Pain and adversity... mopping floors... leaving tracks like Washington's men at Valley Forge...
This is an update of I do not know things. Meaning there probably will be just two posts per day for this month, as I do not have the time, money or means as this demonic and minions attack has taken about all there is in we have to get this 2000 dollar furnace thing ironed out as it poofing like an explosion when it turns off is not comforting.......and satan has the forecast for cold as Canada this week and there is no time to do anything.
My fingers are cracked and bleeding from being out in the cold. We finished roofing today that shed, but it still needs the sides, front, doors etc...., and 10 below is a bit cool even for me.
What this is about is I was pondering Mom and how my elder sister, would spend 600 dollars a spring on annual flowers. I never could see 600 dollars worth of weeds she never grew, but all the same, that is a hell of allot of money for something that is going to die. I know that rich people find the damnedest ways to spend money on themselves as they preen about how wonderful they are.
Sis used to tell me how she was so good in taking the geezer neighbor to the something or other.....hell she never did that for Mom, but that is the way it is. See Sis used to give Mom like 150 for Christmas, but when Mom slipped the collar, it dropped to 100 and Mom just burns that check to ward off the demons as bad things happen when that check gets cashed.
That is what I see in rich people. The wealthy can spend 600 bucks on bullshit, and their parent gets 150 bucks.....providing of course the caveat is, you have to show up only on holidays and confirm how wonderfully rich and successful you are, to make Mom feel like gutter trash.
150 bucks to prove you are a cunt and 600 bucks to prove you can't garden.
See for 10 bucks Sis could have got seed and raised the wee baby plants......nope too damn lazy as a tax funded employee, called a teacher. So she spends the cash on shit and treats Mom like shit. That is the way rich people are.
I have stated that America is dead and she is. I have stated that most people should just be on welfare and break the system sooner than later, as what is the difference between Obama Geithner dumping trillions of dollars into stock market manipulations, Obama shutting off oil supply in America to benefit Buffett and his rail monopoly to rob you, or what is the difference in Welfare phones as it is all robbing Americans, by those who never intend to work for it, or pay any of it back.....but stick you with it as they Mexicans gnaw your gonads off.
Americans are too honest and that is the problem. Mom always paid her own way, but it has gotten her nothing but robbed. No different than this blog. The few kind people who donate or write encouragement are few in the thousands who plague this blog as cannibals.
Things are going to have to get sorted out here. Right now I have no time for research and the few things God is telling me to write is just telling all of you wretches that you are going to hell. I am not going to worry about things though, as this is a matter of demons in the wire in the attacks on me, in drill bits breaking, the car not wanting to start and then something chugging in the transmission as people have their own problems, and I need to with God get this sorted out here, as at least now I have a roof to put things in the porch under, so Marie can get in the porch in Arctic cold and hopefully will not have dead we get in Christ things sorted out here in people coming and going through the house.
Amazing things on checking on welfare..........hell they will rewire and plumb your house if you are someone plugged into the system. I spoke to a gal in the prosperous GOP state of South Dakota and she informed me that her office had a growing pile of applications for assistance in home heating and more were coming in. If this is a prosperous state in the Obama Super Depression, then you know how bad it is in other states in everyone is like Mom.
I honestly hope the rich all become beggars and experience this in not having a damn thing, and figuring it out what real life is like, as the few people with money I have come across and are good, are about six in who have shown kindness to me.
I have to go shower now, before it gets colder and I would have ice on my hair. I really hate winter and I really would like to know what it was to have time to sit on my ass and recuperate. Oh well, at least with a burning side, aching back, cracked fingers, I know I ain't dead and there is not much sense in putting up with all of this if I was dead.
I know of a few that would appreciate me being dead. They really got too much time on their hands and my being dead sure is not going to solve what heinous apostates they really are.
Stove just went cue to vamoose.
Tomorrow get the door fixed on the pickup so I can get out, besides all this other chit. I hope we sleep peacefully tonight.
If some big shit happens, I will of course if I am aware of it, explain it by God's Grace.
PS: Thank you John B. for the story about the stove! It made me laugh and I needed that :) We will check out what you said.