As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Most readers are aware enough of the Armenian Massacres instigated by the Muslim Turks, against the Christians there in the World War I era. None though know of the reality of what took place in 1919 after Woodrow Wilson overthrew the Kaiser and allowed the communists to remain in power in Moscow.
This is important as it explains a great deal of the 21st century upheavals in this Caucasus region of white people, as the same situation is still taking place for the same reasons.
The Americans had collected for the Christian Armenians who were under both Turk and Czarist Russia due to their hardships. It was in this that the American near east committee under Cleveland Dodge and Arthur James approached Howard Heinz who worked for Herbert Hoover who was managing Eurasian food relief after World War I, that there was dire need for help in Armenia.
The short form of this story is, the Georgians and Azerbijanis were persecuting the Armenian Christians as they hated them, and the Turks were driving them out of Turkey where 500,000 refugees poured into Armenia.
Starvation was taking place, and typhus which is spread by lice, was killing Armenians by 200,000.
In this advent, the Georgians had the only rail line into Armenia, which was under British control for the British access to their oil pipeline.
The Georgians were extorting 2000 tons of food per month in shipments for the use of their rail lines.
The situation became one that even with American support, and cereal grains to be plant for an August harvest, that the Armenians were eating their own dead in order to survive. Once again, this was a Christian population having genocide performed against it, and it was deemed "that what little could be done was all that would be done.
This was all known and little was done to save these people, as is still the case in this region today in it is still a matter of oil pipelines and various regional entities in Russia to Turkey to Muslims are inflicting upon it.
Armenia in 1919 should have had carved out for it access to the Persian Gulf and it certainly should have been accomplished in the 21st century war of George W. Bush in ousting Sadam Hussein. These peoples deserve better than what they have received, and it is a fact, they have suffered worse than the Jews ever have, but because Armenians are Christians, and do not have Ashkenaz press, they are not a celebrity event gaining billions in all sorts of aid.
nuff said