As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In the Yellowstone Expedition of President Theodore Roosevelt with naturalist John Burroughs on the opening of the Park, it was an American thing of the train trip, where Theodore Roosevelt was embraced by the entire nation.
Huge crowds would appear every stop, and even where no stop was intended on some Dakota prairie, there would be a school marm with her pupils by the tracks waiting to see the train, and Teddy rushing out to wave at them from his lunch, as he knew this was important to them to see the President.
John Burroughs noted the zest and absolute ease which Teddy Roosevelt had with the Americans. It was one family, and time and again, he would plunge into crowds who were embracing him, as he met with frontier people who had been his neighbors and friends.
Teddy would time and again call people by their names, and recall some codger had fixed the lock on his gun to the smiths delight in being remembered.
Mr. Burroughs was a refined man, but he understood the deep and abiding fraternity which Americans had with Theodore Roosevelt. There was none of the coastal snobbery against "fly over country", but an admittance of his ignorance of situations he found himself in.
Upon entering Yellowstone, John Burroughs was given an ambulance or wagon by the military as he was an elderly man, while Teddy rode off on a gray horse with his military escort.
Burroughs though soon found himself bounced and throne in the wagon. At one point, he peeked out to see two logs in the trail and he thought, surely they would go around, but no, it was over the logs the wagon went, almost tossing the premier naturalist to the heavens and bruising him.
Soon enough the mules overtook the President, who stood aside, and Burroughs thought that he really was important as the President of the United States had made way for him in his "western send off" of a rough ride, as Roosevelt looked ominously at the wagon and old man.
It was not until they reached the fort, that Burroughs understood what it was all about, as the driver was not trying to impress John Burroughs, but the blessed mules had gotten to riled up, by the escort and commotion, that they tore off on their own, and all the driver could do was just point them in the direction of the fort and hope for the best.
I have stated that John Burroughs, the environmentalist, wanted the bears, lions, cats, wolves and whatever was a predator shot from Yellowstone, so to make life for "those animals which one could appreciate". He wanted to shoot a mountain lion and was displeased that the President was not going to hunt in his own Park, to simply keep the camp in meat.
That is what is wrong with the 21st century in California farmers denied water due to some minnow or the Obama regime flooding out Missouri River landowners to make a river run natural. Theodore Roosevelt and John Burroughs understood that nature was to be conserved, but not over the need of the people.
I have made known in the first address President Roosevelt made to Congress, after President McKinley was assassinated, that Roosevelt was looking to place dams on all of the rivers of the desert southwest and turn them into homesteads for people.
That was the great vision for America as General Nelson Appleton Miles stated in his American Tour, that policy in America in 1890 was to create a vast series of water impoundments all across the American west, and make it all a garden to bloom.
The Indian and buffalo were to be replaced by the large stockman, who would be replaced by the farmer, who would build the community foundation, for the making of the waste places to bloom as California did with irrigation.
It was not a ridding America of wild places or wildlife, but it was the association of the husbandry of the land and wildlife, because with humans, wildlife actually could flourish better through managed hunting, fishing and trapping than it could in the boom and bust cycles of cruel mother nature.
There is no preservation of anything. Even the timeless Rockies, Andes, Himalayas and Urals are all eroding. All is change and nature does not allow stockpiling of baby seals or mosquitoes. Things reproduce, eat, starve and die without management.
America is required to return to the Theodore Roosevelt, John Burroughs and Nelson Miles policies which are the precidents not yet fulfilled. It means that hundreds of dams and thousands of tanks for water are going to be built across the American West.
It means that from Alaska to the lower 48 that lands set aside by Presidents, since Theodore Roosevelt as in the Jimmy Carter land grab, will be turned over to the states for management of mineral and settler resources of a new homestead era.
It means that BLM lands as much as Indian reservation lands will be divided into 160 acre irrigated plots of the small scale production of truck farming, to increase American food output by 1000 fold for export to Eurasia. It does not mean an end to the Indian, but an Americanization of the Indian as was intended, as they are not some sovereign nation, but a people, who will like all people make their way on their own individual parcel of land.
It does not mean ending Yellowstone, but a management of Yellowstone in cropping the dangerous predators, so herd animals will again flourish in the park. It is pure criminality for one person to die from a bear or one pet to be murdered by a coyote in a modern America. This rapine must be checked, and people must be responsible to be engaged in the civilized role of hunting and trapping, for the benefit of wildlife.
Yellowstone must pay for itself, and the way that is accomplished is a hunting program, of set hides in a democratic fashion where all by lottery will have the opportunity to make once in a lifetime hunt at any national monument. The rich could purchase auctioned off licenses, while the poor could purchase a license in a set fee all could afford.
Environmentalism was John Burroughs fishing as he enjoyed nature, as nature has no purpose in enjoying itself. Environmentalism was Nelson Miles seeing arid regions and how they could be made to bloom by industrious peoples creating lives and futures for themselves. Environmentalism was Theodore Roosevelt selectively for food hunting in Yellowstone.
Environmentalism was the conserving and managing of resources for the pleasure of humanity, and not some psychosis manifesting from rich people trying to stop their pain in being stupid in allowing themselves to be preyed on in life, by thinking if a baby seal is not clubbed to death, that will fix the hurt some Hollywood producer did to them and their friends.
A baby seal does not lose sleep if Corey Feldman is crying over dead Corey Haim and a baby seal does not cry if Grace Park gets raped at a screen test. Misguided psychopathy in concluding if you can save some animal by not wearing fur as Bob Barker carves and rips reproductive parts out of pets, does not preserve one animal, as they then become roadkill.
Yes roadkill is from overpopulated animals being forced to try and find food in margins, because just like Alicia Silvestone can not as a rich person take on 5000 new occupants in her home, Fairfax County Virginia can not take on 5000 more raccoons without their straving, getting disease and dying.
Juvenile minds in ignorance think that if only death stopped all would be happiness, if only people had money then all their problems would be solved and if only they were loved for who they were that all would be at peace. The adult in God's Wisdom knows that if death stopped, the world would be a 1000 foot pile of leaves not decaying for starters and leaving an immortal population to never see the light of day. All of these environmentalists have more money than sense, and it never stopped their self created problems of being molested, abused and other things to hurt feelings.........and the fact is God loves everyone for who they are, and that certainly is not giving any peace to environmentalists as they hate themselves all the more and strive to legislate God from their existences.
Environmentalism is a racket for profit like Al Gore's global warming or the Humane Society's killing pets for profit, along with the racket now of "adoption fee" pets of RFID tags, shots and removing genitals.
Do the math in it costs NOTHING to use a scalpel to spay or neuter, and that is a 75 dollar charge. 1 million animals is 75 million dollars a year alone in pure profit.
I like Corey Feldman, but he is one hurt child in an adult form. The pixies who attach to him use him, for his fame which came from being abused. He chooses dark women to hide in, as much as his goatee is hiding him and he thinks if he looks mean that the world will not hurt him anymore. So he tries to do good, to make up for some satan assaulted weakling that killed itself, but first wrote a letter to child Feldman desiring to be saved, and Corey felt responsible, when he was not responsible as he is not God nor satan inflicting.
You just can not save Corey Haim from being a troubled soul no more than you can save a baby seal from eating itself to death or being eaten by a polar bear.
Life is a matter of 50% nothing happening, 40% bad things happening and 10% good things happening, and people remember mostly the good in majority, but a minority remember the bad, and then think they can fix themselves by trying to control an uncontrollable world. People are not God. They can not make things immortal, and if they could, they would only damn themselves worse, as observe all the problems which began when people were enlightened beyond animals into "the knowledge of good and evil".
People have been trying to fix that ever since in a world of chaos, and only been disappointed and hurt worse.
Teddy Roosevelt was a sick child who should have died. His first wife died after the birth of their first child. He went west, and his ranch failed. The west though in industry, hunting and self reliance made him a healed soul. He was almost assassinated. He lost a Presidential election which caused a world war that killed and wounded his children. He thought that his will could carry on, and in the Amazon it almost killed him.........and the disease from there eventually did.
Theodore Roosevelt had as much loss and pain as anyone, but he understood that morality, work and coming to the point of letting things go and having to trust in God Who does not inform people most of the time what is going on, as it would spoil the lesson, is what life is.
You can not change life. You can either live it or exist in it, and then all things die, sometimes in peace and sometimes in turmoil, as every breath a human takes means something died making that oxygen possible.
Never forget that Lame Cherry quote in "Every breath you take means something died making that oxygen possible", for plants require other things dying to feed them and that is where oxygen is generated from.
The correct mindset in this is not to recoil in sorrow in shortening your breath, but to breathe deeply in appreciation of all that life which all are connected in death. That the person is not isolated, but a part of something which is wonderful and set apart. I means being aware of a baby seal fur coat you are wearing is as being appreciative of a cotton sheets in all the insects, plants and animals which died to produce that cloth.
People see a baby seal as such an emotional thing, but in God's eyes that weavel suffocated by pesticide or that bird starving because the weavels are dead is just as traumatic event. One can not stop death, but one can appreciate the death by being aware of it to give life meaning.
America wildlife has become wilddeath due to satanic corruption of environmentalism. It is now a trade in human traffick and pornography, with violence, all a tool of the global order which preys on humanity in the most heinous of ways.
Human political evolution arises from individual savagery, to collective barbarism, to assembled civilization, to society caste, which then degrades into barbaric police states feeding on the populated groups and descends to organized savagery murdering the people in mass.
- Lame Cherry
The world has entered the barbaric police state and will soon enough in collapse willingly to a homocidal state, and there will be no Yellowstones to flee to, as like Yellowstone overrun with murderous predators protected by a police state, the world is a body of predators without license poaching the population in genocide.
There is a reason one does not look to oneself, but the Bible and not understanding God, then emulates those like George Washington or Margaret Thatcher not for political success, but those moral standards which brought them success, in Theodore Roosevelt's virtue, in no one can control the world or others, but you can govern yourself to act responsibly in your current situation, so that you can have a quiet life and rest at night.
If you need predators or plague to manage your wildlife, then that is environmental cowardice in the law of the jungle reigns over the forest.
You must be human and that means you will be hurt, or you will become an animal always in flight or fight displacing others or inflicting on others.
As I have been up since 2 AM as that was the start of another day, it is time for me at 5:41 AM to attempt some rest as the wicked provide me none.
THE STYGIAN CAVES of Yellowstone: The Stygian caves are still farther up the mountain,—little pockets in the rocks, or well-holes in the ground at your feet, filled with deadly carbon dioxide. We saw birds' feathers and quills in all of them. The birds hop into them, probably in quest of food or seeking shelter, and they never come out. We saw the body of a martin on the bank of one hole. Into one we sank a lighted torch, and it was extinguished as quickly as if we had dropped it into water.
- John Burroughs
The most beautiful of nature in Yellowstone, and yet it is an incessant death trap of suffocating life in small scale and obliterating life in cauldera explosions on global scale. Yellowstone is not preservation at all, but the greatest destructive force of nature, next to modern environmentalists.