As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As it appeared here first and only in the global media, concerning the reality that the cartel is sowing large, dangerous predators into America to wipe out your food, eat your pets and murder you in wolves and mountain lions, you might be interested that after this was exposed here that South Dakotans in eastern South Dakota could kill wolves to protect their puppies and baby calves, that the Obama Federal United States Fish and Wildlife Service, took South Dakota to court, and a Federal Court, ruled against States Rights, the right of the People to Protect Property and Home, and sided with the murderous gray wolf.
Yes the gray wolf, like the Mexican, now has more protection and assistance by the Obama regime than Americans, and if any American dares to attempt to protect their property from either, that American will become an enemy of the state and be imprisoned.
The South Dakota GOP legislature passed an exclusion law for landowners to be able to shoot wolves in the eastern region of that state to keep them from becoming established from Minnesota and Wisconsin, as wolves are heinous in murdering all things. The US Fish and Wildlife though has now negated United States Constitutional Rights and people can no longer protect their pets or property.
Gov. Dennis Mutard Daagaurd, the GOP Obama flunky of South Dakota who imports Mexicans like Mario Cuomo imported spaghetti sauce, had his chief crony in crime (only the insiders get jobs in South Dakota regime rule which is a crime) Keith Fisk of the South Dakota Game Fish and Parks "wildlife damage program administrator"........I type that with the caveat that Fisk and Daagaurd have overseen a rape of South Dakota wildlife in raising coyotes, foxes, minks, mountain lions and now wolves to destroy bambi to the elk, and myriads of livestock, as it is easier for lazy ass game wardens to have predators eat baby things alive, than to deal with South Dakota hunters harvesting the game they pay for to raise.
Yes Fisk provided these new illegal mandates which all people now must follow, as this is a federal ruling and it makes no difference whether you are in California, South Carolina or New have a wolf eating your pet puppy, and you can do absolutely nothing about it.
Ranchers are afforded the option of..........calling a local "animal damage control dunce" or a game warden driving around in a new 4 x 4 looking like the Gestapo, who then will "investigate......and then report to Fisk who will then "work with the US Fish and Wildlife Service" to do absolutely nothing.
That would take probably like most situations with the regimes of this world probably months to have them "investigate" as more pets and lambikins are assassinated.
Yes the murderous gray wolf, is now "delisted". Never mind that South Dakota has not had wolves since before World War II and are non native to the state, and are now being planted as they are all across America in a cartel scheme to keep Americans from their game, to drive ranchers from the land and to progress the reality of disarming Americans.
Sure Americans can 'take a gray wolf' in defense of your life......but sister, you know blessed well, if you shot a wolf protecting your child or grandchild, and reported it, that they would make your life hell and pay for it by hauling you into court to "prove" that you were defending yourself or your child. I am sure you all have iphones now, just set up, and ready for that moment to record, just like you do for robberies or seeing a UFO.
The Lame Cherry warned you of this, and while PETA is off bashing retarded Trig Palin for standing on a lab retriever as Ellen the Lezbo was wagging one up her tail, you have the reality now of what I was warning all of you of, and all of you blew it off as not important.
A murderous wolf now has more rights in America Constitutionally, violating Constitutional Law, than an American does. That is your UN and CITIES treaties at work making you a criminal. South Dakota as most states did, killed off all those large predators by the 1930's as Teddy Roosevelt and John Burroughs advocated in leaving only the good wildlife in deer, elk, turkeys, fox and mink, who are useful to humankind.
I told you so, and now all of you got caught in the trap set by the Obama UN Wildlife Service and being staked into Americans by trolls like Fisk whose job has been nothing but starting new mountain lion colonies and bringing in murderous wolves.
This is the disease which is inside America and killing her Citizens.
Great Lakes gray wolves delisted, federal monitoring efforts ...
Jan 4, 2012 - The gray wolf was first granted federal protection after enactment of the ... Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota and ...Ecological Society of America
Gray wolves delisted in Western Great Lakes area | Timber ... final rule delisting gray wolves in the Western Great Lakes area became ... as well as parts of North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio.
Feeling safe now my children, as we all have such fond memories of murderous wolves howling outside the Indianapolis Colts we all know this was their natural habitat and should be protected.
Damned Timber Wolves........become 'gray wolves'. There aren't any forests in PRAIRIE STATES. These predators are non native in all of these states!!!!!!