As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
We now know certainties of the Latin Invasion of America. 65,000 creatures were contracted for in resettlement in January. By the 4th of July weekend, the numbers have reached over 300,000.
We know that Catholic Charities is now whole hog involved in this in promising to refund money to Catholics who house these invaders. Literally the Jesuits in America are now forcing Catholics to house a foreign army of illegals.
The FEMA camps on military bases are drive by in this. There is a quick nod and wink in moving these hundreds of thousands of invaders through the camps. There is even in rudimentary examination a physician reality that these creatures are exactly as this blog stated in thee most diseased and dregs of Latin states being dumped into America.
The United Nations has now weighed in, in demanding that these invaders be termed "refugees".
Include in this, that there are 750,000 "immigrants" being infused to America every year. These invaders are not being naturalized or Americanized. Factor into this that in 8 years of Obama, there is literally through invaders and ICE voters for Obama, that 10 million voters will have been created for Obamanism.
It no longer is a mission of e voter theft, but of literal vote poll flooding numbers which will tally off for those agents of change who will to exterminate America.
I have mentioned the observations in Asian immigration, mirror those of Mexicans, in the fact that businesses are started with offshore money investments, and that these businesses are then import points in vouching for these Chicoms in a continuous flow of this group into America.
Think of the Asian restaurant as the Mexican dairy farm labor invasion point which in Mexicans now is the commerce construction industry.
Consider these Jesuit refuse dumps into Catholic homes, and there are other religious charities involved as all of them desire to tap into the illegal collection plate offerings, that there is a finite number of Catholics to house these border busters. None of these Obama agencies are cooperating with each other. They in turn are getting overflow orders to swamp them, and with regulations as with disease, they would have to report the violations, but in these reports being thwarted, the Jesuits are now becoming the outflow hydrant dispersing the invasion.
As stated there is a finite number of beds, so therefore the United Nations is going to as this blog noted becoming involved in these camps to be administrated by the internationalists.
Factor this out:
1. America has now Jesuits who were the largest exploiters of the Indian Spanish population as the Padre lived like a king.
2. American now has a population approaching 10 million, joining a 50 million population of illegals, who are not America, are of the Latin mob riot mentality of being an organized community.
3. America has an organized flow, not for labor as was previously exploited with the welfare state, but a literal culture shock taking place as American communities are being invaded with latin and asian peoples who will in replica be exploited by mafia elements, and in turn become organized crime areas equal to Chinatown or East LA.
4. These invasion dumps are not into liberal areas, but are being infested into Conservative areas to overthrow the voting population for House of Representative to be leftist.
These are all slave labor peoples of generational exploitation. This is by design.
No one is contemplating that with the millions of Negroids in Africa being exterminated by HIV and the Obama regime promoting sodomy to continue this destruction of blacks, why is it that Obama Negroid did not choose blacks to fulfill this voting block, as there is already a black base to infuse blacks into?
The answer is that blacks are not the best profit structure for the commerce section. Yes they vote in mob for Obama and liberalism, but they soak up too much welfare resource. The answer then is Asian and Latin mobs to neutralize the still 60 million voting Americans.
You have just witnessed the greatest criminal attack upon America to it's genocide and the source was the White House in the Obama regime. 1600 Penn Avenue was running the world terrorists, manages the dope trade for the terrorist profits, and now is engaged in human traffick in numbers unknown in world history.
This is criminal to invade America with foreigners as instigated by the White House.
These Latins imported by the Obama regime are the largest BIOLOGICAL WARFARE ATTACK ON AMERICA in her history. For this Obama regime to knowingly coordiate with Latin peoples under the auspices of the United Nations to round up their diseased peoples, dump them into America by Jesuit Catholic Charities, is a biological warfare event.
This is criminal.