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For Baby Rachel


Someone told me once that Faith is like sitting down in a chair and believing it will hold you.  Doubts are okay in satan sowing them for evil and God Allowing them as intended for evil to be used for His Glory and our growth, as this is about faith in our Salvation through Jesus alone and not about intellectual proofs or being good enough to "get" into heaven. 

The following story is how I found out the true meaning of faith.  I hope it helps.

When I was 13, I was Blessed to be allowed to fly to the country of my ancestors for my Grandparents' golden wedding anniversary.  This was during the spring and early summer, around the time El Nino was wreaking havoc with unbearable temperatures that had the natives complaining about the heat. 

We were on our way to the more cool areas of the mountainous country for shopping, hiking and sight-seeing with a hired driver, in a van without seat belts.  Normally this wouldn't have bothered me, but as night fell I noticed with no small alarm that there were no street lights to see our way or guard rails to prevent us plunging to our deaths as we careened around every sharp curve on the road.

Clutching the seat in front of me, in absolute terror, I thought "I'm going to die.  We're not going to make it."  And out of nowhere, this inexpressible peace pervaded me to the core of my being, in absolute certainty that I would be with Jesus no matter what happened.  And I stretched out on the seat and fell deeply asleep. 

satan and the demons lie in whispers and doubts all the time, sometimes through people that are tools for evil, trying to make God's Children feel isolated, worthless, and unimportant.  Don't believe the lies.  You are of IMMENSE importance to God.  He came to earth being born not to rich parents but in a stable, Lived a very uncomfortable life in putting up with slanderous and murderous people, hunger, want of shelter, and Died an excruciatingly painful death so that you could be with Him forever, in a close and Loving relationship like with your Dad on earth.  He wants to hear about your day from your own lips, the bad and the good, and longs to Carry you through trials and Dance with you in His Arms throughout your whole life as His most Beloved and Precious Daughter.

And now, Dear Rachel,

May the Lord Bless you and Keep you
May the Lord make His Face to Shine upon you and Be Gracious unto you-- always!
May the Lord Lift up His Countenance upon you and Give you His Peace

In Jesus Name Amen and Amen


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