As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The rather mad John Brown who thought by his criminal actions could start a helter skelter for the Civil War was executed and witnessed by General Stonewall Jackson whose cadets were part of the security detail as there was much fear a mob would attack and rescue him, but none did as it was all abolitionist propaganda.
The following is the death of John Brown and deserves being made aware of.
"December 2d. John Brown was hung to-day at about half-past eleven a. m. He behaved with unflinching firmness. The arrangements were well made and Avell executed under the direction of Colonel Smith. The gibbet was erected in a large field, southeast of the town. Brown rode on the head of his coffin from his prison to the place of execution.
The coffin was of black walnut, enclosed in a box of poplar of the same shape as the coffin. He was dressed in a black frock-coat, black pantaloons, black vest, black slouch hat, white socks, and slippers of predominating red. There was nothing around his neck but his shirt collar.
The open wagon in which he rode was strongly guarded on all sides. Captain Williams (formerly assistant professor at the Institute) marched immediately in front of the wagon. The jailer, high-sheriff, and several others rode in the same wagon with the prisoner.
Brown had his arms tied behind him, and ascended the scaffold with apparent cheerfulness. After reaching the top of the platform, he shook hands with several who were standing around him. The sheriff placed the rope around his neck, then threw a white cap over his head, and asked him if he wished a signal when all should be ready. He replied that it made no difference, provided he was not kept waiting too long.
In this condition he stood for about ten minutes on the trap-door, which was supported on one side by hinges and on the other (the south side) by a rope. Colonel Smith then announced to the sheriff ' all ready'—which apparently was not comprehended by him, and the colonel had to repeat the order, when the rope was cut by a single blow, and Brown fell through about five inches, his knees falling on a level with the position occupied by his feet before the rope was cut.
With the fall his arms, below the elbows, flew up horizontally, his hands clinched; and his arms gradually fell, but by spasmodic motions. There was very little motion of his person for several moments, and soon the wind blew his lifeless body to and fro. His face, upon the scaffold, was turned a little east of south,"
Jackson, Mary Anna, 1831-1915. Life and letters of General Thomas J. Jackson
It is of interest that Thomas Jackson sent up a prayer that he might be saved as he might hear the words,
Depart ye wicked into everlasting fire.
Jackson doubted John Brown was ready to die, as he did not desire a Minister with him, and saw his wife the evening before he was executed.
His body was taken back to the jail and at 6 PM was sent to Harper's Ferry where the coffin was opened for his wife to view the body. It was opened again at the train depot before being sent on to Baltimore.
So many moments of history are lost and should be preserved.