As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
If this was real terrorism, would it not behoove the IS, al Qaeda and whatever terrorist to keep oil prices at over 100 dollars per barrel, as we were informed that this is how the terrorists were all being invested in by nations like Saudi Arabia.....and here is the kingdom dropping oil prices in what we are told is a price war against......why Big Frac in America, and only after this blog posts that this price drop hurts Russia, that suddenly Putin is the target too.
We were informed that Muslims needed by vital necessity to keep off revolutions of their own peoples, that oil had to be above 70 dollars a barrel......and there is Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait making oil war on two nuclear superpowers, and driving oil prices below 50 dollars.
See if this was terrorism, terrorists would........why we heard shut off the Gulf of Arabia which would choke the world oil supply and rocket the price up to 200 dollars per barrel.
See if this was real terrorism, terrorists to save themselves, would attack key facilities in Saudi Arabia, Alaska, Texas, Venezuela and just drive that price to over 3000 dollars a barrel for their terror nest egg fund.
So as this blog is the only one exposing the fraud of terrorism, in how it is but a tool to extort money from Americans and Western peoples, that is the reality that this is a cartel operation for a larger purpose again.
That larger purpose is not to do a thing past two years, as that is what Vladimir Putin pubically stated would be the extent of this oil price deflation, as Russia is already promised her rates again, as the grande prize in this is more worth the long term gains than the short term pain of populations.
The fact is there is more oil in this world than people can ever burn. That is the cartel drama in this, in not allowing any more American competitors to tap into those reservoirs, as the world has reached a point that even if capped, those reservoirs could immediately be taken over and that oil would always flow to offset the monopoly.
It is about Rothschild oil based currencies to control the world and that is the grande prize in this. Shortages of things like oil which is common as water are the illusion, like diamonds, which must be controlled.
Highest Gas Prices of Presidential Election Years - ABC News › PoliticsMar 28, 2012 - The highest March gas prices recording during March of election years ... an "A" on gas prices, even though they are soaring to over $4 per gallon in ... of how the Obama administration has handled gas prices, and 89 percent ...ABC News
If this was terrorism, Russia and other oil producing nations, even the nuclear Americans would shut down the Gulf of Arabia and drive prices up again to over 100 dollars a barrel. Instead, what this is, is what the cartel has always been engulfed in, in using terrorism as a cover to get what they desire, and when their terrorists would only drive up prices higher to benefit competitors........then of course the terrorists disappear and suddenly little Islamic kingdoms can make war on nuclear superpowers and lower level elite.
Why you never hear this on Rush Hudson Limbaugh III or CNN. Just on the Lame Cherry in matter anti matter exclusives. At least for now, because if the big donation does not come in, this blog is going to change the structure of posting.
Now that your brains have been realigned for one more day, you can now go stumble back into the abyss to arrogantly think Lame Cherry is going to pull your rich asses out again.
This time Americans, like Ronald Reagan's oil terrorism, you get to benefit a bit from it, until they come for your blood again.
See you numbnuts, the problem is not oil terrorists in the 3rd world for the cartel, it is when those oil terrorists start taking that 100 dollar crude oil prices and keeping it in America, or America starts exporting that oil and taking in 100 dollar crude from the European banking cartel is not getting all the money. It is about keeping the American system killed in 2008 economic wars which Obama's regime stuck the knife in, dead.
You people have the memories of a wiped hard drive and could not find that ass with me putting both hands on it.
Nuff said.