As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
My Mom's Pastor preaches a message of compassion, in stating that you just can not convert people by pointing out their faults, and the paraphrase of it is, is that, "God is a God of Mercy".
There are two problems with this in the Holy Ghost directs me to messages of Reality and Truth pointing out the facts that Judgment is coming. The Pastor has a bias in this, in was a bar drunk and his brother is unrepentent, and the Preacher desires that his brother still will be saved. That bias though does absolutely nothing for good in the majority of people who need a swift rod to ther asses to wake them up to how vile they really are.
Sodomy, child butchery, infidelity, overthrow of Christian Government, does not phase any of you. You are worse than Lot in offering up his virgin daughters to be raped by the mob at Sodom.
The second problem is Christian leaders as certain as Christians are ordered to preach the Gospel, discern evil, and to shake the dust off your shoes leaving evil to it's chosen fate. There is no coddling evil and being nice to it. St. Paul turned evil people over to satan to be chastised and St. Paul noted that people who took communion and were evil, received all sorts of curses for their being unrepentent.
God is a Merciful God, but that Mercy destroys evil nations so they do not infect other moral peoples, and puts an end to their creating new generations of evil children who will devolve into something worse.
My Bible reading this day was, Isaiah 13, verses, 8 and 9.
"And they (of Babylon) shall be dismayed and terrified, pangs and sorrows shall take hold of them, they shall be in pain as a woman in child birth. They will gaze stupefied and aghast at one another, their faces wil be aflame [from the affects of unprecidented warfare]
Behold, the Day of the Lord is coming! - fierce, with wrath and raging anger - to make the land and the whore eart a desolation, and to destroy out of it its sinners.
References: Isaiah 2: 10-22, Revelation 19: 11-21
This Prophecy already took place in a first advent in the destruction of Babylon by the Persians in Cyrus the Great. It will have a second advent in the End Times, and you will notice in this that God is not going to have any Mercy, but it is going to be fierce, with wrath and raging anger, at all of you sinners, because of your personal and national sins.
Your pied piper image Obama has fiddled with the world and now in kindled policy has set the stage for a nuclear inferno, a burning chemical warfare and a plague of biological germs, as everything will be unleashed by these Godless demoniacs which with satan are possessing Christ's world, which all of you people have handed over to the devil.
None of this is going to be good. You are going to be filled with terror, curled up in the fetal position in having no hope, and you will seek death eventually, and not find it as a way out.
All of this evil and rebellion against God which you thought you got away with, is there in that cup and the time will certainly come, when it will be unleashed to the last drop on every one of you, and it will follow you into hell, and be your conviction at your trial before Jesus.
I sit here amused and dumbfounded at those who get off on this, and the other cowering sect which thinks just because they stole from Lame Cherry and now are hiding, that somehow they do not owe anything and God will not follow them.
The reality is, THEFT is of satan. Your master satan holds all of your richtard accounts and the reality is, satan never allows you to pay it off, but demands ever larger interest payments in immoral flesh and corrupt souls as you prey on others. You are not getting away with anything. You are not God's, and your Obama is not going to save you. You have nothing and what you have is slipping through your hands, and you know how powerless you are, and daily that fear grips you to greater terror.
Jesus is Thee only Way out of this, but you are afraid of facing Him in Truth, so you prop up the fiction of you, in how wonderful you are, when in reality, the reason is your life was so great up until now, is the fact that you have been a tool of satan and not God's instrument. The devil never attacks it's own.
The Holy Ghost warns that foreigners are assembling from the "north". That would be the Asian cast and one day they will come. That day is out there yet, as each of you is not to that point in time yet. Deuteronomy 28 lays out the curses, and the threshold is now your all being debtors, sickly, your children dying, foreigners coming into your lands and taking what was your nation, and terrorism and the flashpoint wars. You have just begun the period of the first sorrows. Thee worst is still to come to the last sin in repayment to each of you.
I had always thought of myself as St. James, but God formed me into a St. John with a message of Love, which almost destroyed me in some of thee most heinous people on earth. The reality is from the messages appearing here, something has changed, and I honestly have been kind to each of you, for the unleashing of the sword which should be. I am just parrying and toying with you, as none of this is as harsh as it should be. The time for the deepest plunges will come by other hands. I am relieved that being an elder Spiritual servan of God that others will come to unleash upon you, as I care nothing for any of this. The deluded pontificate and rant, but it only reveals their weakness and hurt. It is better to do the work of the Lord, that He wills, in a quiet voice, as no one can grab power which God does not allow.
I am grateful to God to have experienced this in being His instrument in a silent and blind world. I am equally curious as to the time when the others will appear to fulfill their roles for the Glory of the Father in Heaven. It is enough to be the elder, who prepared the Way from the wilderness, for others who will do greater signs and wonders. I can tell inside of me, that I left the world long ago, and by the feelings in the Spirit in me, that the foundation upon which we are built, has other hewn work to fit together. I have whetted the edge of those who will cut to the quick.
I speak to you brats in charity, for with God's reckoning for you which is complete, there is no joy in your end, and the sorrow of your wasted existences is passing, as the only Joy is the Lord Recompensing in balancing the scales in Judgment upon you.
For my children, I give you to huddle under the wings of Holy Angels, brooded in the Spiritual nest of the Lord. Think not of darkness, but the Light of God which lightens the world shining through you.
The period of Spiritual Grace has come to the close of this age.
Amen and Amen
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