As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
There is from history a chosen core begun from Phineas, an advocacy which strove for the 5th Monarchist in a political movement.
Such devoted Christians as Joan of Arc, Admiral Christopher Columbus and Oliver Cromwell, were part of this political philosophy in full or part.
What is the Fifth Monarchist?
"In such troublous times small sects and parties of extremists swarm. Already the foundations were laid for the Fifth Monarchy men, the men who believed that the times were ripe for the installation of the last great world monarchy, the monarchy of which the Saviour himself was to be Ruler; the men who shouted for King Jesus, and were ferociously opposed to everybody who would not advocate the immediate introduction into all mundane affairs of Heaven's law, as the Fifth Monarchy men chose to interpret it."
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919. Oliver Cromwell
Now you are educated in something you were not aware. As leader of the Continentalist Party of one, the Lame Cherry is entirely a Fifth Monarchist in progression and advocacy.
There is One Way, One Truth and One Life, that is Jesus Christ our Lord. People have revealed in over 6000 years of history that they can neither govern themselves to a moral state nor are their rulers anything but failures, as the populations blow with the wind of sin.
"The seething unrest of the army found expression in the creation of a regular political organization to oppose the organized Parliament The officers formed a Council, and the rank and file chose delegates, two for each company or troop, known as " agitators."
In short, the army became an organized political body whose scarcely acknowledged function was to control or supersede the Parliament; just as, prior to the outbreak of the American Revolution, Committees of Correspondence were formed, in the various colonies, out of which there sprang the Continental Congress, which superseded the loyalist colonial legislatures."
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919. Oliver Cromwell.
Committees of Correspondence and the Fifth Monarchy