnesses appear to take the task of wearing these shoes, as you need affliction and punishment with a physical rod and no longer one of Words, as none of you mind and all of you are liars in being the dead offspring of satan.

You should be an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, but all have chosen to be apostates of satan.

- Lame Cherry
It makes no difference if this is America, China, France or India. This message is for all of you in all tongues.

nuff said I pray God.


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