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 As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

But first, why is it that there are pregnant pauses in a major COMMA, not coma for your richtards who have not been forced by God to donate yet....but a COMMA as in ,,,,,,,,, when Rush Hudson Limbaugh III and Sean Vatican Hannity I say things scripted like..........

the image..........Obama has.

Yes image Obama........how about that my children.

Anyway this is for entertainment, mine as I have a few hours in the arctic warm up, and the things is you will have on Sunday a real insider look at something again in Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusives.
Yes where have all the insiders gone eh.....long time  passing.

Our prayers for the Viking in going bionic. God heal and restore and watch over all their home.

Now we come to the point of this in you have heard of hipocrites, well there must be a name for Obama voters who voted for Obama only on the image he was quasi black. So the legacy of the Obama voter is they are now defined as NIGGERCRITS, as what is more hypocritical than to vote for something, because you are a racist and vote Afroid to prove you are not a racist.

Anyway the above is a photo of my new knife, given to me at the junk shoppe. See there was no price on it, and my olde neighbor was at the counter and when I said there was no price on it, she said, "Just give it to them", after looking it over in it needing an edge.
She like numbers of olde women here have fallen on the ice......all bounced to black, blue and green marks, but thankfully no broken bones.

Someone was on Mom's porch yesterday........the neighbor I am contending with in the Lord. He is an out stater and I dislike him and his spawn who spin tires on my road, and had a history of running over or shooting my cats. It is not that I like cats.....it is I dislike people shooting or running over my cats.

So this all ties in to the toad stabber knife above.....which I put an edge on, and it cuts sourdough bread pretty good.  I will continue to sharpen it, as it seems to be a broken knife some whizzer tried to make into a fillet knife, but all the same, I needed a knife for the dense sourdough, because Lord that stuff is like rubber and it bends lesser knife blades, so this is the knife I have been using. Granted it is not a great Viking knife, but it is the thought that counts with Viking wares, and this kinfe is God's answer to my need.

So like I was saying, that neighbor was in Mom's porch and TL said, there is someone in the porch, so I went out to see what was skulking around out there and it was the out stater.
So I asked like, how can I help you.......and out stater said, "Have you seen my little poochie?"

So I answered like, "No I have not seen the dog."

Apparently the dog got out to wee wee, and went wee wee wee wee all away from home. I said I would keep an eye out for the poochie and I could see he was upset.......probably the old lady was chewing his ass as it was most likely her dog and he got it killed.

What this has to do with things is what I have been warning the richtards of. As Tarzan said in the cartoon......."the tides of battle turn".

A number of demons have been murdering things around here and trying to murder us. I have had enough of this nonsense and the wave has turned. That is what this is about, as this out stater pisses me off, along with his spawn.
So I prayed on things.........like I prayed on those people who are raising wolves to kill things that they would get visited by it all.

See the out stater said, "I suppose poochie is coyote food by now."........and if it was not coyote, it was wolf, and if not wolf it was puma. See the neighbor on the other side of the out stater said they took a picture by their light pole of a mountain lion track........

So any way, I prayed that the animals would not get eaten by wolves, mountain lions or coyotes, but they and their children would, as why should innocent animals perish for humans being demoniacs eh?
So like this is the way it is, I am free of the problem of being responsible for a dead poochie as  I asked for poochie protection....but the poochie is food in the predator paunch, so all is well in the vengeful God I have Who is back to balancing things.

See what you do not know is I contacted my state democrat senator, who lied to me, and then did not answer, concerning these predators..........

Yes you say, it is just a coincidenc that the poochie got ate............yes you might even brush off that I was fully going to shoot the out staters dogs if they were on this property again, as I can not have them running around here like when I was away with babies around here.........so God rose up and knocked one off.

Oh yes the coincidence part......who do you think had an ad in the paper having lost their dog, not two weeks after the politician blew me off? Oh yes, the noted politicians daddy has been spending cash for ads looking for his beloved bowser...

Oh let's sing..........

Dire Straits - Walk of Life (Official Video) - YouTube

Mar 21, 2009 - Uploaded by Horacio Cabrera
Dire Straits - Walk of Life Lyrics Here comes johnny singing oldies, goldies Be-bop-a-lua, baby what I say ...

So this is now two poochies having been eaten by demon moved predators produced by the cartel. You do know God sent lions among the Samaritans to eat them in the land of the Israelites as the Samaritans were worshipping pagan and ignoring God right?

So God is doing to the enemies of us, just as He visited my transgressions upon me. I like all this equal opportunity and I would think that this would start having the richtards looking over their non donation shoulders........because you know in their lurking and hiding, that things are happening to them, and they are really scared as there is no hiding from God.

See I have no time for any of you disrespectful richtards and poor mouthers, nor does God as doing it to me, is pissing on God's person too. I am not going to make a big deal out of this, but place this as a reality that the waves do change in this battle, and what God does for me, God will avenge for you in time. Sure every turd is not dead and in hell, but God is doing what God is doing, and their time will come...........even if I know the months and years of their demise if the shadows of their lives do not change.

I would just add that it seems two periods in May 2017 and September 2019 AD in the year of our Lord are pointing to horizon times......but that is in the future where I reside, and this is about knives that need a home and how wolves, mountain lions, coyotes, lynx and crocodiles are eating the American pooch in a first appetizer for when the big meal of the feast of the fowls come.
See when I know things, post things, it gives them presence and more substance to transpiring..

Anyway, I feel sorrow for wasted lives in richtards and I am sad when pets die, but I rejoice in God's Justice being accomplished, and all of you richtards time is coming, whether you think you are hiding from God or me, or not.

Waves change.....people should not disrespect me, and should not be killing my cats even if I dislike them or scuffing us up. Things go much nicer when people are nice.


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