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End of Days


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

At the end of another Roman Calendar Year, it is of import that each of you get a swat across your ass to wake you up. The point being is that in this life God has put you into, you have one prime directive.

That directive is not to have a mansion to validate your shallow little souls, but to have a home inside of you for the Spirit of God, to convert you from a rotting human flesh to an eternal Spiritual child of God.

That is what Jesus birth was for, so He would die for each of your carcases if you repented from chosing physical things, and making the choice for the Spiritual Nature of God.

You do not get Spiritual from Oprah, from Yoga, from Islam, from Jewry, from Hindu or from Obama Marxism. That is all demon dark wave which consumes. Thee only Way, Truth and Life is Jesus the Christ, the Living Thought of God, Who created each of you and the world, and is the only Thought Who will transform you from physical to Spiritual.

The world has been filled with lies about this in devil deception, but the reality is, you do not take Wall Street stocks, BMW's, bank accounts, Tiffany lamps or bars of gold to Heaven. If you need proof, just check and you will see that every rich person's goods are still here in the world after they are sent to hell.
For that matter, playing golf, jacking off to porn, eating tofu and working out, does not get you into Heaven, no more than trusting the Pope. All of that brings you death, as Jesus is the only generating Thought from the Father Who brings Life.

You can lie to yourself, elect an Obama and make fun of Christians or set in a Church pew thinking that saves you for your comfort, but you are still going to hell without the regenerative Life of Christ from the Father as provided by the Holy Ghost. Lying to yourself just gets you more worried miserable and testy, and then you die by your hand or the hand of disease in satan. The Truth is better and that Truth is only Christ gets you into Heaven.

It does not matter what you trust in, in degrees, family ties or any other nonsense, as none of it matters. God is not impressed by a PHD when He knows everything and God is the only Family Who brings eternal Life.

Yes I am here on this last day of the year to burst your bubble and inform you hell is where you are going unless Christ is your only Savior. It is better to make it the last day of this year, than to wait until perhaps tomorrow when you die, or the Great Tribulation when billions of you are going to be flooding into hell as your last stop before the Lake of Fire.

Each of you has to stop denying what fly by night christians you are and what minions of satan you are. You get coddled all the time and believe illusions and delusions about your goodness, but I know that if I demanded 12 names of people from you as references to how good of a person you are, that 10 of them would say what a worthless son of a bitch you were and the other 2 would wonder who the hell you are.
So let us just cut the lies out of this that liberals and sin ticket christians exist in, and come to the point of worrying on this last day of the year, that you are going to hell by all accounts, and that this is all your fault. Trusting in some politician to pass a law to make your dick up the arse sex perversion evil an acceptable thing, does not change the Bible. It does not have to be the big abominations as most of you are abominations in denying Christ as your personal Savior, and your only Savior.

I will not coddle you with delusions of "if you will repent" as you will not. You are the rich man living high and Lazarus is under your table dying. You are the ones importing Mexican illegals for profits and you are the ones sucking up bribes on Wall Street.
You are the ones who will be going out and getting drunk, in trying to figure a new year will change all in one day, for the shitty existence you have created. You are the one like all, who will be shocked to reality as you find out you are dead and on your way to hell one day soon enough, and then, you will be not calling to Jesus as you will have made your end as you chose all this, instead of getting off your asses and making the start today.

The only value any of this will have is to make the people with consciences slow down long enough to remember what hurtful people they are, and then have to be reminded that if they have confessed those sins to Jesus and stopped doing them, they are gone.......so they no longer are visible in the Book of Judgment which contains all of the filth of your existences.

I give you 5 heinous sins for you to ponder to bring a reality to all of this.

1. You voted for Obama, which dumped Jesus out of the Messiah role.

2. You voted for a democrat, which is part of the sodomite and aborticide abomination.

3. You voted RHINO GOP which is part of the chamber of commerce slave labor sins.

4. You got money from Wall Street which comes from robbing Americans.

5. You go to bed at night, not worrying about bills, what you will eat, if you will have a roof over your head and smugly ponder your new car, swimming pool or some other thing, while poor people suffer.

6..........Yes let us do six in you are looking to insurance, 401K's or the regime to take care of you, instead of God.

You don't have to violate all 6 of the above, but the above condemns almost every American, as all it takes in one sin........even the sin of thinking you are doing God a favor in acknowledging Him as Cain did.

All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. All are filth and all are condemned. Thee only Way out of this is Jesus, as there are how many million sins to get you to hell.

I don't necessarily want you in hell and God does not desire anyone to be in hell.  This though is not about God or about me. This is about you and what you chose as your seared souls harden even more to the point of no return.

Many of the fly by nighters come here for the Prophetic, in thinking that will validate and thrill them to being something more. It does not work as they do not comprehend the matrix and how God hides what will be in this time to drift them away, as He has already made known by His Prophets what will come.

This is you dying. People always die Spiritually long before mortal death takes them to hell.

- Lame Cherry

Nuff said

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