For those who need to be informed of in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........
image Obama as well as the entourage were ordered to stay away from Paris in the march of definiance by the cartel. For the simple reason, this is exactly as this blog predicted in the Obama shadow would wane and a greater than the Obama and the image would appear.
The world structure has currently broken down to a committee of socialists running it. In the advent, one will arise to solve all of the problems from the committee to go head to head against Vladimir Putin. That of course is the anti Christ.
You just do not have enough darkness to shroud and an anti messiah and an anti Christ, so children that means one wanes and the other waxes. With the passing of Obama on June 13th, 2013, and the image being installed, all fell apart for Obama. Now the image is waning, and that means an interlude of committee by failure and then the anti Christ will appear, as the Pater Pope is already in place putting the pieces into power as the Whore of Babylon.......just need the 666 beast to ride.
OK that solves that, and I should try and write something as our goatikins are on our laps under blankets as we chill at 65 degrees........with great news in we will be gotten back to on the 15th with information in how things will progress. Was only 15 below last night, but what do you care in your warm and toasty world eh.
Yes hell is toasty, but you can not prepare for it. Thing is you bit on the Obama worm fast and hard, and as it turns, you are going to bite even harder on that anti Christ of Europe.
Lame Cherry right again, WooHooters!!!!!!!!!!
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