As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
What most of you children and all of the brats do not understand is you have touched the Lord's Anointed by ever being here or knowing the name Lame Cherry. In that it does not matter for the Scripture is in the world and that Light is here to expose all of your sins. You have not one excuse in not doing the right thing or not one excuse for not knowing what to do, as it is there like the sun rising in the sky to stars in the heavens at night. You are responsible for your choices and by them you will be condemned, for Salvation only comes from Jesus the Christ, thee only begotten Son of God.
This morning around 6 AM I was awake and upset over the rich in this world. I am upset by their betrayal, their abandonment and their being the reason God's wrath will be poured out upon the world, as the rich lead the way in being thee most selfish and self serving.
It makes no difference if the rich read this blog, as the Bible exists, and all that is required is this Word of God to be posted. It is exactly the same reality of if you are not served by the Sheriff in a warrant, that warrant is still effective, no matter if you are ignorant or at home. Ignorance of the Law of God is not an excuse.
The Holy Ghost responded this morning in speaking to me in one Bible Verse He opened Scripture up to. It is Proverbs 11:4.
"Riches profit not in the day of wrath: but righteousness delivereth from death."
Additional Verse, Proverbs 10:2.
This started a revelation of Verses warning the rich which have always been there and active. Zephaniah 1:18.
"Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the LORD's wrath; but the whole land shall be devoured by the fire of his jealousy: for he shall make even a speedy riddance of all them that dwell in the land."
Having mansions, swimming pools, stocks, bonds, gold, diamonds or being an Obama voter or knowing the Bishop is not going to rescue you, any more than it did the Jews sold in the ghettos to the Nazi's or the South Vietnamese abandoned to the Vietcom.
God will make a quick end to you rich people and all that you have.
The Amplifed Bible goes further in the explanation of this in, Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the Lord's indignation and wrath. But the whole earth shall be consumed in the fire of His jealous wrath, for a full, yes, a sudden, end will He make of all the inhabitants of the earth."
Additional Verse Luke 21:35, 36
II Peter 3:10 cements this reality of what awaits the rich.
"But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up."
St. Peter in the Amplified in Verse 11 explains something of this almost 2000 years ago in the process was already beginning then.
"Since all these things are thus in the process of being dissolved, what kind of person ought each of you to be in the meanwhile, in consecrated and holy behavior and devout and Godly qualities."
St. Peter in those few words reveals by the Holy Ghost that the physical universe was already breaking apart two thousand years ago. I will delve into this in God states all of this world ends in fire. FIRE is created by excited molecules, meaning they are in an excited or moving at a higher rate of motion, as in a microwave on polar molecules. As vibration increases, heat escalates, and theirfore melting fire.
Notice that St. Peter utilizes the word DISSOLVED. Snow dissolves, meaning it is being transformed into a different state of a higher order. This universe will end in being dissolved from sold to liquid, and then melted to the point of being gaseous, or a reflection, of the Spiritual of God, but inferior gas or spirit will not exist in the New Heaven and New Earth.
In simple terms, you rich people are vibrating to what you are attracted to or possess. That is stocks, money, gold, jewels, other smarmy people etc..., and none of that is God or eternal. Each of you is going to meet the same exact end that Solomon, St. Peter and Jesus the Christ have revealed.
The New Heaven and New Earth is Righteous, the same Word from Proverbs, meaning that dimension is in the right or correct vibration with God's frequency. St. Peter uses that exact Word in Verse 13 explaining this God dimension.
You shall the Love your God with all your heart, all your mind and all your soul. That is all of you, with all your strength, and not just part of you, as you love your money or yourselves. You are not eternal and whatever possesses you is not going to be the answer when biowarfare, nuclear bombs, the police state or a Wormwood falling star is outside your front door.
The rich do not like hearing this reality. They like thinking their few crumbs from their tables are good enough for the poor and turning over the poor's care to dogs to lick their sores. It is a delusion the rich have, and it upsets them to hear how foul they really are, but the reality in their stinginess is when this message is no longer heard, and their cup of God's wrath is sweeping them out of this world and into hell, to Judgment before Christ and eternal death or torment in the Lake of Fire, that there are not going to be any Paypal swipes to help you prove you are not as heinous as you are.
The time to buy life insurance is before you are in the coffin. Then again your life insurance does not factor in that others only get life insurance after you are DEAD.
Look around at everything you have, all that pulls at your heart, and know that is it all going to be gone. It is not going to translate to Heaven or the New Earth. The only creations which continue on are those humans who are transformed by God's Holy Ghost, to be set apart from this world.
"For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"
Matthew 16:26
You rich and wealthy have gained this world, received your rewards in your luxury and you have lost your souls. The pitiful part in this is, you have proven yourselves for what you are by the pleading of this blog for donations. Either you have shown how worthless you value your souls in crumbs offered as you banquet yourselves like the rich man with Lazarus, or you have condemned yourselves in not doing one good work in Christ's Name as you are too tight to offer a cup of water.
"For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works."
Matthew 16:27, promises that you are going to be rewarded exactly for what you have inflicted upon the people of this world. Your treasures are stored not in Heaven, but on Wall Street and your god is in your pin stripe investments while you rob the least of God's creations in your fellow peoples, leaving them to suffer to their premature deaths.
This is one thing which upsets me most is being a vessel utilized by God to expose all of you rich people for what you are, and knowing in your smarmy state you are going to hell. Waste is abhorrent to me, and all of you rich have wasted your lives and are wasting the lives of the poor.
I would that you were good children, but you are brats and nothing can be done with you, other than God's wrath in a fiery end as complete as Sodom and the sister cities of sin.
You are as loathesome as the rich of Babylon, drunk with your own indulgences, and refusing to see the clouds of the Perisan Empire about to wipe you from the earth.
"Waste is abhorent to me, and all of you rich have wasted your lives and are wasting the lives of the poor."
- Lame Cherry
....and what if the world already be kindled?