As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
With the historic falling star of the image of Barack Hussein Obama Chin, it is at this point of this wayward zenith to just examine how all of you really are, as you are now more frustrated and miserable, feeling worse about yourselves, and disappointed like the dolt who went to Vegas on a drunk and married the transvestite whore from Mexico, and now you are legally responsible for it's 5000 relatives pouring across the border.
But first, let us hear from God in condemning all of you.
"And tookest thy broidered garments, and coveredst them: and thou hast set mine oil and mine incense before them.
My meat also which I gave thee, fine flour, and oil, and honey, wherewith I fed thee, thou hast even set it before them for a sweet savour: and thus it was, saith the Lord GOD.
Moreover thou hast taken thy sons and thy daughters, whom thou hast borne unto me, and these hast thou sacrificed unto them to be devoured. Is this of thy whoredoms a small matter,
That thou hast slain my children, and delivered them to cause them to pass through the fire for them?"
Ezekiel 16
America you are sinners, and unrepentant. The problem in all of this is, is the reality that you chose another messiah to get rid of the Jesus you did not want to follow on the only Way to Life and all your dreams come true.
The messiah Obama, looted your US Treasury for Wall Street, Welfare Street, terrorists and the corporates, and is now in the process of replacing Americans for criminal invaders from Latin and Asian lands, as they are easier to manage.
Blacks are burning down their neighborhoods as they are greater target practice for the state police as Eric Holder cheered you on for this regime.
Mexicans are the new slave labor class.
White people are on the road to genocide.
It is all such an insanity that 93 million Americans not working, oil companies raping your wallets as Warren Buffet the worst nation rapist in history is championed as the American Dream as his billions all came from your saving's accounts.
Americans are heart aching, soul quaking and back breaking, all from this change which Obama has rationed them to death with.
God's Commandments were rejected, so Obama and the minions of Congress and the Supreme Court, gave you new laws to make your sins not illegal. They gave sodomites marriage, and now sodomites are finding that marriage does not make them normal, but just makes them pay lawyer divorce fees, as they are the same degenerates they have always been.
This regime has pumped illegally trillions of dollars into Wall Street, Welfare Street and Home Street, and still all of you people are more miserable and riotous than you were under George W. Bush.
You people gave yourself license as you blamed George W. Bush, the GOP, America and whatever other boogeyman you could transfer your failings to, and in the end, you are still the same people now in a more degraded condition, as you went toward Obama and not toward the Light of Christ.
It is a fearful thing to reject God. It is fearful as you know you can never measure up to God, so you get an Obama to pass laws and apologize for you, but at night, it is still you in your misery and things have only become worse.
You have got to come to the Truth in you will never measure up to God, but you can by going to God and telling God how failed you are, and that only Jesus can bring perfection to make restitution for you, that you will leave all of your rebellion and revolution behind, and find some Peace which the world can never understand.
You start being God's in obeying His Laws, trying every day to not be selfish, and reject this world, and that is where you will start a life which you do not need regimes, welfare, wall street or Obama images to validate your being a horrid failed person.
I have new for you. Every person is a failure, completely. The difference is Christians admit it, and accept that Jesus is the Victor for them, so they can stop trying to cover up their misery with sex, booze, dope, piles of cash, bling or playing golf 24 hours a day in obsession.
America and the world has binged on Barack Hussein Obama. It has been a personal disaster for all of those who bowed to that image. Now leaders like Vladimir Putin have risen up to condemn all of you, for he knows first hand all the heinous things Obama has done behind the scenes and in front of the world in murdering Muslim leaders and replacing them with quislings like ISIS or al Qaeda to be run out of 1600 Penn Avenue.
Look, chances are you are going to pay for your Obama sins, as certain as if you banged that diseased Vegas harlot you got into bed with. You probably got warts, herpes or even HIV, but the thing is not to go back and get a second dose, but to get yourself morally cleaned up in Christ and end the life long mistake you made, and not let it turn into an eternal damnation.
It is simple. You stop looking to the regime or your wallet to save you. You start talking to God sincerely every day and reading the Bible, and you stop being an ass 24 hours a day. You are to blame for your world and not anyone else from this day forward. You either get out of sin and being around hurtful people or you chain yourself further to them.
The Holy Ghost and Jesus carrying you will indeed make the difference, but it takes effort on your part, as the reality is, satan is going to try to keep you as you gave yourself to him in voting for that image of Obama and your friends are going to mock and reject you, as admitting you were wrong is going to mean for them, proof of how all they are is a lie.
You either get this done today, or you will face Judgment before Christ and then it will be too late. No Obama is going to save you in that Court and no Congress or Supreme Law is going to take away sin which God states are evidence you belong in hell.
The Obama Binge is over. You are going to pay for it in high energy, more wars, more riots, more misery and poverty even if you are rich. You can keep being a sinner of the world in looking to this whore government or you can build a life in Christ as your Carpenter this day, and get something built where you will receive Peace, Joy and Love, instead of the stupor, thrill and gratification which you indulge in to make you miserable.
No one is telling you this, and you have rejected this message to you, so many times before, but it is a message which is there. You are waking up to how bad this Birther image was. Your life is an existence and you are still the same miserable person you were when you were blaming it all on Bush43. There is only one Way out and that is Jesus, and not some Hillary or Jeb who are tools of the same order that gave you your false messiah in Obama.
I can not save you. You can not save yourself and have proven it in Obama. Jesus is the only One Who is willing to save you, if you discipline yourself to His Way, His Truth and His Life.
You are feeling like shit as you awake from this binge. It is not time to go on another one. It is time to find the life God has waiting for you.
You stole from God to give to Obama to your great hurt. It is the moment to give yourself back to God to save you.