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Before there were Nazi's


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I place here a history of the communist invasion of Latvia and her capital of Riga. It is the literal history and perhaps when I place here the reality that many seized nations by the Soviets after World War I, cheered the Nazi's as liberators and cheered even more when the Nazi's lined up Ashkenaz Marxists and shot them down, to be included in "holocaust statistics" by the leftist Jewish propaganda machine in the west, the following reality was what took place in this innocent nation, and not one story is made of this holocaust of Latvians.

"A Latvian Soviet Republic had been set up, originally under Lettish and Finnish Communists. My staff reported that the prisons were opened and the dregs of Riga — once a city of a million people — were turned loose. Together with the Communists, they looted every store, every house. The people were left without food except at exorbitant prices. The banks and public institutions were plundered. Literally hundreds of innocent people were executed daily without trial in a sadistic orgy of blood of which the world has known few equals.

Clergymen, doctors, teachers, young girls were taken to prison and mowed down by machine guns. On many days as many as 1000 per day  were executed. Deaths from starvation and other causes were so many that coffins could not be provided, and bodies by the hundreds were dumped into trenches."

Herbert Hoover. The Ordeal Of Woodrow Wilson

If you want the reality, the German Nazi's were pikers compared to what these communists were about in their butchery. The Nazi's executed BOLSHEVIK COMMUNISTS who just happened to be peopled by secular Ashkenaz in majority, and that is why "Jews" were the target as most of the Jewish intellectuals were communists.

Herbert Hoover reported that after the communists abandoned Riga, that this "starving mob" of convicts attacked the people of Riga and this quote is as follows in class warfare:

"At Riga, for instance, the Red Army withdrew some days ago, leaving the town in the hands of a starving mob, among whose actions was to drive some twenty thousand bourgeoise women and children into an island in the bay, and the results are beyond all description."

Twenty thousands women and children, crammed onto an island with no food, shelter or facilities.

The Nazi never approached any sort of this kind of wholesale slaughter and nation rape and yet because these fellow travelers were championed by intellectuals and a 5th column in the west, no one ever mentions a word about what took place in Latvia.

That is what is abhorent about this in Woodrow Wilson knew and Herbert Hoover knew, so Franklin Roosevelt knew, but his regime was so overflowing with communist sympathizers as he was and agents of the Kremlin, when the 3rd Reich was destroyed, this same Red Army was left in charge of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania, until the fall of Gorbachev.

That is the real history, but no one makes an issue of the Latvian holocaust, as no Latvians control world finance and world media to make it an issue, so Steven Spielberg can make a nudefest called Schindler's List to pull the harp strings.

What about the intellectual Ashkenaz who called for German Genocide and achieved it. What about the communist Ashkenaz who overthrew Russia and butchered the Czar and his family while looting Russia of her gold. What about the Ashkenaz elders who sold their ghetto Jews into German slave labor camps. What about the Latvian holocaust carried out by these same radicals.

What about the anti Latvian crime which is equal to anti Semitism? What about Ashkenaz Maddy Albright in her anti Slavism in her getting away with the slur of "Those dirty Serbs?"

Odd how these Ashkenaz leftists never with their right wing Mark Levin types never have a word to say about equal holocausts of Christian Armenians by Turks or the Christian Latvians by Ashkenaz communists of the same era.

Who is going to tell this story but here?

"In 1940 the three minor Baltic States were seized by the Communists. Ulmanis was taken to Russia a prisoner and there put to death in prison. Under Communist domination of these three states, there again began a horrible era of liquidations, deportations to Siberia and colonization of Russians on seized farms."

Herbert Hoover. The Ordeal Of Woodrow Wilson

These peoples cheered the German Nazi for the Nazi were saviors from their genocide.

Desire another slap of reality?

"Bela Kun, a Hungarian, while a prisoner of war in Russia had joined the communists and had been especially indoctrinated for service in Hungary. He was sent to Budapest with a supply of gold to organize a revolution. His conspiracy succeeded and on March 22, 1919, he made himself dictator. He inaugurated a Red Terror, confiscated all property, and sadistically executed more than 2,000 persons without semblance of trial."

Before there were Nazi's, there were Marxist communists, so when the fascists arose, they were welcomed with joy as liberators.


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