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inside the master race


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Between buffoons and propagandists, a cadre of misconceptions and lies exists over who Adolf Hitler and the Nazi's actually were. I am not going to focus upon criminal or non criminal activity, as Henry V is the hero of Agincourt with his English as well as Edward Longshanks and both of these figures were engaged in the same activities as Adolf Hitler in conquest, invasion and not treating the conquered in the best terms....nor much sympathy for their own kind.

I desire you to understand the Third Reich, for honestly from Day One, Barack Hussein Obama Chin was far more the lone absolute despot than Hitler ever was.

Germany for Adolf Hitler involved the Conservatives of von Hindenberg and the military on the right, the National Socialists of Hitler, and the extreme left of Social Democrats and Communists. It was not until the war that Adolf Hitler was powerful enough to deal with the right in Germany in ordering the military about. In the 1930's, the Fuehrer tread very lightly around the right and the military.

The Third Reich was governed by fiefdoms. There was the inner circle of Adolf Hitler, which included Martin Bormann and Albert Speer, with the entourage of drivers, staff and the SS bodyguards. Then there was Himmler, Goering, Goebbells and Hess, who in turn had their inner circles and almost entirely stayed in their fauning arenas, so as not to have to faun over Adolf Hitler.
As Adolf Hitler became more powerful, he became more isolated, and in that, the money was controlled by Bormann, security by Himmler and Speer would oversee war production.

Adolf Hitler never wanted war with England. He did not want to be Italy's ally over Italian invasion of Africa as it would violate von Hindenberg's maxim of not having an ally of Rome. It would as Hitler stated, "Place Germany between two stools and not allow it to sit upon either", as Hitler knew the English would use Germany and cast the Germans aside.

You have heard a great deal of the "master race" which was in vogue in that period due to Charles Darwin's evolution theories. There is a quote in this from Adolf Hitler which is the reality of it all, even if he did not like Jesse Owens in the Olympics competing as Negroids had an unfair advantage in being a more physical race compared to Caucasians.
Hitler wanted blacks banned from the Olympics due to their having a physical advantage over whites in athletics.

The following quote though as to Albert Speer from Adolf Hitler concerning Heinrich Himmler's incessant archeological digs and Himmler's trying to turn the SS into a religion.

"What nonsense! Here we have at last reached and age that has left all mysticism behind it, and now he wants to start that all over again. We might just as well have stayed in the church. At least it had tradition. To think that I may some day be turned into an SS saint! Can you imagine it? I would turn over in my grave......
Why do we call the whole world's attention to the fact that we have no past? It isn't enough that the Romans were erecting great buildings when our forefathers were still living in mud huts; now Himmler is starting to dig up these villages of mud huts and enthusing over every potsherd and stone axe he finds. All we prove by that is that we were still throwing stones hatchets and crouching around open fires when Greece and Rome had already quenched the highest state of culture. We really should do our best to keep quiet about this past. Instead Himmler makes a great fuss about it all. The present day Romans must be having a laugh at these revelations."

Granted the Germans did not comprehend they were original Assyrians in that empire, which Kaiser Wilhelm II was busy about in archeology, not understanding the evidence, but in this it is proven that Adolf Hitler contended nothing of the sort of this Aryan past which is heaped upon him. It was instead one of the Nazi fiefdoms following this lead, as Adolf Hitler was envisioning a generation of Nordic types of blue eyed, strong bodied and intelligently aggressive children in one empire from Norway to the mountains of Italy.

It is not lost sight to Adolf Hitler that he was Austrian by birth, and gained German status in being appointed to a low office in Germany. While it was not spoken of for obvious reasons, Adolf Hitler would denounce Himmler in private conversations when Himmler was degrading Charlemagne.

"Himmler has made another speech calling Charlemagne the "butcher of the Saxons". Killing all those Saxons was not a historical crime, as Himmler thinks. Charlemagne did a good thing in subjugating Widukind and killing the Saxons out of hand. He thereby made possible the empire of the Franks and the  entry of Western culture into what is now Germany."

There was no prejudice in Hitler as he understood empire. The killing of Israelite Anglo Saxons in Germany by Charlemagne had the same standing as William the Norman killing the Anglo Saxons in England to conquer them. It was a matter judged of what was best for the advancement of the German or English peoples, as it would be their empire or some other empire of Rome, Russia or France ruling them.

In discussions of the church, Adolf Hitler derided the institution, but saw it not being able to be replaced by party, but transforming to party in the long term. He was a non practicing Catholic and stayed in the religion and ordered  Goering and Goebbels to remain in the church when a mass exodus of party members were leaving religion.
The following assessment is most interesting in Adolf Hitler upon meeting Muslims was told of the Battle of Tours which stopped Islam. To this he lamented that Islam had not won, as Christianity had too much "meekness and flabbiness" in it. Islam would have been a much better religion for Germans, Mr. Hitler concluded, as the Arab was not of superior constitution for the German cold and would have been displaced by the more active Germans, so Germany would have been the leader of Islam in the world.

What follows is another quote of Adolf Hitler on the master race:

"Today the Siberians, the White Russians, and the people of the steppes live extremely healthy lives. For that reason they are better equipped for development and in the long run biologically superior to the Germans".

Adolf Hitler stated that blacks were superior athletes to whites and should be banned from unfair competition, and that the Slavic Siberian was superior to Germans in physique.

The reality of Adolf Hitler always crumbles the propaganda laid about him, and it sticks, because the always experts have no comprehension of how Nazi Germany was ruled. It was a compartmentalized machine where each group efficiently performed it's tasks and at the head of the master race, was a master who disagreed with party science and simply desired a Charlemagne type empire from Norway to Italy for Germans.

None of this is to make excuses for the leftist Adolf Hitler, but it is to reveal a reality which you have been lied to about in creating a myth of Hitler.

It will probably surprise you, that in the occupation of France, that Albert Speer noted at the Hitler retreat, that they drank cheap French champagne, because Goering and his associates had confiscated all the best French wines and champagnes.
There was a movie which Himmler banned as he assumed the crippled main character was directed at him. Hitler ordered the movie to be released to the public, but Himmler bucked him on it until Hitler directly ordered Himmler to show the movie again in theaters.

Germany was fiefdoms and ruled as such. Compare that to the regime of Barack Hussein Obama which never was a multiple fiefdom, but one petty despot with inner circle from Day One. Obama has ruled with absolute power in his hatchet man Eric Holder allowing state crime for the regime while attacking and threatening political opponents. The Obama inner circle has always been one of Val-erie Jarrett with Muchelle leveraging more power as Holder enforces that power, with David Axelrod and David Plouffe the legacy and political handlers.
One noted the vast difference from the Clinton's rule, in Rahm Emanuel was flushed from the system as was the Daley machine from Chicago.

That is a glimpse of Adolf Hitler and his reality. He was about a successful Pan Europa of German Empire and the Nazi organism fiefdom ruled, as much as the military had it's place, as much as industry did.

One hears often the expert comments as fact of the German master race, when the above assessments voiced by Adolf Hitler reveal another reality off fact.

Why are people being lied to in managing this persona of Hitler to what he knew were German limitations. Why hide that reality and replace it with fiction?

After a meeting with Cardinal Faulhaber, Adolf Hitler expressed in the twilight this to Albert Speer in November 1936:

"There are two possibilities for me: To win through with all my plans, or to fail. If I win, I shall be one of the greatest men in history. If I fail, I shall be condemned, despised and damned."

Adolf Hitler often spoke in terms of his dying or having accomplished his goals in turning power over to a successor and retiring with Eva Braun to Linz, his boyhood nativity.


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