As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The modern precedent for America in the Obama regime is not King George III in the least, but the treacherous King Charles I. The image at 1600 Penn Avenue has been utilizing this playbook of Rovian traitors in splitting the Boehnerites from the Tea Party majority to absolute rule with a MINORITY MOB OF MALCONTENTS.
I repeat that and you can quote me.
"The image of Obama ruled not in majority, but by the political slight of the rule of the majority by a minority mob of malcontents."
- Lame Cherry
"The effort for reconciliation was hopeless, chiefly because the King was an utterly impossible person with whom to deal. He had many bitter foes; but they could not prevail against him until he convinced some of his would-be friends that he was absolutely and utterly untrustworthy. He never for a moment entertained the idea of accepting his defeat, of abandoning the effort to rule as a despot, and of acting with good faith toward the people. His purpose was to play off the Presbyterians, together with the Scotch, against the Independents; as he wrote to a friend, he hoped to get either the one party or the other "to side with me for extirpating one another, and I shall be really King again."
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919. Oliver Cromwell
..........and my brats who is it that lays dead in the streets? Tis it white folks or is it black people slaughtering each other with the refuse ending up in millions in prison.
That is what the first Obama meeting at George Wills house was to recon in finding the David Brooks creased pants types to divide and conquer the right by illusion, as boot on the throat Obama was oil spilling and flooding out rural areas, as he was engineering the replacement of the American left in the Clintons with the brown and yellow streaks of Latin and Chinese forced labor voters.
"The left in America's most duplicitous and worst enemy for their political annihilation was the image of Barack Hussein Obama and not Rush Limbaugh."
- Lame Cherry
Who threw Elliot Spitzer, Rod Blagojevich and John Edwards, the three heads of New York power, Chicago power and Southern power into prison? Eric Holder for the Obama regime in removing contenders.
Obama has one color and that is the color of money. Obama has one creed and that is the annihilation of every other politician. Obama has one race and that is the perpetual revolution to finish off individual liberty with individual debauchery.
Quote me on that too.