Channel: Lame Cherry
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The End of Lame Cherry


As I sit here typing this, the Net Neutrality illegal taxation mandate has been unleashed upon America and the world, but it will be legal as Obamacare is just another illegal tax meant to destroy individual liberty by inflating costs on business and people, so they are forced to change their choices, all so they can try and survive a few more months.

Rush Hudson Limbaugh III was being prodded by his emailers to compare this all to what the Chicoms have done in China. I was amused at that, as one of my largest viewing groups in this world are the Chinese existing under communism. Another large group is the Ukrainian and Russian groups. Yes in a world of domestic censorship, all of these regimes banning sites, have no problem with their people viewing the Lame Cherry.........unlike the United States Navy for example.

What the richtards who are fast approaching the time of losing the opportunity to donate that 350 000 dollar donation, as when this blog vanishes, they are not going to have any way to appease God nor make it up to me, as I will gone with the wind, should face is like all of you, just how blind, deaf and literally dumb minded you are going to be without me pointing out the things I do all the time.
This week, you had your eyes opened to the group which has arrested control from the Obama regime, in the house cleaning they have begun against Obama supporters, how the gun rules are going to change, how the dark side led by Eric Holder is being forced out in a coup. For those who do not get the importance of this, they should experience what it was like in trying to post things, as blogspot froze, would not post, things would spin endlessly in loading, and I had to close projects down, reload, republish manually, just to get these words to you.
The elite are most interested in what is being printed here. They have a game of ascention taking place in the shadows which is manifesting, and Mockingbird is diverting attention, but I have pointed out what is appearing by the signs again. I am not a threat so to speak in this, but I have opened your eyes to the phase which is going to be killing numbers of you in the future years.
See you are still caught on the Obama curve and while the regime is playing dictator and despot by the image again to extort money from internet giants not of their group, you my children and beloved brats, are still the same blind sheep bleating along, and unless someone tells you of the change in things, you will never figure any of it out.

I am by God's Grace always going to know things, because God speaks to me. I am still going to have the same warped humor show I have TL suffer through that you get glimpses of in my satire and smart ass remarks here. I have lanced the Spiritual need here in speaking what required being said, but this blog is not me, and I will still have all the information, but I no longer have the need to tell people and educate them all which is out there that I know of.
You will be in the dark, as I have stated when this blog disappears, and it will be the worst time in world history to go along tripping over your own feet at mid day. Yeah Obama can pay  you richtards off in illegal billion dollar Treasury money dumps as in the Big Med field, but none of you will donate, as you think you are protected or can hide from what is coming, but you will not be able to hide from the bots out there and in you.
Net Neutrality is about Big Net being captured in the web, to make it subservient to the masters, and not just pieces of it as Google or Face Book are in spying on you.

None of you ever knew what it  took to make this blog possible. I had numbers of complaints logged against this blog, in the Obamaniacs attempted to shut this page down, as it gained you the beach head you occupy and think is now your comfort zone. I was surprised the Lame Cherry did not disappear, but then the minders were using to gauge things and to track people, and it did serve a purpose in seeing how a revolution would not break out, even when all the information was before the people.
There is still the grande interest from the elite as a new corp discovers the meanderings here and judges what to do with, not the threat, but the final solution as this is a multi dimensional decision, and it is not like a whispering ant has any danger to a global sized fist about it

The internet is now gone as you know it just like tax free religion has been replaced by regime sponsored IRS intimidated religion. I do not care, except at the 5% ratio as there were a few good people who did donate to keep this limping along, and I do worry about them and those too poor to donate who offered prayers or kind words. Those people deserve better, but it not something I am going to care about the other majority as they sit by their swimming pools and take their jet trips, while I suffer and billions of other people are being destroyed in this global gulag. I will always have God and a Christian Conservative blog that appeared, as the only light on the media front now in the entire world. That part amazes me in how it came down to me and the attention I generate just talking to myself. I will always have the way out, but the majority by saving themselves have condemned themselves to what will appear.

I am quite delighted though as to what manifested Thursday evening in my asking the Holy Ghost "WHY". It will appear Sunday, but I suspect it will be too much information to get through your dense heads, but it explains all what will be taking place now in politics, and not one person spotted this to explain why.
I just would have liked to have proven that God could trigger one rich person to make a huge donation, as it would make things so much easier as I go off to battle the predators and attempt to make the brier patch less weedy for the end times.
My days are most pleasing when I am looking at metal measuring cups. Yes all of my three sets of junk store measuring cups have the fraction cups, but none of the 1 cup sizes. Amazes me like pan lids disappearing, but that is the dilemma of it all........so I currently like looking at metal cups and dreaming how nice it would be to measure flour in them. See I am very simple in my delights as poverty has trained me to be this way.
Money seems to solve things like the blog or Obamacare fines. It makes me wonder how they are going to get me as this net draws close on me, the only person with eyesight to lead the people to safety as they are all blind.

That though is not my concern, as I can not be concerned for others who have none for me or the other children of God.

I have to go now, as a nap was cut short that I needed to type this, and I wonder how the bionic Viking is doing after surgery. I keep thinking of the Bible verse in being given rest from our enemies we will be able to worship God in Peace. We never fulfilled the worshiping God part and now that is what I yearn for most, in just some peace to have quiet from all of this to worship God, not as a gulag slave whipped by taxes.

"How can anyone breathe free, when taxes are the hand which suffocates the mouth, taxes are the fingers which throttle the throat and taxes are the grip which pry men's souls to the deaths of their mortal coils?"

- Lame Cherry

You will find out how dark this world really is my children and my brats without this parental light.

PS: If black media can now retaliate on Obama's reverend Al Sharpton for billions of dollars in Al being the gatekeeper to silence blacks..........should not Rush Limbaugh face the same lawsuit in sucking up all funds from Conservatives for Mockingbird in keeping those people off the air?


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