As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I have done my job in warning you of what is to come, as others proclaim license to sin and false peace. You though are going to die in your sins and hell awaits you.
Ezekiel 33:4
Then whosoever heareth the sound of the trumpet, and taketh not warning; if the sword come, and take him away, his blood shall be upon his own head.
If you had known Jesus, you would have recognized the Voice here and done what was right, correct, proper and true, but you know not the Lord, neither Him Who sent the Lord Christ, so you do not understand what has been placed here and have instead blasphemed the Holy Ghost in unforgivable sins, as you have mocked what was placed here as mad.
As I have warned before in the Holy Ghost speaking, you are warned again.
Jeremiah 16: 6, 7
Both the great and the small shall die in this land: they shall not be buried, neither shall men lament for them, nor cut themselves, nor make themselves bald for them:
Neither shall men tear themselves for them in mourning, to comfort them for the dead; neither shall men give them the cup of consolation to drink for their father or for their mother.
You are going to die, both powerful and untouchable to poor and weak. No one will bury you as there will be a breakdown in the entire society structure and those few left will be intent on surviving.
Each of you is deluded into all thinking you are something special, that only you will have security and nothing will change in what is coming, but you will be the rotting corpses with flies as your shroud as neighborhood dogs chew on your bones and piss on your carcases marking them as their territory.
St. John Chapter 5 is your epitaph. Life is your grave and your existence is a whistling in the graveyard as a billion aborted souls walk on your grave.
Do not think that Moses will save the Jew or Muhammed the Muslim, no more than Marx the leftist or Krishna the Hindu. Moses accuses you before the Lord as the Law condemns you for the sinners you are at enmity with God. Muhammed and his inmates of hell, condemn you Islamics, Marxists and Hindus for they are not about to allow you admittance to Heaven in following their adversarial teachings, when they are in hell waiting Judgment themselves.
Hear, Listen, Understand, you deaf and blind, with hearts of cold iron, you will not repent no matter what and that end which you have chosen is awaiting for the day you are appointed for and you will die, great and small, for only Right standing with God in His Christ will deliver you.
If all you could do is steal from me in the knowledge here, but only come here to fornicate with it in claiming you thought it all up, what a revelation it is of you. You care not for teaching in the object lessons drawn here now for years, but only doped yourself with a Prophetic high, as you have no interest in God, but only lust to be God in knowing what is going on before any one else does.
You want the future exclusive. Here it is, you are dead. Your money has not saved you nor anything else you trust in, as you are in wrong standing with God and if you could not honor His servant here, then do not expect God to acknowledge you when you cry out in prayers nor as you stand before the Judgment.
You are Spiritually dead and in that day, you will be physically dead, imprisoned in torment.
You are the sign of the feral orange tomcat, displaced by fighting in your midst, and appearing here trying to usurp the white cat, and then shot down in the cold, with none to mourn nor none to bury you.
So be it. Amen and Amen
agtG 239