As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
When people lie about history, this blog is going to set the record straight.
One of the biggest liars in the present, is Rush Hudson Limbaugh III in his rather psychotic obsession with people eating who are the new American Diaspora, being displaced by Big Frac and Big Obama.
The past day, Rush Limbaugh made the statement that making people hungry was a good thing as it would make them find jobs......and Limbaugh used the example of John Smith in the Pilgrims, as they would not work and Smith refused to give food, so they had to work.
The problem in this for the half brain is it is apples and oranges in comparison.
First the, first Americans were lazy in there was work in tilling of soils, cutting of trees and casting of nets, but in organized communities, they simply found it better to let someone else do the work, while they did things they wanted to do.
Second, the current Americans, are UNEMPLOYED, meaning they were thrown out of work by Big Frac and Big Obama in a deliberate economic impoverishment of Americans.
There is a far difference between trees, land and furs there for the taking to be harvested and the current America which only the rich hold all the land, you would get imprisoned for cutting trees and arrested for blasting wolves protected by the regime.
For those like Limbaugh who think that menial jobs that Mexicans will not even do, at eat dirt wages to work yourself to rationed Obamacare death, they fail to see the point that the American is not a Constitutional product to be a slave of the state which Rush Limbaugh desires people to be.
I wonder in this, in why should Limbaugh stop at just starving people? Why not hook them up to shock collars and give them a million volts to get them out looking for a job?
If food being deprived is a great thing, then why not water........hell how about air. Let's start suffocating people for a minute a day......and work up to another minute each day they are not finding a job. That would put a real enticement to getting all of those people off unemployment and get them to work if they were turning blue each day.
I have stated before that Rush Limbaugh does not speak for Conservatism. Rush Limbaugh speaks for feudalism which is the same thing image Obama does. It degrades humanity to being wards of the state or having no use culling them for a national socialized order where they die for a profit.
There is no excuse for any of this, and Limbaugh via the Mockingbird is speaking for each of you, and putting words into your mouth literally, that it is a fine thing to starve people to light a fire under them to find a job where no jobs are available now except to Mexicans or Asians.
Limbaugh's understanding of history seems to warp into Salem Witch Trials in drowning people doped up on rye smut was simply a Massachusetts public health plan for bathing to get people not to stink.
I am certain that Rush Limbaugh would be most pleased with another method to prod people to find work in our furnace blowing up, and what better thing is there on this planet than freezing people to death, as what would make Lame Cherry, TL and Mom get out into the tundra to grow some tomatoes in 15 below weather than frostbite eh?
Of course if Rush Limbaugh would pay that 11 million plus penalties like all the rich thieves who plagiarize this blog, I would be one of the fortunate few.
Ronald Reagan never advocated starving people to get them to work. Ronald Reagan cut regulations, spending and costs, so the nation could create employment and people from that were able to start their own jobs.
The thing is Rush Limbaugh is a product of the Bill Casey Mockingbird media which employed Rupert Murdoch to start FOX news for the right wing in America. Problem is that was all Bush and Obama hijacked and now Limbaugh is sucking up all the radio resources for his 40 million dollar salary and FOX is for Obama all the time.
This is Greasier CONservatism via Limbaugh in Big Frac and Big Koch, the nation rapists of the like of Warren Buffett and George Soros.
Oh and for those who wonder where Soros is, he is in Ukraine buying up resources there and trying to start World War IV by destroying the government of Vladimir Putin.
Nuff said